Tag Archives: paleo

Low Carb Pastitsio

Low Carb PastitsioLow Carb PastitsioLow Carb PastitsioLow Carb Pastitsio is Greek food at its best. If you have never had Pastitsio (and most people have not) you are in for a real treat and the good news is, if you have never had it made with long tubular ziti then you have nothing to compare it with. Coupled with a Greek Salad and Creamy Feta Dressing you have a perfectly terrific all-inclusive meal. In the beginning of my lowcarb days I used to make this all the time with spaghetti squash but with the advent of the zero carb Egg White Noodles this low carb Pastitsio is now so much better. I didn’t have a website so of course I didn’t any take pictures. You are just going to have to trust me on this and it is fantastic.

11 years ago, In 2014, I originally took the basic recipe from http://www.sheepscreek.com/recipes/pastitsio.html for my own version of low carb pastitsio/spaghetti squash and as far as I could tell this was the only authentic recipe on the internet. I replaced the ziti pasta with spaghetti squash, and tweaked the sauces. The first time I made this I followed the exact recipe using whole eggs in the thick sauce. What a disaster and really, I should have known. When you cook whole eggs, duh, they scramble. All was not lost as I just strained the sauce which worked beautifully and now of course I use just the yolks. The Lamb is a Bolognese, very thick & very rich and you do not want any liquid left in it.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Thin Sauce
  1. 1 Cup Heavy Cream
  2. 1 Egg Yolk
Thick Sauce
  1. 2 Cups Heavy Cream
  2. 4 Egg Yolks
Main Ingredients
  1. 2-3 Packages Egg White Noodles (I used 3)
  2. ¾ C Diced Onions
  3. ¾ lb Ground Lamb (you may use beef but it is not as good and not authentic)
  4. ½ t Cinnamon (or a little more if you like)
  5. ¼ t Salt
  6. ¼ t Pepper
  7. ¼ t Grated Nutmeg
  8. 1T Garlic Paste
  9. 1 Small Cn Crushed Tomatoes
  10. 3 T Tomato Paste
  11. 1 t Dried Oregano
  12. 1C Bread Crumbs (I make bread crumbs from Carbalose Flour Bread) Totally optional, just traditional
  13. 2 Packages Egg White Noodles
  14. 1C Parmesan Cheese
Thin Sauce
  1. Gradually heat cream. Put egg yolk in small bowl, then briskly stir in ½ cup of heated cream. Keep stirring, add rest of cream and set aside without further heating.
Thick Sauce
  1. Heat cream several minutes but do not boil.
  2. Gradually add cream to beaten yolks (tempering the yolks) and put back on low heat, and using a whip constantly, stir until sauce has thickened. (About 3-4 minutes).
Putting It All Together
  1. Sauté diced onions and lamb. If you opt for ground lamb, do not drain the grease-it tastes great. If you opt for ground beef add 3 T butter. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, spices and seasonings. Simmer for 30 minutes, or until liquid has been mostly absorbed.
  2. Preheat Oven to 340° F.
  3. If using, sprinkle bread crumbs into an 8”x8” inch baking pan. Place layer of noodles in the baking pan; then add half the thin cream sauce. Add meat mixture. Sprinkle with ½ cup grated cheese. Cover with remaining thin cream sauce. Spread thick cream sauce over the top and sprinkle it with remaining ½ cup cheese. Bake for 1 hour, or until golden brown and delicious. Let stand for 20 minutes to “set”, and then cut in portions (Note that you cannot cut the Pastitsio easily unless you let it stand for at least 20 minutes).
  4. Serves 6
  5. Counts include with/without crumbs made from Carbalose. I have included them in the recipe as they are authentic to the dish.
  6. 6 Servings/Bread Crumbs
  7. 757 Calories, 25.0g Protein, 66.7g Fat, 14.2g Carbs, 2.7g Fiber, 11.5 Net Carbs
  8. 6 Servings/Without Bread Crumbs
  9. 719 Calories, 21.0g Protein, 64.7g Fat, 13.2g Carbs, 2.1g Fiber, 11.1g Net Carbs
  1. Believe it or not this is a keto recipe at 79-81% fat.
  2. Dish can be prepared a day in advance, adding the thick cream sauce just before baking. If you decide to make this a two day affair bring it to room temperature before putting it in the oven. Leftovers can be portioned and frozen.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Boning Chicken Thighs

Boning Chicken Thighs or as I like to call them, Chicken Thigh Jewels. There has been a lot of questions regarding chicken (when you can get it) and this is just a little ditty post about how to keep the skin on with the bones out of a chicken thigh. There is not much to it and you get the advantage of the fabulous dark meat of a chicken coupled with the wonderfulness of crunchy skin. No recipe, just a-how to with links and pictures to some of my recipes using boned thighs. Now’s here another thing: if you know your butcher which is great way to get favors once in a while, they can and will bone them for you. Developing a relationship with your butcher is a terrific way to 1.) Meet someone new,  2.) Glean information about meats of all kinds that you may be interested in, and 3.) They may have all kinds of other recipes, techniques, etc. that you may have not thought of on your own. (Yet). So let’s start boning chicken thighs.

1.) Lay out all thighs skin side down on the butcher paper it comes wrapped in. 2.) With a small sharp knife follow the curve down the center of the bone. 3.) Grab the hip socket bone and carefully begin to slowly scrape the meat in a downward motion away from the bone going around and around until you have have gotten to the bottom. 4.) You will encounter ligaments holding the muscles to the bones-just cut them. 5.) Making sure to hold the bottom of the femur, cut around the bottom making sure to cut the small cartilage bone away. Ta Da. Finished. If you somehow leave a chunk of muscle on the bone, just scrape it off and stick it inside the thigh cause nobody will be any-the-wiser. With the skin side down, cupped in the palm of your hand put them together and shape like an egg.

Boning Chicken ThighsBoning Chicken ThighsBoning Chicken Thighs

Boning Chicken ThighsBoning Chicken ThighsNow for some ways to use these little “Chicken Thigh Jewels” in some of my chicken thigh recipes and for you to use your own creative abilities. Put your sauces under ’em, over ’em, or beside ’em. There may be days (or recipes) when you want an easier meal or just want them flattened and if that’s the case then just leave them open to cook. I have found it easier to mostly cook them in a 400°-425° oven for about 40-45 minutes, but that’s just me. I also like to leave ’em on a plate in the fridge overnight, uncovered, which will give them a head start to give them crispier skin.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chicken Thigh Jewels
  1. Chicken Thighs
  1. See Above or Individual Recipes
  2. 1 Thigh
  3. 189 Calories, 18.9g Protein, 11.7g Fat, 0.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.0g Net
  1. Chicken thighs have no Carbs and no Fiber so you can eat as many as you want.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Glass Skin Chicken

Keto Glass Skin ChickenKeto Glass Skin ChickenKeto Glass Skin ChickenKeto Glass Skin ChickenKeto Glass Skin Chicken. This chicken has got to have the crispiest skin ever, if done correctly will crack like glass, and with only 6 ingredients is one of my easiest to make. Yes, lots of good fats. I have also included pictures of boning a chicken thigh and leaving on the skin just in case you don’t know this little trick.

I discovered this recipe on a site called Splash of Keto. (I followed her on Twitter), I have recommended some of her recipes and retweeted several of them and have never gotten any acknowledgment but she was relatively new at the time and of course was going to give her any benefit of the doubt. I am not the most adept person on social media myself so… She calls her dish Salt & Vinegar Chicken but I like the name Keto Glass Skin Chicken because it pretty well describes the way the chicken skin turns out. If you take a knife or fork and tap it, should sound and crack like glass. I have changed the ratios a little and upped the temperature quite a bit but it is essentially the same.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Glass Skin Chicken
  1. 4 Large Bone-In Skin On Chicken Thighs
  2. ½ C Apple Cider Vinegar
  3. 3 T Melted Butter
  4. 2 t Salt
  5. ¼ t Garlic Powder
  6. ¼ t Onion Powder
  1. Mix all sauce ingredients well.
  2. Preheat oven to 425°
  3. In a shallow glass baking dish spoon about ¼-⅓ of marinade in bottom.
  4. Arrange thighs skin side down, making sure you have room between each piece.
  5. Reserve rest of marinade.
  6. Marinate for 30-45 minutes, turn skin side up and now marinate for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Cook 40-45 minutes or until skin is crispy, crispy, crispy.
  8. Add all pan drippings to reserved marinade and serve in individual ramekins for dipping.
  9. 4 Servings
  10. 316 Calories, 25.0g Protein, 22.0g Fat, 3.8g Carbs, 0.1g Fiber, 3.7g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Hoisin Tartar Sauce

Keto Hoisin Tartar SauceKeto Hoisin Tartar SauceKeto Hoisin Tartar Sauce. I decided to post this recipe for myself so I wouldn’t have to guess at the ingredients every time I wanted to make it. So make it or not, it is fabulous and I probably will never go back to my older Tartar Sauce again. There is always a catch and this one needs my Sugar Free Hoisin Sauce but since I always have that in the fridge to make Peking Duck anyway, for me it’s easy peasy so…for the win it’s keto hoisin tartar sauce.

I have made this with both dill relish and sweet relish and I have to say I personally like the sweet relish a lot better and Mt. Olive brand is available at Safeway. I have also tasted several sugar free relishes and Mt. Olive is still THE best.








For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Hoisin Tartar Sauce
  1. ¾ C Mayonnaise
  2. ¼ C Pickle Relish (Dill or SF Sweet)
  3. 2 T Hoisin Sauce
  4. 2 T Finely Chopped Cilantro
  5. 1 T Grated Onion
  6. 1 t Fish Sauce
  7. ⅛ t Salt
  8. ⅛ t Pepper
  1. Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
  2. 8 Servings
  3. 160 Calories, 0.0g Protein, 15.6g Fat, 3.0 Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 3.0g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Vietnamese Shaking Beef

Keto Vietnamese Shaking BeefKeto Vietnamese Shaking BeefKeto Vietnamese Shaking BeefKeto Vietnamese Shaking BeefKeto Vietnamese Shaking Beef. You are going to see this most often served atop a salad and if that’s what you want then by all means do it and it’s what I did the first time I made it. If presented with just meat I would choose just meat every time. The Vietnamese do not eat as much meat as we do, opting instead for more vegetables & rice. My friend David Diamond @LDLSkeptic told me not to forget meats in 2023 so this keto Vietnamese shaking beef is for you David.






For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Vietnamese Shaking Beef
  1. 1½ Lbs Steak
  2. ½ C 1" Sliced Green Onions
  3. 2 T Garlic Paste***
  4. 2 T Allulose
  5. 2 T Tamari
  6. 1 T Fish Sauce
  7. 2 Limes (Divided)
  8. 1-2 T Olive Oil
  9. 2 T Butter
  10. 1 t Maggi Sauce (Optional and Only If You Have It)
  11. ¼ C Cilantro (Garnish)
  1. Put Sweetener, garlic, tamari, fish sauce and juice of 1 lime into a plastic zip bag.
  2. Cut beef into ¾”-1” pieces, add to bag, and massage until completely coated.
  3. Add sliced green onions to bag.
  4. Marinate for about an hour.
  5. Heat 1 T olive oil to hot, add ½ the beef and cooking quickly, brown all sides. Set aside.
  6. Repeat with second ½.
  7. Add all left-over marinade, Maggi Seasoning if you have it, and return beef to pan just to heat quickly.
  8. Swirl in 2 T butter 1 T at a time.
  9. Garnish with chopped cilantro and wedge of 2nd lime.
  10. 6 Servings
  11. 391 Calories, 63.1g Protein, 12.0g Fat, 4.7g Carbs, 1.1g Fiber, 3.6g Net Carbs
  1. Since good tender meat has gotten so expensive, I am now using the little known hanger steak. For me, it is the right size to make bigger chunks of beef as I like my meat on the rather rare side.
  2. Also good with paper thin slices of purple onion garnishing.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Chicken Hearts

Low Carb Chicken HeartsLow Carb Chicken HeartsLow Carb Chicken Hearts. Don’t ask why but I have always loved chicken hearts. They are super easy to fix and because of the their high fat content, they are naturally very high in the satiety category. I happen to pretty much like most (but not all) organ meats and low carb chicken hearts is one of them. As a kid my mom always fried the WHOLE chicken which meant the heart, gizzard, and liver and I guess that is probably the reason I have always loved them. I don’t eat gizzards but my Chicken Liver Paté is utterly to die for.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chicken Hearts
  1. 1-1¼ Lbs Chicken Hearts Room Temperature
  2. 1 Small Onion
  3. ¾ Lb Mushrooms
  4. 3 T Butter
  5. ½ t Salt
  6. ½ t Garlic Powder
  7. ½ t Paprika
  8. ½ Ground Cumin
  9. ¼ t Pepper
  10. ¼ C Minced Green Onion Tops Or Chives (Garnish)
  1. Slice and sauté mushrooms in 2 T butter.
  2. Cut onion to medium dice and cook to translucent in last 1 T butter.
  3. Add all spices.
  4. Slice chicken hearts in half and add to onions & mushrooms.
  5. Cover, cook, & finish hearts about 5-7 minutes and it shouldn’t take too long.
  6. It should make its own sauce as the hearts have lots of fat.
  7. 4 Servings
  8. 284 Calories, 21.0g Protein, 19.4g Fat, 7.2g Carbs, 1.9g Fiber, 5.3g Net Carbs
  1. I didn’t do it (I didn’t think of it) but I believe serving this with a dollop of sour cream might greatly enhance it.
  2. You do not have to slice hearts in half, just doing it to keep them from spitting.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Tiger Everything Dip

Keto Tiger Everything DipKeto Tiger Everything DipKeto Tiger Everything Dip pretty well spells out what it is in its name, and is another one of those things that I like to say is good on a brick…and it is that good. I am showing it as  kind of a tartar sauce dip with shrimp but it is also fabulous with all kinds vegetables which you may find in/on a crudités platter. It may sound a bit spicy but it is not with the addition of the sour cream or mayo. After you have finished with the Base and before the last addition of sour cream or mayo gives it a good taste because it is wonderful with meats of all kinds. So go ahead and at least try it because it is super easy to make and…good on a brick. Also great to dress a hamburger, dip Daikon Radish Fries & green beans into and etc., etc., etc.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Tiger Everything Dip
  1. 1 C Cherry Tomatoes (About 20-25)
  2. 1 t Butter
  3. 1½ C Cilantro
  4. 1 Shallot Finely Diced
  5. 2 T Lime Juice
  6. 2 T Pickled Jalapeno Peppers
  7. 1 T Fish Sauce
  8. 1 T Oyster Sauce
  9. 1 T Garlic Paste***
  10. 2 T Pickled Jalapeno Pepper Juice
  11. ½ t Red Pepper Flakes
  12. Zest 1 Lime
  13. ¼ C Sour Cream Or
  14. ¼ C Mayo
  1. Heat butter to medium high and sauté/roast tomatoes until charred and softened. About 5 minutes. Cool.
  2. Add rest of ingredients except the mayo or sour cream to small blender and pulse to a small chop.
  3. Scrape sides, add tomatoes and pulse until all combined and you have a thickened finely chopped sauce.
  4. Blend in sour cream or mayo.
  5. 6 Servings
  6. 97 Calories, 1.1g Protein, 8.9g Fat, 4.4g Carbs, 1.1g Fiber, 3.7g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Daikon Radish O’Brien

Low Carb Daikon Radish O’BrienLow Carb Daikon Radish O’BrienLow Carb Daikon Radish O’Brien is a particularly versatile dish and will go with just about any meats. But where it really shines is with eggs for breakfast, which I eat for dinner. I call them super glorified hash browns and can also be used with left-over Prime Rib, Pulled Pork, or Lamb mixed in for a fabulous hash.  Low Carb Daikon Radish O’Brien is wonderful served for breakfast on Christmas or Thanksgiving to kind of curb small appetites that may be trying to get into early morning candy but certainly sophisticated for the older palate. Don’t know it you can tell by the pictures but the radishes are cut to Brabant size.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Daikon Radish O'Brien
  1. 2¼ Lbs Daikon Radish Cubed To Brabant Size
  2. ½ Lb Thinly Sliced Or Quartered Mushrooms (Optional)
  3. ½ Medium Yellow Onion Small Dice
  4. ½ Red Bell Pepper Small Dice
  5. ½ Yellow Bell Pepper Small Dice
  6. ½ Orange Bell Pepper Small Dice
  7. 3 T Olive Oil
  8. 4 T Butter
  9. 1 t Paprika
  10. 1 t Salt
  11. ¼ t Ground Pepper
  12. 2 T Green Onion Tops (As Garnish)
  13. 2 t Garlic Paste*** (Optional)
  1. Peel Radish.
  2. Cut into approximate ½" cubes.
  3. I cut mine into ½" rounds, then into ½" strips for French fries, and then turn again for cubes.
  4. Parboil until fork tender, just like you would any potato.
  5. Drain well in a strainer.
  6. Cut all vegetables.
  7. To a large skillet add 2 T Olive Oil & 3 T Butter, heat to medium, add daikons and sauté cooking to a light brown, tossing every 4-5-minutes. They will take a while and it is the nature of the beast. Sprinkle with salt, pepper & paprika & mix well.
  8. In smaller sauté pan add remaining fats & vegetables and cook until just tender.
  9. Add veggies to daikons, mix well, taste, and correct any seasonings.
  10. 8 Servings
  11. 107 Calories, 3.2g Protein, 8.3g Fat, 8.3g Carbs, 3.5g Fiber, 4.8g Net Carbs
  12. 6 Servings
  13. 143 Calories, 4.1g Protein, 10.7g Fat, 11.0g Carbs, 4.6g Fiber, 6.4g Net Carbs
  1. I have given you a couple of optional ingredients because depending on what you may be eating with, this versatile side dish they can be added flavor. I happen to like mine with mushrooms and if you make them plain you can always add garlic later.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Bunless Philly Cheesesteak

Keto Bunless Philly CheesesteakKeto Bunless Philly CheesesteakKeto Bunless Philly Cheesesteak. I’m not sure but I may have had only one or two of these is my whole life and the reason is probably because I don’t particularly like green peppers. Well, I have been an adult for a long time now and guess what, I fixed this for myself only using yellow and red peppers and it was terrific. Now if you like green peppers then for sure go for it and I’m here to tell you it’s the herbs and spices that make this so good and…if you have your own favorite mix then go with that too. The meat I used was very thinly sliced top round roast and you can use the best meat you see fit to use. If you can buy it already sliced all the better. I rolled it, stuck it in the freezer and then sliced it again and this is the same meat cut I use for Beef Rouladen and Beef Stroganoff. You may wish to use your own Dry Italian Herbs and I have a sugar-free recipe too. I think you’ll find this keto bunless Philly Cheesesteak is a winner, winner, beefy dinner.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Bunless Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich
  1. 1-1¼ Lb Good Quality Beef
  2. 1½ t Italian Seasoning
  3. ½ t Salt
  4. ½ t Pepper
  5. ½ t Paprika
  6. ½ t Garlic Powder
  7. ½ t Onion Powder
  8. ¼ t Chipotle Powder
  9. ¼ t Lawry’s Salt
  10. 3 T Olive Oil
  11. 1 Slivered Bell Pepper
  12. ¾ C Mushrooms
  13. ½ Slivered Onion
  14. 8 Slices Provolone Cheese
  15. Drizzled Olive Oil
  1. Cut strips of meat. (See Notes)
  2. Mix all herbs & spices reserving ½ t & set rest aside.
  3. Sliver onions and sauté in 1 T olive oil. Set aside.
  4. Sliver mushrooms and peppers and sauté in olive oil adding in ½ the spice mixture. Set Aside.
  5. Quickly sauté meat strips, adding in last ½ spices.
  6. Add mushroom & peppers to heat and plate, quickly adding 2 slices cheese on top.
  7. Sprinkle with ½ t of spice mixture.
  8. Drizzle with olive oil.
  9. If you need to melt the cheese stick it under the broiler for 30-45 seconds.
  10. 4 Servings
  11. 610 Calories, 57.7g Protein, 39.1g Fat, 7.7g Carbs, 1.5g Fiber, 6.2g Net Carbs
  1. A flatiron steak is also a great piece of meat to use for this dish and it should be about the right size. Best to semi-freeze it, cut into very thin pieces and then cut into strips.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Daikon French Fries

Daikon Radish French FriesDaikon Radish French FriesDaikon Radish French FriesKeto Daikon French Fries and I can not imagine any recipe more simple than this. Potatoes have been a staple the world round for 1,000’s of years, the daikon radish, probably a long time later but I know for sure, as a diabetic, it has been good to me. Who knows, maybe if enough people ask for them in grocery stores someone would come up with a way to mass produce keto daikon French fries but until then…you can make them for yourself. Just a little TIP: Unlike potatoes, Daikon Radishes do not turn brown. They have the thinnest skins imaginable and yet can last for weeks, unpeeled, in the fridge.

All my many other Keto~LowCarb Daikon Or Red Radishes As Potatoes Recipes may be seen here.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Daikon Radish French Fries
  1. Daikon Radish (Allow 4"-5" Per Person Depending On The Diameter
  2. Salt + (Pepper If Wanted)
  3. Butter
  4. Yep, Them's The Ingredients.
  1. Peel Daikon and cut into less than ½” strips. Yep, that's it.
  2. Put fries into water and parboil until tender.
  3. Drain well and put into a saute pan with lots of butter or tallow if you've a mind to and yes, Ghee also works well too.
  4. Cook on medium-low until just beginning to brown.
  5. This is not the time to hurry them.
  6. When browning, stir to turn and continue every 4-5 minutes until desired brownness has be achieved.
  1. Yes, on occasion I have been known to add ketchup and or hot sauce on them.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Chicken Spiedini

Keto Chicken SpiediniKeto Chicken SpiediniKeto Chicken Spiedini and what a terrific way to enjoy chicken. Easy, easy recipe with lots of kudos, oohs, awes, & praise from your family or dinner guests and…what a great way to worm Ground Pork Rinds instead of bread crumbs into your food. Keto Chicken Spiedini is super lemony and we all know how well lemon goes with chicken. It is traditionally served with a pasta and the first time I ate mine with Spaghetti Squash…with much relish I might say and yes, I ended up eating both the smaller skewers. The second picture is shown with Cauliflower Grits and was more than equally as good. Despite the list of ingredients, these go very quickly with lots of in-between waiting time. If you feel lazy and don’t want to go to the trouble, you can leave them whole and just fry them in butter.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chicken Spiedini
  1. 2½-3 Lbs. Chicken Thighs
  2. Salt To Sprinkle On Cubed Chicken
  1. ⅓ C Olive Oil
  2. ¼ C White Wine
  3. 2 t Garlic Paste***
  4. 1 T Lemon Zest
  5. 1 T Lemon Juice
Crumb Dredge
  1. 1 C Parmesan Cheese
  2. 1 C Ground Pork Rinds***
  3. 1 T Dried Oregano
  4. 1 T Dried Parsley
  5. ¼ t Salt
  6. ¼ Pepper
  7. ¼ Paprika
  8. ¼ Cumin
  9. ¼ Chipotle Powder
  1. 6 T Melted Butter
  2. 1 T Dried Parsley
  3. 1 T Lemon Zest
  4. 1 T Lemon Juice
  5. 2 t Garlic Paste
  6. 6-10" Or 12-6" Wooden Skewers
  1. Cut each thigh into 6 cubes. (See Notes)
  2. Put cut chicken in a large bowl, lightly sprinkle with salt on all and allow to sit about 30-45 minutes.
  3. In small bowl mix all marinade ingredients. (Set Aside)
  4. Add marinade (don’t rinse the salted chicken) making sure chicken cubes are well coated. Again allow to sit another 30-45 minutes.
  5. When Ready, preheat oven to 350°-360°.
  6. While waiting for chicken to marinate, make and mix the crumb dredge, and put on large platter for dredging.
  7. Skewer 10-12 pieces of chicken per person.
  8. When ready, dredge each skewer into the crumb mix. Make sure you cover them well with it.
  9. Place the skewers on a sheet pan lined with foil and bake 25-28 minutes. They will not stick.
  10. Be sure to leave space between each skewer when baking.
  11. If crumbs begin to brown too much, cover lightly with foil the last 5-10 minutes or so.
  12. Make drizzle while chicken in baking.
  13. Plate and drizzle with...drizzle.
  14. 6 Servings
  15. 661 Calories, 68.6g Protein, 40.7g Fat, 2.2g Carbs, 0.6g Fiber, 1.2g Net Carbs
  1. There are natural ways to cut a thigh by dividing the smaller side from the larger side then cutting the smaller into 2 pieces and the larger into 4 pieces. This is approximate and you should cut appropriately. You just don’t want the pieces too large. About 1½” pieces should work and you should get 6 cubes from each thigh. For judgement I figured about 2 thighs per person or for 1-10" skewer.
  2. I used 6” skewers, I also have 10”, and they are what I would use next time. I ate both of them.
  3. I have never washed chicken and I suggest you never wash yours either.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Tonnato

Keto TonnatoKeto TonnatoKeto TonnatoKeto TonnatoKeto Tonnato and it kind of reminds me of the song; you say Potato, I say Potahto, you say Tomato, I say Tomahto…. Let’s call the whole thing off. Only we are not calling the whole thing off because this Keto Tonnato Sauce is literally to die for good. It was and is, traditionally served with veal in Europe (Italy originally)) but here in the good old USA we do not have much veal to speak of anymore as the veal police swept through and decided we shouldn’t be killing baby cows anymore. But the good news is that it is good with lots of other foods. It is really kinda, sorta like a “tuna mayo” if you will. The absolute success to any Keto Tonnato is using a good quality Tuna, packed in real olive oil, and I have shown two pictures of what I use. I have also shown it with veal but it is certainly not limited to it. Notably with chicken or pork scallopini, thinly cut pieces of either tenderloin or loin of pork, vegetables of all kinds which might include broccolini & green beans, and used as a dip with a crudités. When all else fails you can just take a spoon to it and…eat it.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

  1. Tonnato Sauce
  2. 3½-4 Oz High Quality Tuna Packed In Oil
  3. 3 T Lemon Juice
  4. 2 T Olive Oil From Tuna Can
  5. 2 T Mayo
  6. 1 T Anchovy Paste + More To Taste
  7. 1 T Capers + More To Taste
  8. ½ t Garlic Paste
  9. ¼ t Pepper
  1. Put all ingredients in a small blender.
  2. (I use my immersion blender as well) & purée.
  3. Eat. It. With. Anything.
  4. 6 Servings
  5. 119 Calories, 4.0g Protein, 10.9g Fat, 1.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 1.0g Net Carbs
  1. I can't tell you how good this is. Divine might be a good word.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/