Author Archives: Deborah Krueger

Other Personally Glucose Tested Products

All figures begin after overnight fasting.
I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.

November 10, 2012 Complimentary Healthwise Bakery


December 21, 2013 Purchased From Whole Foods Market


December 24, 2012 Purchased From Low Carb U


April 23, 2013 Complimentary Healthwise Bakery


May 6, 2013 Purchased From Amazon


June 11, 2013 Purchased From Viva Low Carb Received From Health Express

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.


What on earth are lagniappes? and what on earth is a Food Lagniappe?

LagniappesMerriam Webster Definitionis a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of purchase and more broadly something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure. The term is found in use in Southern Louisiana and Mississippi and is a Cajun French or Louisiana Creole French term.  It is the equivalent of the thirteenth roll in a “baker’s dozen”.

I would like to thank you for coming to my website and I hope you found ‘some food for thought’ and at least a little information.  I have certainly had a good time doing it.

Educate YourselfFood For Thought:  If you are unable to find/buy an item anywhere but the internet be very wary.  Many of these internet sellers also market products through Amazon which tends to make a product look more legitimate-but be very wary.

Educate Yourself.  Education is knowledge and knowledge is power.

How to Correctly Calculate Sugar Alcohols:

The effects that sugar alcohols have on your blood glucose can vary so it is difficult to know how they will affect your blood glucose levels every time. Because there is less effect from sugar alcohols than either sugar or starch, you can use the following tips to estimate how much carbohydrate from a serving to count in your meal plan for foods that contain more than 5 grams sugar alcohols.

  • When a food has more than 5 grams of sugar alcohols:
  • Subtract ½ the grams sugar alcohol from the amount of total carbohydrate.
  • Count the remaining grams of carbohydrate in your meal plan.

Note: This tip is useful for those who are intensively managing their diabetes with insulin or advanced carbohydrate counting.


Portion: 1 bar
Total carbohydrate 15 grams, with 6 grams of sugar alcohol
One bar counts as 12 grams carbohydrate (15 – 3 = 12)

Sugar Alcohols

Erythritol, Isomalt, Lactitol, Maltitol, Mannitol, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysates

What to say about sugar alcohols-best to stay away from them as much as possible as they can cause all kinds of gastric distress accompanied by pain and suffering.  Maltitol in any form is absolutely the worst and if there is a best it might by erythritol & xylitol.  About the most I can say about Sugar Alcohols is that they do not promote tooth decay.  I personally use Liquid Splenda, (EZ-Sweetz-zero carbs in any amount used) Just Like Sugar Table Top, Just Like Sugar Baking,  and Just Like Sugar Brown, all of which I order from .  The Just Like Sugar line of products is basically pure inulin with brain damage carbs and equally brain damage fiber.  Each gram of carb is offset by each attending gram of fiber.  We all have our own preferences and these just happen to be mine.  One of the things I have found over the last almost three years is that my tolerance for sweet stuff is not that great.  Most everything tastes too sweet to me.  My husband recently bought some Diet Rite cola sweetened with Splenda.  I took one sip of it and it tasted like sweetness overload to me.  I am not sure but perhaps it is a function of Diet Rite attempting to match the disgusting sweetness of Coke or Pepsi.

Splenda Low Carbing

Try To Learn To Cook if you don’t know how.  Try finding a free online (low carb) cooking class.  If you can follow simple instructions try some of the easier recipes in the Low Carbing Among Friends and Jennifer Eloff cook books.  There are a ton of terrific recipes that will not put any tons on you. Seriously don’t these look scrumptious?  The book cover photos always lure you in with desserts but inside are some really terrific recipes…even for a novice.   I have not done much research on this because I don’t need it but if you do, the research can be fun, fun, fun.  My first husband used to accuse me of only wanting to do the fun things and my secret?: Make everything you do fun.  Easy peezy japanesy.

Baking is science & chemistry and cooking is art & creativity and there is a vast difference.  You don’t want to mess much with science & chemistry…but art?…creativity?…ahh…now there is something most of us can wrap ourselves with and…Katie bar the door.

This is one of my favorite gummment terms:  GRAS and it means Generally Recognized (Regarded) As Safe.  Boy, in my book that takes care of a wide swath of stuff.  If I had my choice (and I do) I would choose a salad, broccoli, cauliflower, or any number of things over Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysates-Yuck.

FOIA-Freedom Of Information Act.  This can be useful if you have made a formal government (in my case, FDA) complaint to find out what is (has) happening with your complaint.  At this point I have not had to use it because as time passed I actually watched the results of my Julian Bakery FDA complaints via the internet.  FOIA Instructions  The charges are nominal and they will send you a bill.

How to File an FDA complaint.  This is pretty easy once you know the steps to take.  Most people send information to some FDA office in Washington, DC and it is my best guess it goes into the garbage.

You need to write a comprehensive, concise letter (several of mine, in the beginning were anything but) and then your letter and any supporting evidence is sent to your local FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator.  Easiest is e-mail. (See PDF of all FDA toll-free phone numbers).  Consumer Complaint Coordinators  Call the office in your state to get the name and e-mail address of your coordinator.  (I have to say my FDA coordinator is absolutely terrific).  Once the complaint has been made you are assigned a complaint number and this number is what you use to obtain any documents you may wish to see under the FOIA.  Do not contact your coordinator again as they are unable to give you any update information-this is what the FOIA is for. Basically then, it is a matter of time.  As the saying goes, the wheels of government turn exceedingly slow and exceedingly fine.  Be patient…like 4-5 months patient.  Certainly you can monitor the company you have complained against which is what I have done.  As I said, I watched Julian Bakery crumble and almost disintegrate before my eyes via the internet.  This is a list of Better Business Bureau complaints during the Julian Bakery meltdown with the FDA.  The BBB’s rating for Julian Bakery is now a D+. Complaints Filed With The BBB Update October 12th, 2013: Julian Bakery has now been downgraded to an F by the BBB.

Anyone who ever said that eating low carb is expensive may not be telling the whole truth.  It is expensive…in the short run… and will probably save you countless healthcare dollars in the long run.  I believe for me, living with diabetes and living low carb, that I am healthier at 67 than I was at 50 or 55.  I consider myself very lucky and try to count my blessings every day.  I live in a very large metropolitan area where many good grocery stores and restaurants vie for your every food dollar and where just about everything is available, if not in a great grocery then at specialty markets and butcher shops.  There are more Asian markets here than you can shake a stick at.  For those of you living in the thousands of smaller towns and villages between the East and West coasts, I know it can be more difficult.  My only advice is to educate yourself and pick the very best and healthiest foods you can and remember, you can always order from They only charge $6.99 for shipping anywhere in the country no matter how much or how little it weights.  I have received orders that weighted 25-30 lbs. and yep, the shipping was a measly $4.95.  Shipping has now gone to $6.99 but in the world of the internet it is still a super bargain and over $99. the shipping is FREE.

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

April 1st Fingers

Companies That Hit The Skids

Butterfly Bakery Now here’s another good story, with the FDA actually front and center.  Butterfly’s Facebook was so over loaded with negative remarks that it was taken down.

After a spectacular rise and ride Todd’s Organic Breads took a dive after partnering with Cheeter’s Diet Treats.

Low Carb Emporium as you read about on Sami’s Bakery, Low Carb Emporium, Carb Krunchers Scam.


My Current Suspect List

  • Mama Lupe’s Tortillas
  • Smart & Delicious Tortillas
  • LaBanderita Tortillas
  • Healthy Delites Rugelach
  • Healthy Delites Sugar Free Chocolate Deliteful Twists
  • Healthy Delites Sugar Free Cinnamon Deliteful Twists
  • Natural Ovens Carb Conscience Bread
  • And there are many more

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Apples & PearsYou Call This Eating


Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food

 Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food

Books I Have Read and Recommend and…These Have Nothing To Do With Food 

  • Confessions of an economic hit man / John Perkins *** Unbelievable
  • Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers / Robert Zapolsky*** Endocrinologist and Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Stanford
  • Alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each other / Sherry Turkle***
  • The body toxic: how the hazardous chemistry of everyday things threatens our health and well-being / Nena Baker
  • Broken open: how difficult times can help us grow / Elizabeth Lesser
  • The male brain / Louann Brizendine***Very informative and very funny
  • Life without lawyers: liberating Americans from too much law / Philip K. Howard*** Terrific
  • Big-box swindle: the true cost of mega-retailers and the fight for America’s independent businesses / Stacy Mitchell***
  • The ascent of money: a financial history of the world / Niall Ferguson
  • Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything / Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner***
  • Superfreakonomics: global cooling, patriotic prostitutes, and why suicide bombers should buy life insurance / Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner*** If you have not read these two books you need to, they are great.  Read them in order
  • Why we believe what we believe: uncovering our biological need for meaning, spirituality, and truth / Andrew Newberg, Mark Robert Waldman
  • The tyranny of e-mail: the four-thousand-year journey to your inbox / John Freeman
  • Disconnect: the truth about cell phone radiation, what the industry has done to hide it, and how to protect your family / Devra Davis***
  • Liberty defined: 50 essential issues that affect our freedom / Ron Paul
  • The Big Short / Michael Lewis
  • Incognito: the secret lives of the brain / David Eagleman

I love, love, love James Hollis and have read all of his books.  His lifes’ mission is to translate all of the works of Carl Gustav Jung; the Swiss psychotherapist and psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology.  Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious.  Hollis has written 13 books and if you decide to start reading him be prepared for some very in depth, heavy stuff and you might want a dictionary near by-I used mine profusely.

JH Why Good BadJH What Matters Most





I didn’t exactly tell the truth in the title of this post.  Below are some foodie books but not really in any traditional foodie sense and for this website I would change the quote in the picture below to:  “If you think organic food is expensive have you tried pricing diabetes lately”?

Joel Salatin“When faith in our freedom gives way to fear of our freedom, silencing the minority view becomes the operative protocol.”― Joel Salatin, Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front

What to say about Joel Salatin.  While I have said elsewhere that Alton Brown is my food hero, Joel Salatin is my all time, all around capitalized HERO.  I can’t think of anything he has said or written that I could much disagree with and/but…I have not read everything-maybe there is something somewhere.  Just so you know, Joel Salatin is that crazy Virginia farmer featured in Michael Pollans book The Omnivores Dilemma and the documentary Food Inc.

Don’t be afraid to stick out and stick up for what you believe in.  If you have never heard the name Joel Salatin now that you have, you may begin seeing his name pop up from time to time.  I even Google Alert him.

Below are eight of the books Joel Salatin has written and most of the titles show his thinking may not be anywhere near what most of us call conventional but to me he makes total sense.  You may visit him at  and know this:  Joel Salatin knows what it is to be free and he lives his freedom every day.  Joel is the epitome of the word courageous, Joel is defiant and Joel is a dying breed.

Nationally, the latest agricultural census figures show the fastest growing group of farmers and ranchers are those over age 65.

The USDA is beginning work on its 2012 census, and Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the data is compiled.  This was 2 years ago.

What do all these colleges have in common?  Texas A&M, Michigan State University originally MAC, Virginia Tech originally Virginia A&M. Alabama A&M, University of Arkansas originally Arkansas A&M?  There are many many more but you get the idea. The A stood for agriculture and except for Texas they have all changed their names.  Apparently they couldn’t wait to distance themselves from the agricultural aspect in their names. And the M?…that stood for Mechanical.

Joel, and many others say you can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their bookshelves.  I hope my bookshelf tells a little of me.

 Joel Salatin 6





Joel Salatin 8

 Joel Salatin 7





William Kent KruegerSeriously, what kind of  sister-in-law would I be if I didn’t plug my husband’s sort of famous brother-author William Kent Krueger and his books?  So here they are, listed as they came out.  They are best read in order as they are a crime-mystery series.  Two exceptions standing on their own:  The Devil’s Bed and his latest *Ordinary Grace.  *Hot Diggity Dog Ordinary Grace just won and was presented on May 1st, in New York City, the 2014 coveted #1 Edgar award which is like winning the best picture academy award in the book world.  I am seeing him in July and he may now be just insufferable.  I understand from my husband it is very good.  His next book due out in August, Windigo Island, returns to the series and is assured of being good.  Kent has, on occasion, touched the NYT best seller list.  Kent also writes with his crime writing buddies, a group of mystery writer dubbing themselves: The Minnesota Crime Wave.  I have to confess I have not read these books as they are not my cup of tea, but I know millions of other people have.  At home he’s not famous…he’s just Grandpa.

Krueger Iron Lake 1 Krueger Bondary Waters 2 Krueger Purgatory Ridge 3 Krueger Devil's Bed 4
Krueger Blood Hollow 5 Krueger Mercy Falls 6 Krueger Copper River 7 Krueger Thunder Bay 8
Krueger Red Knife 9 Krueger Heaven's Keep 10 Krueger Vermillion Drift 11 Krueger Northwest Angle 12
Krueger Trickster's Point 13 Krueger Ordinary Grace 14 Windigo Island

 Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

HM Two SheepA1C







Interesting Stories & Websites To Visit In Your Spare Time and Like…Who Has Spare Time?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Though the first video seems long-it is riveting and well worth the time and if you can’t watch it all at once maybe a little at a time. The others are short.


Fattie Foodie Books regarding health and nutrition.

Omnivores DilemmaWheat BellySalt Sugar Fat

Gary Taubes William Davis IMG_2714.JPG Mika Brzezinski Signs Copies Of Her Book "Obsessed: The Fight Against America's (and My Own) Food Addiction"

Caveat:  The first four books are terrific.  I have done a lot of reading during my life and I have to say the book “Obsessed” by Mika Brezezinski is absolutely the worst book I have ever read.  It is pithy; saying nothing.  She had the opportunity with all the heavy weights in the food, medical, and health industries at her disposal, and with her highly visible platform on Morning Joe to make a difference, and she totally blew it.  Instead of educating and making that difference, she promoted her book to make money.  Mika is a Thumbs Down.

I think the reason I liked “Salt Sugar Fat” so much is because Michael Moss so heavily emphasizes how we (not just in the United States but around the world) are so manipulated, influenced and controlled by the huge food companies like Monsanto, Cargill, Con Agra, Dupont, Dow, Big Pharma, and down the line to Pepsico, General Mills, and fast foods etc.  Remember the old Dow ads; Better Living Through Chemistry?  Yikes!  Our government is in bed with all these companies every step of the way with nebulous rules and regulations that only a $1000. an hour attorney might begin to figure out.  It is so terribly difficult for any individual to deal with government.  (Believe me, I have tried).

The above books and their authors, as good as most of them are, have barely made a dent (if even that) regarding the health and safely of people.  Oh yeah, some of us are just lucky, or have the money to withstand most of the worlds food platter but the vast majority of people do not fit into this category.  They are dependent on food labels and government.

With the United States government is is truly “Caveat Emptor”  Let The Buyer Beware.

  Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Jammy Jam

Internet Low Carb Writers & Bloggers

Internet Low Carb Writers & Bloggers

Internet Low Carb Writers & BloggersSteve Cooksey


Internet Low Carb Writers & BloggersKyndra Holley


Internet Low Carb Writers & BloggersLisa MarcAurele


Internet Low Carb Writers & BloggersLibby Jenkinson


Internet Low Carb Writers & BloggersLinda Genaw


These are only the home pages of these websites-don’t be fooled.  They are vast and full of so, so much information and so many recipes.

Internet Low Carb Recipes & Book Authors

Carolyn Ketchum  fabulous desserts


Jennifer Eloff PictureJennifer Eloff everything about cooking with Splenda


And there are hundreds more talented low carb cooks and websites.

As a former chef I have always been particularly partial to desserts.  Pastries, cakes, and the like.  Not necessarily in the eating of them but in the artistry of making them.

One Samurai Tradition says:  from the moment you awake, devote yourself to the perfection of whatever you pursue.  I admire this practice and strive to emulate it.

“Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is but a vision.  But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.  Look well, therefore, to this day.” ~Sanskrit Proverb

Recommended Cook Books

Volume OneVolume TwoSplenda Low Carbing







 All the Low-Carbing Among Friends cookbooks and maybe a couple of Jennifer Eloff’s books are mostly all you’ll need.  Some people just love collecting cookbooks and if you are one of these people then have at it.

Where To Buy Low Carb Products  Hands down the best.  They sell some (in my opinion) dubious products and they don’t have everything but they sure have a lot.

You can also buy through but personally, I prefer Netrition.

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Nothing To Fear

Calculating Carbohydrates

100% always equals 100g of any given tested product.

Scenario One Example: Snacks For Life Better Bagel-One of my lab tested products-an 85g bagel

100% minus 33.3% moisture, minus 13.8% protein, minus 2.4% fat, minus 2.7% ash-leaving 47.8% as a combination of available carbohydrate and fiber.

The serving size (always given in grams on any food label and if the gram weight is not listed be very wary) is 85g.  The 85g is then multiplied by each of the above percentages and what is left is a combination of carbohydrate and fiber which in this case is 41g.  Remember this is a combination of carbs and fiber.  Now you want to break these two down and this is where you better know what your ingredients are.

In this case the first 3 ingredients on the bagel are listed as: high gluten wheat flour, wheat gluten, and corn starch-all very high carbohydrate low fiber ingredients and yet the label says 24g carbs 16g fiber and 3g sugar alcohol with 5g net carbs. Very suspicious since these same 3 ingredients have virtually no fiber.  From my glucose test below it appears the ingredients are probably correct but the carbs and fiber are falsely stated.  If there is a 48g combination left and the label states a 40g combination where are the other 8 grams?  13.8% protein X 100% X 85g = 11.7g protein not the 16g stated on the label.  Now add the missing 8g with the 4g less protein and you begin to see the picture; a whooping 12g difference.  This bagel would have 36g carbs and 12 grams fiber just if you believe the label and I would say it is probably more like 50g carbs and 2g fiber which is about your average everyday bagel and my glucose test below pretty much says it all.  I only tested 56g because eating the whole thing scared me.

NY Bagel NoCrash

April 16, 2013 Purchased From Snack For Life

Interestingly I had about 5 oz of egg salad with bacon for lunch and when I took my afternoon reading before dinner the reading was 79…not good.  It is called “crashing” your blood sugar-goes way up and then way down.

Scenario Two Example:  Carb Krunchers Plain Multigrain Bread-One of my lab tested products-2 Slices 56g

In this case it is the ingredients list that is at least partially falsely labeled.  The first 8 ingredients are listed as:  almond flour, soy flour, bran flour (what the hell is bran flour-haven’t been able to find it) and whole wheat bran flour (nope, couldn’t find that one either) oat flour, sesame flour, unbleached flour, and vital flour wheat (nope, not this one either).  The list of high carb ingredients reads like another Stephen King horror novel but the problem is that most people read the list, see ALMOND MEAL, don’t read any further and think yup, must be low carb.

The label for this product states:  11g carbs, 6g fiber, and .5 sugar alcohols with 4.5g net carbs.

Lab testing for this product is:  25g carbs, 4g fiber with a 21g net carbs.


December 18, 2012 Ordered From Viva Low Cab Received From Health Express

One of things I have noticed over my last year of testing my own blood glucose levels on so many products is that I am pretty consistent.  If something has X carbs my readings go up about the same and in proportion every time.  The more carbohydrate the higher the spike.

Dr. Richard Bernstein says not to spike over 140 and I try never to do this…except when I am going to knowingly test a suspected product.

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust But Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.







All the President’s Men

All the President's MenAll the President’s Men. There are three fraudulent major players on the West Coast, and two on the East Coast joined by several smaller players with a scattering in between.  All three players on the west coast have multiple sites and the Lord only knows why.

What is their common denominator?  They are all knowingly selling products that are fraudulently labeled.  One might say caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) should apply and I say-no, it should not.  A seller in the business of regularly selling a particular type of goods has still greater responsibilities in dealing with an average customer. One such warranty is the Implied Warranty of Merchantability.  A person purchasing any low carb product is justified in his or her reliance on the expertise of the seller.  Only if both the buyer and the seller are negotiating from equal bargaining positions, and only then, should the doctrine of caveat emptor apply.

This rule (caveat emptor) is not designed to shield sellers who engage in fraud or bad faith dealing by making false or misleading representations about the quality or condition of a particular product. It merely summarizes the concept that a purchaser must examine, judge, and test a product considered for purchase.

The Big Internet Players

Bonnie Parker MugshotThese are the multiple websites owned by Rossana Forzanti located on the West Coast in California.  After being exposed, this crook has gone from selling falsely labeled low carb products to diabetics online, to hawking Mexican candy. What a piece of work.

NixonThese are the multiple websites owned by Jason May located on the West Coast in California


Bernie Madoff These are the multiple websites owned by Julian Bakery and Heath Squier located on the West Coast in California


The Smaller But Not Insignificant Internet Players:


John Leland Turner Coralville, IA  OUT OF BUSINESS



G. Gordon LiddyThese are the websites of Patricia & Richard LaPlante OUT OF BUSINESS



valentine heart shape made by dollars isolatedIf we can’t trust a label, which affects how we make our decisions, what are we able to trust?  Do we really want to support the businesses that have been and continue to sell us falsely labeled products for the love of money at the expense of our health?

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Whoopie PiesPointless Dull Needles

One Good Low Carb Bakery & Some Good Internet Sellers

Healthwise Bakery

I have been contacted by Healthwise Bakery in Ft. Lauderdale, FL several times over the past eight or nine months to personally glucose test bread and bagel products for them and each time they have tested just fine.  I seem to be very sensitive to carbohydrate and am the perfect diabetic test subject because I take NO drugs of any kind.   A couple of the breads have not tasted that great but the last one he sent me a couple of months ago for Great Low Carb Bread was actually pretty tasty.  It is my humble opinion that their bread products need more fat in them and as a diabetic low carber I could care less about fat.  As far as I am concerned the more fat the better.  Healthwise Bakery has been in business for 22 years-far longer than the Julian Bakery in California or Sami’s Bakery and Carb Krunchers on the East Coast and until these crooksters came along with their falsely labeled breads you were assured that you were getting truly low carb products.  Healthwise bakery does do private labeling so your favorite bread may have been made by them and you’ve just never known it.

Linda's Diet DelitesAndrew Eckhardt & Linda’s Diet Delites 1049 Raritan Rd  Clark, NJ 07066 (732) 382-1099 seem to have people’s health at heart.  Yes, in the past he has carried some of the offending falsely labeled products and each time he has discovered them he not only has dropped them, he makes negative statements on his website regarding the products.  If possible, this is the best store on the internet to deal with whether you live in the East or the West.  They have a physical store if you are in the area.  The ThinSlim lowcarb breads are tasty & I have had it.

Web address:

Gluten Free ShoppeThe Gluten Free Shoppe 3918 16th Ave  Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 633-3200  This looks to be a terrific place to shop and if you are looking for gluten free they seem to have a whole host of products.  To my knowledge they are the only online store to carry Carb-O-Licious Muffins besides Amazon.  Not only are they GF, they are high fat and low carb.  I found and ordered the chocolate muffins through Amazon because I thought they might be falsely labeled but was I in for a treat.  I have no earthly idea why the bakery that makes these muffins wishes to remain anonymous but it seems they do.  Yes, I know who they are and no, please don’t ask me.  Carb-O-LiciousMy muffins were shipped from the bakery but had no bakery name on the otherwise perfectly good label.  All I can say is that most any prepared low carb baked goods, other than my own, have been pretty much like tasteless cardboard but these muffins are not only good-they are fantastic.  They are almost fudge-like.  I tested these and had virtually no blood sugar increase.  The package I received had a total net muffin weight of a whopping 5 oz more than advertised-what a bonus!

Web address:

Healthy Joy BakesHealthy Joy Bakes-Omega Power Bread 1173 50TH Street Suite #302 Brooklyn, NY 11219 (718) 924-2266  Issac Sander was kind enough to send me a sample loaf, I did do a blood glucose and it was fine.  My assessment:  Somewhat dry, definitely not tasty but might improve with butter.  It had a very dark one quarter inch crust completely around each slice and at $10.00 plus shipping it would be a bit rich for my blood (no pun intended).  The taste of all food is subjective for all people so even though this was not the tastiest low carb bread I have tried you may think it is very good.

Web address:

I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.


March 16th, 2013 Complimentary From Omega Power Bread And Issac Sander

P-28 Protein Bread-This bread is not low carb and does not purport to be but it is very high in protein (14g) in one large slice (47g). By today’s standards one slice of this bread is nearly equal to 2 normal 1oz slices so a sandwich made with this bread would give you a whooping 28g protein and 20g net carbs or…You could cut a piece in half for a good size sandwich.  If this is your cup of tea they have a full line of bakery products.

Web address: this bread is also available from netrition:

I can’t eat Dave’s Killer Breads anymore, but I sure used to.  Everyone in Oregon and Washington eats them.  If breads could be healthy these would be the breads to eat. They are chocked full of the best grains, seeds and nuts and they are good, great, fabulous.  Dave’s Killer Breads is literally, across the street from Bob’s Red Mill.  I am proud to say that I personally know Dave, and that he is one stand up dude.

Daves Truck
Daves Just Say No

 Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

No Longer A Diabetic Needle In A Needlestack


What The Hell Are We Eating Anyway?

PepsicoNo matter what, unless you are a commercial bakery or food manufacturer you cannot buy the ingredients that go into most low carb breads, bagels, and a thousand other products. For what it’s worth I pretty much consider these ingredients FrankenFoods.  They have been, and are being, developed by companies like Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) and the infamous Monsanto.  The names are innocuous enough but the idea of eating them turns my stomach.  These products list like a who’s who from some horror novel:  soy fiber, pea fiber, cellulose fiber, rice fiber, corn fiber, stabilized bran, and multifiber.  What is multifiber?  Some combination?  Think about this:  These products are not just in breads and bakery items; they are in hundreds and hundreds of processed packaged and fast food products and include beverages, candy, cereals yogurt, and ice cream.  Ice cream?  Last I knew ice cream had four basic ingredients:  Eggs, cream, sugar, and vanilla.  And then…there are all the modified starches in foods.  To name just a few:  Instant puddings and desserts, canned soups, gravies, low fat foods, salad dressings, jellied candies, baby foods, infant formulas, and liquid cheese.  Yeah, lets get them babies started off right early in life with some of them modifies starches…and what is liquid cheese?

Tostitos Smooth & CheesyCellulose Fiber From Wood:  Manufacturers use cellulose wood fiber in foods as an extender, providing structure and reducing breakage in a variety of processed foods and meats meant for human and pet consumption, as well as for plastics, cleaning detergents, welding electrodes, pet litter, automotive brake pads, glue and reinforcing compounds, construction materials, roof coating, asphalt, and even emulsion paints, among many other products.

Manufacturers are able to remove as much as 50% of the fat from some cookies, biscuits, cakes and brownies by replacing it with powdered cellulose but still end up with a very similar product in terms of taste and appearance.  Some of the largest offenders are:  PepsiCo, Kellogg, Weight Watchers, General Mills, McDonalds, Sara Lee, Yum Brands, Jack in the Box, Kraft Foods, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Sonic, Dole, KFC, Nestle, and get this-Atkins.  These are just the biggies and each of the above individual companies produce multiple products with wood cellulose.

Most consumers might be horrified to find these types of filler products are used as substitutes for items that they believe to be good for them.   Shouldn’t we perhaps expect increased disclosure to follow increased use of cellulose and other filler products as these practices increases?

Money WorldWhy are these fillers used?  Simple-MONEY, MONEY, and more MONEY.  You know the old saying:  Money makes the world go round.  They are far less expensive that real food and if people will eat it, bring it on.

Why the hell are we all eating this crap?  All it takes is to stop!  Companies are complacent because people keep buying their products.  You can bet that these same companies would perk right up if people, en masse, stopped purchasing all of this Frankenfood MythFrankenFood.  It is my best guess when you are told you need more fiber they are not talking about these wood fibers and fillers.  I don’t know about you but I’m not to keen about eating something that also goes in roof coating, asphalt and glue.  Am I missing something here?

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Diabetic Money

Diabetes Supplies Shop

Diabetes SuppliesBusiness Of DiabetesThis website is no longer active but it was interesting:  Diabetes Supplies Shop carried 847 products and everything in the world for diabetics, including glucose meters, test strips, insulin pumps, keto strips, foot care products, diabetic shoes, food products, and yes…unbelievably…they peddled CARB KRUNCHERS breads.  Are you kidding me?  As you can see Carb Krunchers was huge and absolutely everywhere.

Notice that falsely labeled products and especially breads are or were sold at the following locations.  The smarter ones scrubbed themselves of Carb Krunchers-the dumber ones have not.  Remember I didn’t just make up these website addresses-the internet website owners didMany of the links have now been broken but I sure know this one is good. 

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Diet Mart & Laurel Health Foods Playing Whack-A-Mole

Whack A MoleAs illustrated on the Sami’s Bakery, Low Carb Emporium & Carb Krunchers page, leading to the Zomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers page, we are now led to the Diet Mart & Laurel Health Foods page.  What has happened in the past is as one company’s false labeling is discovered; they lay low for a while and pop up somewhere else with a “new” line of products.  This is now being monitored.

All together we can stop this fraud. We can stop buying from the big internet players and with a little courage we can call or email them and tell them we are mad as hell and we’re not buying any more!


Diet Mart at seems to be a prime example of trying to keep up playing Whack-A-Mole.  I took the liberty of copying and pasting labels from the websites of Sami’s Bakery, Diet Mart, Laurel Health Foods and my own purchased Carb Krunchers label so you could see first hand how they are all connected. I am afraid that if and when they know I have done this the pages could go away.  Please See Sami’s, Diet Mart, Carb Kruncher [PDF]

Classic BrowniesLaurel Health Foods  OUT OF BUSINESS

Another Whack-A-Mole example.  Take a look at the picture in this newspaper’s article regarding the moving of Laurel Health Foods.  The picture pretty much shows what many other health food stores might look like: vitamins & herbs and a nice row of coolers and some baked goods in the front.,0,530299.story

This next article absolutely gushes about the special little food bar in the back of the store for diabetics with their grandmother saying (about her grandson brothers) “They’re knowledgeable on diabetes and this will be good for Laurel.”  The food bar has personal-sized, low-carbohydrate bagels and pizzas…now I wonder…are they selling Carb Krunchers and EatRite to diabetics being as though they are so knowledgeable about all this stuff.  This is the headline of another local paper:  Health Food Store Opens New Diabetic-Friendly Snack Area.

These guys think they have it all figured out.  A quaint little store front with a dirty little back room secret.

Brothers Curtis and Phil Price and their mother Monica have a website at  dedicated almost exclusively to the sales of EatRite Products, Dreamfields, and Carb Krunchers breads & bagels. (The breads and bagels are in the upper left corner).  Are you kidding me, basically no other products but these when they have hundreds of other legitimate products?

These people now have the health food store that the grandparents opened 42 years ago (same year my parents opened their health food store) and look what they have turned it into-a place to bilk diabetics and the low carb community.  Good Grief!

Money RollsHey, let’s make a little money on the side.  We know these products are selling like hotcakes so why not get in on a little of the action.  We know diabetics are desperate and they are a huge internet market and really, who cares about them?  KaChing, KaChing.  The article says the Prices continue to offer customers advice on healthy eating.  Sure glad I’m not one of their customers getting that “healthy eating advice”.

If mom and dad were old school as the article says, I’m betting mom and dad have proverbially “turned over”.

This is so totally, totally disgusting.

The BIG Q:  Who is still making these products?  Is it Zomick’s?  Is it Sami’s? Or is it some other Mole?

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Waging War