Author Archives: Deborah Krueger

Keto Chocolate Mocha Mousse

Keto Chocolate Mocha MousseKeto Chocolate Mocha MousseKeto Chocolate Mocha Mousse. You can whip up this easy Keto Chocolate Mocha Mousse in a snap.  It  tops off any meal for six and leftover?  No problem as it keeps in the fridge for more than several days. (But it won’t).  It only has six ingredients but flavor-wise it packs a pretty strong chocolaty coffee punch.  As the name of the chocolate bar denotes…it’s Divine.  There are recipes that use gelatin to “set” the mousse and it is something I cannot imagine doing.  Yes, on occasion I do use gelatin for things like Panna Cotta but certainly not for this mousse.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chocolate Mocha Mousse
  1. 1 Divine 85% Chocolate Bar
  2. 4 Eggs (Divided)
  3. ⅓ C Hot Water
  4. 1½ t Instant Coffee
  5. 2 t Vanilla Extract (Divided)
  6. 1½ C Heavy Cream
  7. 12 Drops Liquid Sucralose (Or ½ C Sweetener Divided)
  1. Grate chocolate bar. You don’t want it chunky as your chocolate mixture won’t end up being smooth.
  2. Line up 3 bowls-2 medium and 1 large.
  3. Separate eggs making sure not to get any yolk in the whites. I do try to gently take the chalazae off the yolks as I don't want hard little cooked knots in my mousse.
  4. Put whites into 1 medium bowl and yolks into the large bowl, adding coffee, water, and add 6 drops sucralose or ½ of your sweetener.
  5. On medium low and whisking constantly, cook coffee yolk mixture until pretty hot. Don’t worry, the eggs shouldn’t scramble because of the water content but you need it hot enough to eventually melt the chocolate.
  6. When yolk mixture is warm enough, add 1 t vanilla, add grated chocolate all at once stirring to cover all chocolate, let it sit a minute or so and mix until all chocolate is melted. Allow mixture to mostly cool and it shouldn’t take too long.
  7. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, first beat egg whites to stiff peaks. Making sure chocolate is cooled, FOLD in egg whites ½ at a time until well incorporated.
  8. In second medium bowl, beat whipping cream. Add vanilla & last 6 drops of sucralose or the other ½ of your sweetener.
  9. Now FOLD in ⅔ of whipped cream into mixture, cover, and refrigerate.
  10. Cover and refrigerate remaining whipped cream.
  11. When ready for service place mousse into small bowl and put a good dollop of whipped cream on it.
  12. 6 Servings
  13. 373 Calories, 5.7g Protein, 33.7g Fat, 5.8g Carbs, 1.5g Fiber, 4.3g Net Carbs
  1. Make sure you beat and fold in egg whites first. After whipping, if not used immediately, they will get watery and begin to break down.
  2. I said it was low carb-not low calorie.
  3. I have tried more than several bars to make this mousse and the Divine bar seems to be the easiest to not only melt but give a great smooth mouth-feel. If you have your own favorite 85% bar then by all means use it.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Avocado Cilantro Cream

Low Carb Avocado Cilantro CreamLow Carb Avocado Cilantro CreamLow Carb Avocado Cilantro CreamLow Carb Avocado Cilantro Cream is probably good with all kinds of other foods but for our purposes we are going to use it to dress Fried Oysters.  The oysters recipe is new and of course goes perfectly with Remoulade and I hope you will try them this way too as it is so good.  Just a couple other recipes it would be good with are Fish Tostadas On Cheese Crisps  and Seafood Cerviche. You can easily use Crème Fraîche in place of the sour cream here but again sour cream is going to be easy and for so little more effort you can have a lovely light low carb avocado cilantro cream.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto-low carb and diabetic friendly.

Avocado Cilantro Cream
  1. Recipe For Fried Oysters
  2. 1 Avocado Cut Into Small Chunks
  3. ½ C Chopped Cilantro
  4. ¼- ⅓ C Sour Cream
  5. 2 T Lemon Or Lime Juice (Your Choice)
  6. 1 t Crushed Garlic
  7. ½ t Red Pepper Flakes
  8. ½ t Salt
  9. ¼ t Pepper
  1. Probably the easiest way to make this is to put all ingredients into a processor but I do it a bit differently.
  2. I use my stick blender because it makes the creamiest avocado ever and to me it is also the easiest way.
  3. Since you are putting this on delicate fried oysters you don't want chunky avocado.
  4. This is the same way I make guacamole but leaving out the tomatoes and green onions and then blending them in with a little salt.
  5. Whole recipe for 24-30 oysters.
  6. 6 Servings
  7. 73 Calories, 1.0g Protein, 6.5g Fat, 3.7g Carbs, 2.4g Fiber, 1.3g Net Carbs
  1. You need a dollop of cream on each oyster and then just pop it into your mouth and better yet, have a little more to dip into in case you love it that much.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Beef Rouladen

Low Carb Beef RouladenLow Carb Beef RouladenLow Carb Beef Rouladen. The meat you see in the picture for this Low Carb Beef Rouladen came sliced this way right from the butcher’s case.  There is really no reason to pound it for a couple of reasons.  Each piece is plenty large enough for one person (slightly more than ⅓ lb.) which means just about the best size possible with no pounding necessary.  Unless you are eating raw beef (think Carpaccio) it will tend to do a lot more shrinking when cooked than it naturally would anyway.  I would not suggest trying to cut the meat by yourself but instead, if you can’t find it this way, have your butcher slice it for you.  That way you are assured of relatively evenly matched pieces. Beef shown is the same as used in the Bunless Philly Cheesesteak.

Rouladen is an easy dish to make with not a lot of prep.  Most of the time spent is in the braising of it.  Those little pieces that look like potatoes are really Daikon radish wedges as I had just the right size chunk in the fridge.  They are a great low carb substitute and take on the flavor of the broth.  The absolute best accompaniment to this is Spaetzle sautéed in butter and make no mistake, you are going to end up with 6 little fat rats of goodness.  That wine?  It’s what I have a glass of everyday. Have fun making and eating these.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Beef Rouladen
  1. 6 Large No More Than ¼” Slices Top Round Steak (About 2-2 ½ Lbs)
  2. 1 Lb Thick Cut Bacon or 12 Pieces
  3. 1 Large Onion Caramelized
  4. ½ Medium Onion
  5. 6 Quartered Dill Pickle Spears
  6. Dijon Mustard
  7. 2 T Butter (Divided)
  8. 2 T Olive Oil (Divided)
  9. ½ C Good Red Wine
  10. Water About 2 C
  11. Beef Base To Taste (Don't Overdo It As You Can Add More At The End)
  12. Salt & Pepper
  13. Kitchen Twine (Or Toothpicks If You Absolutely Have To)
  14. Guar Gum
  15. Xanthan Gum
  1. Slowly caramelize onions in 1 T butter & 1 T olive oil.
  2. Lay out beef, salt & pepper each piece, and smear with Dijon mustard.
  3. Place bacon strips.
  4. Sprinkle with onions and place pickle spears as shown.
  5. Roll tightly and secure with twine or toothpicks.
  6. In last 1 T butter & 1 T olive oil sear meat rolls.
  7. Leave rolls in pan, add wine, beef base, chopped onions and enough water to come up about ½-⅔ of the way.
  8. Cover lightly, turn to simmer and braise for about 1½- 2 hours turning after an hour.
  9. Plate rouladen & don't forget to cut off the string.
  10. Sprinkle guar gum/xanthan gum into gravy until desired thickness is reached and it shouldn't take too much.
  11. 6 Servings
  12. 644 Calories, 41.9g Protein, 44.5g Fat, 5.2g Carbs, .7g Fiber, 4.5g Net Carbs
  1. I caramelized the onion for two reasons: They add flavor and they are much easier to roll. I never worry about too many onions, only too little. Too many means I have them already cooked to use with something else.
  2. You will find kitchen twine easier to use when frying and then braising as there is nothing sticking out to prevent an even sear.
  3. If you don't want to use guar gum or xanthan gum as a thickening agent then serve it in a bowl with lots of the juices and eat it with a spoon-yum.
  4. I used top round meat because it is a more tender cut than bottom round and either one works well, but bottom round will take a little longer to cook. You know those great big “Barons Of Beef” that are served on so may buffets? This is the "big" cut of the cow.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Fajitas

Low Carb FajitasLow Carb Fajitas. You know, Fajitas can be made and served a jillion ways and this is the way I do them. We are going to do beef and you can certainly use chicken (thighs as the meat is so much better).  I used a flat iron steak for a couple of reasons.  It is quite tender and it slices well for fajitas.  You will not see any green peppers in mine because um, I simple don’t like them and if you do, then please use them.  Of course what makes these low carb is using a cheese tortilla instead of the high carby ones you most often see in your grocery store. Who needs an additional 25g carbs (50g for two which is what is most often served)?   If you don’t want to go to the trouble of even making the cheese tortilla (they are good though) then you can just pile your ingredients on the plate.  If you like fajitas and or Mexican foods well enough then double or triple the dry mixed spices Taco Seasoning and you will have them for next time.  I do use the taco seasoning in quite a few recipes on the site.  I serve mine with Pico de Gallo, a dollop of Crème Fraîche or sour cream, and Creamy Smooth Guacamole to the side and what could could be better?

If you are interested in eating these low carb fajitas in the more traditional way they are terrific using Keto Pork Rind Wraps too. Take a look…you’ll see why.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

  1. 12 Oz Grated Cheddar Cheese
  2. 1 Lb Good Steak Meat Cut Into ¼” Pieces (I Used A Flat Iron Steak)
  3. 1 Onion Sliced Into Slivers
  4. 1-1½ Lbs Red, Yellow, Or Orange Pepper Seeded And Slivered (I Mix Mine If I Have Them)
  5. 3 T Olive Oil (Divided)
  6. 1 T Lime Juice
  7. 1 t Crushed Garlic
  8. ½ t Chili Powder
  9. ½ t Cumin
  10. ½ t Oregano
  11. ½ t Pepper Flakes
  12. ½ t Salt
  13. ½ t Pepper
  1. In large bowl mix 1½ T oil, lime, garlic, and all spices/herbs. Add meat, massaging mix into the meat.
  2. Using 2 oz cheese, make you tortillas by sprinkling into a medium sauté pan until done. Lay on flat surface until cooled and it does not take long. These can be made ahead as they take a bit of time to make.
  3. Add rest of oil to sauté pan and cook peppers & onions until softened. Reserve.
  4. Add meat to sauté pan and quickly cook only until just browned. Over cooking meat will always toughen it. Add peppers and onion back to meat just to heat.
  5. Scoop onto cheese tortilla and if not using then just plate.
  6. 6 Servings
  7. 503 Calories, 43.3g Protein, 33.9g Fat, 6.6g Carbs, .9g Fiber, 5.5g Net Carbs
  1. Cheese tortilla is included in nutritionals.
  2. If possible, please try to grate your own cheese. Processed grated cheeses have some kind of crud mixed in to keep the cheese from clumping.
  3. I used a flat iron steak for a couple of reasons. It is quite tender and because of its thickness each ¼” piece can be cut lengthwise to get the strips you are looking for.
  4. This is an easy prep ahead meal.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Fried Oysters

Low Carb Fried OystersLow Carb Fried Oysters. Yes, it’s true that I like oysters anyway I can get them.  I eat fried oysters, raw oysters, poached oysters, Oysters Rockefeller, and even on occasion I eat oysters from a can with hot sauce.  I have a LOT of recipes using my own popped and ground pork rinds from Willies Pork Rind Pellets or if you don’t want to pop your own you can buy Pork Dust here. So why not use them for fried oysters and eat them with a really good low carb Remoulade.  Not only are they good..they are great and here they are with Avocado Cilantro Cream.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Fried Oysters
  1. 24-32 Oysters
  2. 2½-3 Cups Pork Rind Dust
  3. 1 Beaten Egg
  4. 1 T Sour Cream
  5. Oil Of Choice and I Used Leaf Lard
  1. Heat oil to hot.
  2. Dump pork rind dust onto a large plate.
  3. Beat egg and sour cream until well incorporated. I use my stick blender.
  4. Drain as much oyster liquid as you can (do not wash) and dunk oysters into egg mixture.
  5. One at a time, and letting egg mixture drain as much as possible, dredge in pork rinds.
  6. Fry until golden brown & delicious.
  7. 4 Servings
  8. 267 Calories, 14.8g Protein, 20.9g Fat, 4.5g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 4.5g Net Carbs
  1. I normally advocate that all meats be at room temperature before cooking but for this particular recipe the oysters should be just out of the fridge. Reason: Oysters cook quite quickly and you want to get your pork rind dust crispy.
  2. You are probably only going to get about 8 oysters at a time in the pan so they will have to be done in batches. Of course a bit of the pork rinds will come off in the oil and no biggie. When you are finished just strain it...and reuse it.
  3. Most of the carbs in this recipe?...Come from the oysters.
  4. They say true confessions are good for the soul and yes, I did eat all 12 of those puppies on that plate...but it was all I ate.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Tahini Salad Dressing

Keto Tahini Salad DressingKeto Tahini Salad DressingKeto Tahini Salad DressingKeto Tahini Salad Dressing. You may have noticed that I seem to go in cycles with some of the recipes I post and this recipe is now another in my tahini series.  I LOVE tahini and have been known to eat it by the spoonful. Keto Tahini Salad Dressing can be used on any salad and the pictures are just taken from stuff I already had in the fridge with artichoke hearts, daikon radish, orange pepper, cucumber and tomatoes.  The micro greens in the center are daikon radish sprouts and are also an ingredient in the dressing.  They are an additional bit of heat and piquancy.  The other funny looking little black seeds are just that:  black seeds (AKA nigella sativa seeds) and not to be confused with black sesame seeds.  Black seeds are unto themselves with a flavor all their own.  I really don’t know how to describe or compare them to anything else, only to tell you Just how wonderful a pinch can be.  They are available in any Middle Eastern market as well as on the internet.  I pretty much eat them every day and it is said they help with blood sugar.  Don’t know if it’s true but they have been used all over the world for over 3,000 years.  If you are interested, you can read more here: The Blessed Seed and here is what Wellness Mama has to say regarding the black seed oil.  If you want some really serious, in depth reading then check this out from the National Institutes of Health.  Again, I don’t know about all the claims made, but I do know I love them and if they are helping me; then so be it.  Anyway…they are not listed in the recipe as an ingredient, just thought you might like to know.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Lemon Tahini Mint Salad Dressing
  1. ¼ C Tahini
  2. ¼ Cup Chopped Daikon Radish Sprouts (Or Any Other Bitterish Lettuce Like Arrugla or Watercress)
  3. ⅓ C Water (More Or Less Depending On What You Will Be doing With It)
  4. 2 T Dried Mint
  5. 2 T Lemon Juice
  6. 2 T Olive Oil
  7. 1 T Apple Cider Vinegar
  8. ½ t Crushed Garlic (More To Taste)
  9. ¼ t Salt
  1. Put all ingredients in either a blender or small food processor.
  2. Refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  3. Toss with your favorite salad ingredients.
  4. 8 Servings
  5. 78 Calories, 1.3g Protein, 7.5g Fat, 2.2g Carbs, .7g Fiber, 1.5g Net Carbs
  1. This recipe can also be used as a crudité dip by leaving out some of the water to the thickness you want.
  2. May easily be doubled or tripled.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter Cake

Low Carb Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter CakeLow Carb Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter CakeLow Carb Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter CakeKeto Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter Cake is really a combination of two recipes already on the site. It is ½ a recipe of Peanut Butter Cake/Peanut Butter Icing and ½ a recipe Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut Balls done with a #100 (very tiny) scoop. For perspective: the plate on the bottom right is 5″ and the scoop is 1⅛”.  The “tiny cookie” part of this recipe equals about 4½ cookies per 1 of the larger balls.  Anyway they are insanely delicious and as you only need 10 small balls to top the cake you should have about 18 leftover to pop in your mouth or…to make those cake pops that seem to be so popular.  As comparison: they are about the size of an old tootsie roll pop.  I happen to have three 7” cake pans that I bought at a restaurant supply store 20 years ago and I used two of them so I could get a little more frosting in the center.  Yeah, the icing is that good.  If you don’t happen to have a #100 scoop then make rounded teaspoonfuls in your hands. How about the word teaspoonfuls? (I had to look it up and it still shows as a misspelling).  If you don’t have two 7″ cake pans then use one 8″ round pan. The cake is extremely high fat. (See Nutritionals inside the recipe).  I use Byrd Mill Peanut Flour .

This can be a bit time consuming but can easily be divided into a two-day affair.  1st day make the cookies and the 2nd day make the cake, frosting and decorate it.  One thing you will need to be careful with is eating the cookies before you get the cake made or you will be back to square one.  Good idea to look at both recipes before you begin but this is pretty straight forward.  I have divided the whole recipe into two parts so it is easy to follow.  If you have a family of 5 this will last for two servings each or…it makes for a great dinner party dessert.

Now I know some of you “guys” out there are going to, or might, be a little squeamish while we discuss ball sizes and you are going to have to get over it.  We aren’t talking about men, we are talking cookies here.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter Cake
The Cookies
  1. ¼ C Almond Butter
  2. ¼ C Tahini
  3. 1 Egg
  4. 1 T Cocoa Powder
  5. 1 T Peanut Flour
  6. 1 T Water
  7. 1 T Melted Butter
  8. ⅓ C Allulose***
  9. 1 t Vanilla
  10. 1 t Baking Soda
  11. 2 Drops Liquid Sucralose
  12. ⅓ C Chopped Walnuts
The Cake
  1. 1¼ C Almond Meal
  2. ¼ C Arrowroot
  3. 2 t Baking Powder
  4. ½ C Melted Butter
  5. ¼ C Allulose***
  6. ¼ C Sugar Free Maple Syrup*** (Or Sugar-Free Simple Syrup)
  7. 6 T Peanut Butter (I Use Freshly Ground Smooth)
  8. 2 Eggs
  9. 2 T Heavy Cream
  10. 2 T Sour Cream
  11. 1½ Vanilla Extract
  12. 4 Drops Liquid Sucralose***
The Frosting
  1. 3 Oz Cream Cheese
  2. ¼ C Peanut Butter
  3. 2 T Heavy Cream
  4. 2 T Allulose
  5. 2 Drops Liquid Sucralose
  6. 1 t Vanilla Extract
  7. 1 T Softened Butter
The Cookies
  1. Preheat oven to 375°.
  2. Minus the walnuts dump everything else into a mixing bowl and thoroughly combine with an electric mixer.
  3. Beat in nuts.
  4. Using a #100 scoop, or a rounded teaspoon (or with your hands) form 28 equal size balls.
  5. Bake 6-7 minutes. You can’t tell when they are done but better a bit underdone than a bit overdone if you want them to be fudgy.
  6. 28 Cookies and if you only eat the cookies, or use them for cookie pops, the nutritionals are just below.
  7. 78 Calories, 1.2g Protein, 7.1g Fat, 2.5g Carbs, 1.7g Fiber, .8g Net Carbs
The Cake
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Lightly butter sides of one "8" or two 7" cake pans. Line bottom with parchment paper rounds to fit.
  3. Mix first 3 dry ingredients.
  4. Beat butter, Sucralose, & Just Like Sugar, beat in maple syrup (simple syrup), add peanut butter, add the eggs one at a time then add vanilla, sour cream & heavy cream.
  5. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix thoroughly.
  6. Pour the batter into the pan and smooth the batter until it is evenly spread.
  7. For two rounds bake for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when tested. When very slightly brown on top they should be done.
  8. For one round bake 22-24 minutes.
  9. Remove the cake from the oven and cool completely.
The Frosting
  1. While cake is baking, beat all ingredients.
  2. Frost cake, top with 10 evenly spaced cookies around perimeter and slice into 10 wedges.
  3. 10 Servings
  4. 413 Calories, 10.1g Protein, 38.8g Fat, 12.4g Carbs, 4.3g Fiber, 8.1g Net Carbs
  1. Nutritionals include all ingredients for cake, frosting, and cookies.
  2. If you are using your hand to form your balls they will stay the shape and be smooth instead of craggy looking in the pictures.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Warm Eggplant Feta Salad

Warm Eggplant Feta SaladWarm Eggplant Feta SaladLow Carb Warm Eggplant Feta Salad. You can call this a salad, or you or you can call it a side vegetable, I don’t care, but I do care that you call it great…or very different…or…insert the adjective.  Look at the ingredients and see for yourself.  Middle Eastern ingredients that all compliment  each other and themselves.  Very easy to make and any leftovers…deliciously divine.  As you can see I used Japanese eggplant because they were so gnarly I couldn’t resist buying them.  Yeah, Yeah, and you can use any ole eggplant you want as it will all taste the same.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Warm Eggplant Feta Salad
  1. 1½ Lb Eggplant (I Used Japanese & Globe Work Just As Well) Cut Into 1” Chunks
  2. 1 Large Bell Pepper (Red, Orange, Or Yellow) Cut Into ¾” Chunks
  3. ½ C Olive Oil (Divided)
  4. 3 T Lemon Juice
  5. 1 T Balsamic Vinegar
  6. 2 T Capers Lightly Chopped
  7. 1 t Crushed Garlic
  8. ¾ t Salt
  9. ½ t Pepper
  10. 1 Large Tomato Cut Into ¾” Chunks
  11. ½ C Chopped Green Onion Tops
  12. 3 Oz Feta Cheese
  13. 3 T Dried Mint (Spearmint)
  14. More Salt & Pepper To Taste
  1. Sauté eggplant in 3 T olive oil and put into large bowl.
  2. Sauté (or blister) peppers in 2 T olive oil and add to eggplant.
  3. Add tomato, green onion tops, and feta cheese to eggplant and sprinkle mint over all.
  4. In a smaller bowl whisk rest of oil, lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, and salt & pepper. Blend in capers.
  5. Pour vinaigrette over all, and blend well.
  6. Serve just warmed.
  7. 8 Servings
  8. 150 Calories, 1.1g Protein, 14.2g Fat, 7.0g Carbs, 2.2g Fiber, 4.8g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Fijian Ceviche

Low Carb Fijian CervicheLow Carb Fijian CervicheLow Carb Fijian Ceviche.  No secret that I like Ceviche and this low carb Fijian Ceviche (Kokoda) is no different.  I love the freshness of fish or shrimp cooked in acids and then eaten immediately.  This has some of the same ingredients in Seafood Ceviche with the surprising addition of cucumbers and coconut cream.  One of the other things I like about a ceviche is, except for grains which I pretty much do not eat anyway is, it has protein by way of the fish and lots of low carb fruits and vegetables with healthy coconut cream as kicker.  On a hot summer day sittin’ on the porch, this may be the perfect answer for not having to heat your oven or your house.

Fijian ceviche can easily be served as an appetizer but my personal problem is that I love it so much an appetizer is not enough.  We all have our priorities.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Fijian Ceviche
  1. 1 Lb Fish Tilapia Or Halibut Work Nicely As Does The Addition Of Shrimp
  2. 2 Limes Juiced
  3. 1 Can Coconut Cream (5.4 Oz Or ⅓ Cup)
  4. 1 Cubed Avocado
  5. 1⁄4 C Finely Chopped Cilantro
  6. ¼ C Green Onion Tops
  7. 1 Large Seeded And Finely Chopped Roma Tomato
  8. 3⁄4 C Finely Diced Red Bell Pepper
  9. 3⁄4 C Finely Diced Orange Or Yellow Bell Pepper
  10. 1 C Peeled And Seeded Cucumber
  11. ½ Cup Finely Diced Red Onion
  12. 1 Lime Cut Into 4 Wedges As Garnish
  13. Salt And Pepper To Taste
  14. 4 Servings
  1. Marinate fish in line juice for not more than 30 minutes, mixing occasionally, drain, retaining juice.
  2. Combine all ingredients with fish.
  3. Blend coconut milk with 4 T of drained lime juice and mix into rest of ingredients.
  4. Serve immediately with wedge of lime.
  5. 4 Servings
  6. 209 Calories, 25.8g Protein, 6.2g Fat, 11.9g Carbs, 3.6g Fiber, 8.3g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Fish Spread

Low Carb Fish SpreadLow Carb Fish Spread. More than likely any fish spread will be low carb and the best way to keep it this way is to eat it with vegetables rather than high carby crackers.  I do have a couple of good low carb cracker recipes on the site and the best one might be the Sour Cream & Chive Crackers.  If you feel particularly daring, you might also try it with toasted Carbalose Bread which has only 2.9g carbs per slice.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Fish Spread
  1. 1 Lb White Fish (Tilapia or Rockfish Work Very Well)
  2. 1 T Butter
  3. ½ Cup Mayo
  4. ½ C Sour Cream (Or Crème Fraiche)
  5. ⅓ C Lemon Juice
  6. ¼ C Minced Onion
  7. ¼ C Minced Green Onion Tops
  8. 1 Stalk Celery Minced
  9. 1 Tiny Jalapeno Pepper Seeded & Minced
  10. 1 T Horseradish Cream
  11. 2 t Tabasco Sauce
  12. 1½ t Dijon Mustard
  13. 1 t Paprika
  14. 1 t Liquid Smoke
  15. ½ t Worcestershire Sauce
  16. ½ t Salt
  17. Pepper To Taste
  1. Cook fish in butter then cool and flake well like kind of mash it up including any butter you may have left over.
  2. Mix rest of ingredients, add macerated fish and refrigerate for at least several hours.
  3. Add pepper to taste.
  4. 8 Servings
  5. 144 Calories, 12.8g Protein, 9.4g Fat, 2.2g Carbs, .4g Fiber, 1.8g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto German Potato Salad

Keto German Potato SaladKeto German Potato SaladKeto German Potato SaladKeto German Potato SaladKeto German Potato Salad. One of the things that happens for me, when I am doing a new recipe with any particular ingredient is; my mind goes nuts as I think of the other things I can also do with that same ingredient which is the case for this recipe.  When I finished the Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg Potato Salad I realized I could do a lot more with daikon radishes.  When cubed, it looks like potato and when cooked and with other things added it tastes pretty much like a potato so why not try a Keto German Potato Salad with it.  Guess what, low and behold it tastes just like you’d think it should.  And now I will probably come up with even more uses for this very under-appreciated vegetable.  They can be pickled, used in stews, grated for use in a salad, and sliced into disks as a low carb dipping veggie.  As you can see in one of the pictures it is the perfect accompaniment to a good Weisswurst sausage with a spicy mustard.

All my many other Keto~LowCarb Daikon Or Red Radishes As Potatoes Recipes may be seen here.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Warm Daikon Radish German Potato Salad
  1. 1 Lb Wedged & Chopped Daikon Radish (About 3-3½ Cups)
  2. ½ Lb Bacon Diced & Sautéed (Save All The Grease & You May Need More)
  3. 1 C Peeled & Seeded Cucumber (⅔ to 1 Cucumber Depending On Size)
  4. ¾ C Dilled Pickle Wedges (No Garlic)
  5. ½ C Minced Purple Onion
  6. ½ C Green Onion Tops
  7. 6 T Bacon Grease (This Is Why You Never Throw Away Bacon Grease)
  8. 2½ T Cider Vinegar
  9. 1½ T Water
  10. 1½ t Dijon Mustard
  11. 2 Drops Liquid Sucralose (Or 2 T Allulose To Keep It Paleo)
  12. ½ t Salt
  13. ½ t Pepper
  1. Gently boil daikon radish for about 30 minutes.
  2. While radish is cooking prep all veggies and put into a large mixing bowl.
  3. In a small bowl combine and mix last 6 listed ingredients (The Dressing).
  4. Drain radish, and add to veggies.
  5. Dress and mix all and let sit at room temperature until ready to serve.
  6. 6 Servings
  7. 232 Calories, 4.6g Protein, 22.0g Fat, 4.4g Carbs, 1.6g Fiber, 2.8g Net Carbs
  8. 8 Servings
  9. 174 Calories, 3.4g Protein, 16.4g Fat, 3.3g Carbs, 1.2g Fiber, 2.1g Net Carbs
  1. All I can say is this is really tasty.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg Salad

Low Carb Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg SaladLow Carb Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg SaladLow Carb Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg SaladLow Carb Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg SaladKeto Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg Salad. You know, even I can get a little tired serving cauliflower yet one more way (and I already eat a lot of cauliflower as evidenced by the number of recipes on this site) which is why I decided to try making this Keto Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg Salad recipe. Looks like potato salad, tastes like potato salad but low carb daikon radish dill pickle egg salad has…no potatoes. Back in my Colorado days I had an older friend who, when she had me over for dinner, I would nicely ask her to make “her” potato salad.  I think there are a couple of reasons I loved this:  1.)  I loved Elva and 2.) I love dilled pickles. Now yes, in those days I did eat it as a real potato salad.  Do Daikon radishes taste like potatoes?  No they don’t, but the great news is, when cooked they really don’t taste like much of anything and take on beautifully any flavors you are adding to them, kinda like Warm Diakon Radish German Potato Salad if made properly.  So, if you like dilled pickles the way I do, then this is a terrific way to eat a very low carb “potato” salad and which would be perfect with Southern Deep Fried Chicken on a picnic or when you are having fun and grilling steaks.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Daikon Radish Dill Pickle Egg Salad
  1. 1 Lb Or About 3 Cups Peeled & Chopped Daikon Radish Cut Into Bite Size Pieces
  2. 4 Chopped Hard-Boiled Eggs
  3. ½ C Finely Chopped Dill Pickles (No Garlic)
  4. ½ C Finely Chopped Celery
  5. ¼ C Finely Chopped Purple Onion
  6. ½ C Mayo
  7. 2 T Yellow Mustard
  8. ½ t Paprika
  9. ¼ t Dried Dill
  10. ½ t Salt
  11. ¼ t Pepper
  12. ¼ C Finely Sliced Green Onion Tops (For Garnish)
  13. More Freshly Ground Pepper To Taste
  1. Boil radish pieces 15-20 minutes or until fork tender. Cool in cold water & drain.
  2. Add radish, pickles, celery, eggs, & purple onion to large mixing bowl.
  3. In a smaller bowl add next 6 ingredients, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Add to radish mixture, mix well and stick in the fridge for at least an hour-longer is better.
  5. Plate, top with green onions.
  6. Pepper to taste.
  7. 6 Servings
  8. 189 Calories, 4.9g Protein, 16.6g Fat, 4.3g Carbs, .6g Fiber, 3.7g Net Carbs
  9. 8 Servings
  10. 141 Calories, 3.7g Protein, 12.4g Fat, 3.2g Carbs, .6g Fiber, 2.6g Net Carbs
  1. Since daikon radishes are shaped like a really big carrot, I start cutting off the tapered end, then chop off another 2”-3” and cut into 2 pieces and so on until at the fat end I am cutting into 6 pieces.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes