Author Archives: Deborah Krueger

Low Carb Garlic Mint Snow Peas

Low Carb Garlic Mint Snow PeasLow Carb Garlic Mint Snow PeasLow Carb Garlic Mint Snow Peas.  These could not be much easier but they do pack a great flavor punch and slivered on the diagonal they cook very quickly.  I left these plain Jane but with the addition of a number of things you can change the flavor significantly.  Add a splash of tamari or fish sauce or maybe just something you have and like.  And if you happen to have Pili Nuts they are a great replacement for pine nuts with the same buttery high fat content. Low carb garlic mint snow peas are a light refreshing side dish to any meal.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Garlic Mint Snow Peas
  1. 4 C Snow Peas
  2. 3 T Olive Oil
  3. 3 T Pine Nuts
  4. 1 T Crushed Garlic***
  5. 1 T Dried Mint
  6. Salt To Taste
  1. Sliver snow peas on the bias.
  2. Add olive oil & garlic to hot pan, stir to mix and immediately add snow peas & pine nuts.
  3. Fry until beginning to brown.
  4. Plate or place in serving bowl, sprinkle with mint and salt to taste.
  5. 4 Servings
  6. 163 Calories, 3.0g Protein, 15.1g Fat, 6.6g Carbs, 2.3g Fiber, 4.3g Net Carbs
  1. This takes almost no time at all to sauté so best to do it last minute.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Red Pepper Walnut Relish

Keto Red Pepper Walnut RelishLow Carb Red Pepper Walnut RelishKeto Red Pepper Walnut Relish.  Muhammara In Arabic, and this is the 2nd recipe I am posting using Aleppo Pepper Paste and also where I will attempt to explain it a bit more than in the Yogurt Walnut Dip.  Originally, Aleppo Peppers were grown and came from Aleppo, Syria and the picture on the right is a true pepper.

In Syria, with hundreds of thousands dead and livelihoods destroyed by the conflict, the loss of a spice might not seem like a big deal, but it’s not just a flavor, it’s history. “The Syrians are so accustomed to conflict, and at the same time so determined to maintain their traditions, they create spaces in their homes where they keep supplies. Most households retain a small supply of seeds, too.”  You can get what is call Aleppo pepper but it is not coming from Aleppo and almost certainly not even from Syria.  They are now mostly grown in Turkey and you know how it works.  They are going to probably crossbreed on their own (peppers tend to do that) and flavors will change depending on the soil they are grown in.

The Aleppo pepper has a moderate heat level of about 10,000 on the Scoville scale, with some fruitiness and mild, cumin-like undertones. Its flavor is similar to the ancho chile, but oilier and slightly salty as salt is often used in the drying process which I explained elsewhere and yes, don’t not make this because you don’t have access to a Middle-Eastern market.  Ancho chili powder makes a good stand-in with a near Scoville heat of a mildish jalapeno pepper. If you belong to Amazon you can get it there and also through Penzey’s Spices.

See Note Below:  I just bought some ancho chile powder, made a paste with it and whoa, it is pretty spicy so if you end up using it, try using only ½ T to begin with, taste, and add more if wanted.  You will need bread crumbs made from the Low Carb Carbalose Bread recipe and if you have never made it, now may be the time.  Nutritionals in this keto red pepper walnut relish do include using my bread crumbs.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Red Pepper Walnut Relish
  1. 1 C Toasted Then Ground Walnuts
  2. ½ C Carbalose Bread Crumbs
  3. 2 T Red Pepper Paste (Or Equivalent)
  4. 1½ T Lemon Juice
  5. 1½ T Olive Oil
  6. 1 T Allulose***
  7. 1 t Balsamic Vinegar
  8. ¾ t Cumin
  9. ¼ t Paprika
  10. ¼ T Salt
  11. 1 T Olive Oil (For Drizzling)
  12. ½ T Toasted Pine Nuts (Garnish)
  13. Assorted Low Carb Veggies
  1. Toast and cool walnuts.
  2. Put first 10 ingredients into your processor and grind until fine and turns into a stiff mix. If it needs more olive oil drizzle more a bit at a time until desired consistency is reached.
  3. Press onto plate or into serving dish, drizzle with more olive oil and garnish with pine nuts.
  4. Serve with veggies and a small spreading knife.
  5. 4 Servings
  6. 262 Calories, 6.3g Protein, 24.7g Fat, 8.1g Carbs, 3.9g Fiber, 4.2g Net Carbs
  1. I wish you could have seen the two of us in the kitchen making this relish. I wanted to do it, scratch out the recipe on paper, and it was a little of this and a little of that until I finally got it. She is just as meticulous and picky about her food and I am about mine and she had zero problems correcting me. Whatever happened to respect for the elderly?
  2. If you end up using ancho powder add a little water & oil to make a paste and you can buy the paste-just make sure it does not have garlic in. I don’t have the paste (but then again I have the real deal) and apparently you can use it in all kinds of stuff.
  3. Nutritionals include bread crumbs.
  4. I don't think there is really any good substitute for red pepper paste. The ancho will give you heat but not the flavor.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Yogurt Walnut Dip

Keto Yogurt Walnut DipLow Carb Yogurt Walnut DipKeto Yogurt Walnut DipKeto Yogurt Walnut DipKeto Yogurt Walnut Dip. Another Middle Eastern food dish at its best. A friend from Dubai was staying with me for several weeks. One day we got in the kitchen and made 3 dishes and this keto yogurt walnut dip was one of them.  In the Middle East it is customary to eat communally and not uncommon for there to be many smaller dishes in which everyone at the table gets only 2-3-4 bites of 7-8-9 different foods.  It is an absolutely lovely way to eat and…you get to taste many foods in one sitting.  Each woman is complimented on not only how good the food tastes but how beautifully it is decorated.  The plate was a gift and I am now using it a lot.  My first thought when I saw it was; holy smokes, it has such a busy pattern you won’t be able to see the food.  You can see what a doofus I am. Not only does the food look great, it is enhanced by the plate and seriously how in heaven’s name would I know more than centuries of women before me. Duh.  The one slice of bread is a piece of my Low Carb Carbalose Bread.  I was out of my own Keto Yogurt the day I made this and which is why I used the labne.

It is also customary to have more food than the numbers of people are able to eat so you can imagine the leftovers which…are eaten the following morning and then into the next meal and so it goes, on and on.  The people are incensed when there is not enough food so I guess as they say;  Better Safe Than Sorry.  Not our custom here in the US but, I don’t think we necessarily have a corner on anything.

The ingredients are simple and the taste is complex.  That pepper sauce you see is Aleppo Pepper and…as this is already too long, its description is told in the Red Pepper Walnut Relish.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Walnut Yogurt Dip
  1. ¾ C Full Fat Yogurt (Or Labne If You Can Get It)
  2. 6 T Toasted Small Chopped Walnuts (Divided)
  3. 2 T Aleppo Pepper Paste
  4. ¼ t Salt
  5. ⅛ t Crushed Garlic Paste***
  6. 2-3 T Olive Oil
  1. Toast chopped walnuts.
  2. In medium bowl mix yogurt, red pepper paste, salt, garlic, and 5 T walnuts.
  3. Smear on serving plate and place last T walnuts in center.
  4. Drizzle generously with olive oil.
  5. Serve with plate of low carb veggies and bread if using.
  6. 6 Servings
  7. 144 Calories, 2.2g Protein, 14.9g Fat, 2.4g Carbs, 0.6g Fiber, 1.8g Net Carbs
  1. Please do take the time to toast the walnuts as it makes a huge difference in the end product.
  2. I doubt you have access to Aleppo Pepper Paste and a really good substitute is Ancho Chile Powder with a bit of salt. It has about the same heat profile (not hot).
  3. If you do end up with the chili powder add two parts powder to one part water or olive oil, mix, and allow to sit until it thickens. Include a bit more salt in the recipe as Aleppo pepper is dried with salt.
  4. Recipe easily doubles.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Cowboy Butter

Low Carb Cowboy ButterLow Carb Cowboy ButterKeto Cowboy ButterKeto Cowboy ButterKeto Cowboy Butter. There are days, and I mean many of them, that I can barely wait to have dinner, and eating anything with this keto cowboy butter sauce is one of them. It should not be hard to imagine how good this sauce is.  All you have to do is look at the ingredients and let’s face it, butter and garlic are good on a brick but it really will go with about anything you want to dip into it.  Vegetables, breads, steak, chicken, seafood…I used chicken tenders for this go-round but um, you really can’t beat a great steak. Everything about this sauce is appealing.  Ingredients are not so different than a good Complex Compound Butter but a heck of a lot easier to fix.  No molding the butter or rolling it in film and waiting for it to get firm enough to slice. Both have their own roles but this keto cowboy butter is pretty immediate gratification.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cowboy Butter
  1. 6 T Butter
  2. 2 T Garlic Paste***
  3. 1 T Dried Parsley
  4. 1 T Dried Chives
  5. 1 t Dried Thyme
  6. ¼ t Red Pepper Flakes
  7. ¼ t Paprika
  8. ¼ t Salt
  9. ¼ t Pepper
  10. ⅛ t Cayenne Pepper
  11. 1 T Lemon Juice (Only For Seafood)
  1. Slightly melt butter.
  2. Add all ingredients to a small bowl and mix well.
  3. Serve in small individual dipping bowls.
  4. 4 Servings
  5. 166 Calories, 0.5g Protein, 17.3g Fat, 1.7g Carbs, 0.2g Fiber, 1.5g Net Carbs
  1. I serve this just barely warmed so most of it will stick to the food I am dipping into it.
  2. Add ½ T lemon if serving with fish.
  3. Yes, you can also just spoon it on before service.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Pecan Brandy Bars

Keto Pecan Maple Brandy BarsKeto Pecan Maple Brandy BarsKeto Pecan Brandy Bars.  I doubt you can truly get good perspective on the size (I did a 12 cut) of these Pecan Maple Brandy Bars but the taste? Holy Moly Batman, to die for.  I am getting sick of ruining my dinners.  Certainly one of the things we as bloggers need to do it taste a new recipe and for some reason, which probably has to do more with my prefrontal cortex, I am unable to wait until after my dinner to try a dessert.  Come on, I am 71 years old and I’m still acting like a child but I do have to say that most times it’s worth it and this was one of the times. A touch of brandy, a touch of maple and ooh la la.  They are enough to make you dance in the streets. Sheesh, I have 60 lowcarb, keto, and paleo dessert recipes on this site and I have had a lot of good high carby desserts in my time but, these keto pecan brandy bars have gone to the top of my favorites list.  Oozy, gooey, chewy goodness.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Pecan Maple Brandy Bars
  1. 2¼ C Almond Flour
  2. ¾ C Ground Pecans
  3. ½ C Allulose***
  4. ¾ C Melted Butter
  1. 2 Eggs
  2. ¾ C Allulose***
  3. ½ C Melted Butter
  4. ¼ C SugarFree Maple Syrup***
  5. 2 T Heavy Cream
  6. 1 t Vanilla Extract
  7. 2 T Brandy
  8. 1¼ C Chopped Pecans
  1. Preheat oven to 340˚.
  2. Mix all ingredients and press well into an 8"x8” cake pan.
  3. Blind bake crust 12-15 minutes and then “tamp down” as it will puff up. Return to oven for about 5-10 additional minutes or until it starts to turn just ever so slightly brown. If it has puffed up again knock it back down.
  4. Leave oven on.
  1. Add eggs, Allulose, syrup, melted butter, vanilla to medium bowl & beat until smooth.
  2. Add heavy cream & brandy, and mix thoroughly.
  3. Fold in nuts, pour into pan, and bake for 25-30 minutes. Bars will puff up and then fall when removed from the oven and should just giggle ever so slightly in the center.
  4. Put on rack and cool completely.
  5. For the very best results cover and refrigerate for at least 4-5 hours as the bars will get really chewy, thick and dense.
  6. 16 Servings
  7. 325 Calories, 5.5g Protein, 33.0g Fat, 5.3g Carbs, 2.9g Fiber, 2.4g Net Carbs
  8. 12 Servings
  9. 433 Calories, 7.3g Protein, 43.9g Fat, 7.0g Carbs, 3.9g Fiber, 3.1g Net Carbs
  1. Bars are as chewy and dense as the best brownie you have ever eaten.
  2. Absolutely no need to grease pan as the crust has so much butter in it. The bars will come out slicker than a whistle.
  3. CAVEAT: I use the ingredients that I feel are the best available, for me personally. If you decide to make this (and I sure hope you do) I am unable to vouch for substitute sweeteners. I have multiple reasons for NOT using eryritol, oligosaccharides or food grade glycerin(e) and one of them is they are not as low in carbs as you may have been lead to believe.
  4. I do occasionally used EZ-Sweetz liquid Sucralose as it adds a different depth of sweetness rather than leaving something one dimensional and neither of the products used here have any carbs in them no matter how much you use. None of the above mentioned can begin to say that which is why you see a nutritional label for 1 t or God forbid ½ t.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Smoky Eggplant Dip

Keto Smoky Eggplant DipKeto Smoky Eggplant DipKeto Smoky Eggplant DipKeto Smoky Eggplant Dip.  We all pretty much know about the famous eggplant dip Baba Ganoush but this is a horse of a different color and just as healthy as its cousin.  Interesting in that it has many of the same components but tastes completely differently.  An eggplant dip would normally be smeared around on a plate and served with veggies and with pita or many of the specialty breads made in the Middle East.  I have shown this keto smoky eggplant dip both with veggies and with kalamata olives & mint not only because they are traditional, but they are all also low carb. If you happen to make either my Naan Flat Bread or the new Keto Pork Rind Wraps torn into shards, as seen in the third picture, they are both perfect low carb accompaniments.

Notice in the last picture the roasted eggplant in a jar. If you want to make life easier for yourself and you don’t want to oven roast your eggplants this is a fabulous hack and so much easier and I now use it all the time.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Smoky Eggplant Dip
  1. ½ C Baked Drained & Mashed Eggplant (About 1 Small)
  2. ½ C Labne (Sour Cream Or Full Fat Yogurt Will Work)
  3. 2 T Lemon Juice
  4. 1 T Grated Shallot (Onion)
  5. ½ t Liquid Smoke
  6. ½ t Salt
  7. ¼ t Pepper
  8. ¼ t Garlic Paste***
  9. 2-3 T Olive Oil For Drizzling
  10. 2 t Dried Mint (Garnish)
  1. Bake, drain, and mash eggplant. Put into small bowl and mix in rest of ingredients except olive oil and mint.
  2. Put onto plate, drizzle with olive oil and garnish with mint.
  3. Serve vegetables, olives, and (bread) for scooping.
  4. 6 Servings
  5. 89 Calories, 1.0g Protein, 8.7g Fat, 2.8g Carbs, .7g Fiber, 2.1g Net Carbs
  1. To make this easier you can also buy jarred already cooked eggplant. A friend gave a large jar of it to me, I used it for this recipe, and I have to say it was quite good. I will probably use the rest of it for my eggplant soup.
  2. If using whole eggplant and once it is baked, I prop up the pan, split the eggplant on one side from top to bottom, let it cool a bit and then with a fork try to push out as much of the juice as I can.
  3. Recipe easily doubles.
  4. You can use minced onion instead of grated but you will not get the flavor or the smooth consistency it should have.
  5. I didn't want to overwhelm the look of the dish but I am positive, and if you have it, that za'atar would be spectacular sprinkled on the final plate.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Shrimp & Grits

Low Carb Shrimp & GritsLow Carb Shrimp & Grits.  Shrimp and grits began as a simple low country southern  dish.  Shrimp was plentiful and so was hominy. It has been refined over the years and has now become a staple on Southern tables and restaurants everywhere but really took off in the mid 1980’s when Chef Bill Neal brought it to new heights.  Mine is no different and only a reminder that there are low carb versions of almost anything.  I have to say that I just happen to like my own low carb version best.  We (at least I) pretty much eat low carb shrimp & grits for dinner but it was originally eaten as a big hearty breakfast before going out to a day of fishing.  It make’s sense to use the bacon grease instead of draining it and then using seed oil and in fact I have not had a seed oil in my house for 9 years and it makes me sick to think I, like most everyone, believed the poison for so many years.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Shrimp & Grits
  1. 1 Lb Large Shelled Shrimp
  2. 1 Head Riced Cauliflower
  3. ½ Lb Bacon
  4. ½ C Minced Onions
  5. 4 Oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  6. ¼ C Heavy Cream
  7. Water To Consistency
  8. 2 T Lemon Juice
  9. 2 t Crushed Garlic***
  10. 2 t Chicken Base***
  11. ¼ C Green Onion Tops
  12. Salt & Pepper Only If Needed
  13. Old Bay (Optional & I Did Not Use It)
  14. Parmesan Cheese (Optional & I Did Not Use It)
  1. Cut bacon into small pieces & cook to render fat. Leaving fat in pan, remove bacon & set aside.
  2. Remove enough fat (2-3 T) to a separate skillet to sauté shrimp.
  3. Add onion to remaining fat and cook until translucent then add in cauliflower, heavy cream, chicken base, and bacon & cook until tender. (5-6-7 minutes).
  4. Remove from heat, blend in cheese and add enough water, if needed, to bring to creamy consistency.
  5. Sauté shrimp in bacon fat, adding crushed garlic and lemon juice.
  6. Put grits into bowl, arrange shrimp and sprinkle with green onions.
  7. 4 Servings
  8. 582 Calories, 41.8g Protein, 40.5g Fat, 12.7g Carbs, 4.4g Fiber, 8.3g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Walnut Pecan Tart

Keto Walnut Pecan TartKeto Walnut Pecan TartKeto Walnut Pecan TartKeto Walnut Pecan Tart.  WOWIE.  It has long been a dream of mine to make this keto walnut pecan tart and for many reasons it has not happened until now.  I lived at an altitude in excess of 10,000 in Colorado that simple would not permit it.  No matter what you did the filling would actually boil out of the shell you know, kind of like; a volcano. I have a cook book that I have had for a gazillion years which has a recipe for the Walnut Pecan Tart which I have made, but not for maybe 28-30 years and for sure not successfully.  My memory is that it was to die for and let’s face it we all have fears and mine was failing to make a recipe LCHF and keto for diabetics that would even work.  Then, I kinda forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago when I made a Basic Pie Crust just to have on hand and take fresh pictures of.  I stuck it in the freezer and then began stewing on how to maybe make that danged keto walnut pecan tart.  I did try to make a low carb pecan pie a couple of years ago using another low carb-keto blogger’s recipe that said to use glycerin and it was a disaster.  The glycerin jacked my blood sugar through the roof and I can assure you, this one does not and if you are diabetic I urge you to always check your blood sugar levels.  I subsequently questioned her about it, she left it up, and then many months later she finally changed the recipe but not before untold 1000’s of people had pinned and made it.  Sheesh.  I now have a sister recipe to this one called Keto Crack Pie  (yes, an homage to the famous Momofuko crack pie in NYC) and it is to die for.  Same crust, no nuts and tastes like a melt-in-your-mouth brown sugar pie.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Walnut Pecan Tart
Smaller Crust 8”
  1. 1¾ C Almond Flour
  2. ½ C Ground Pecans
  3. ½ C Allulose
  4. ½ C Melted Butter
  1. 2 Eggs
  2. 1 C Allulose
  3. ½ C Melted Butter
  4. ¼ C SugarFree Maple Syrup***
  5. 2 T Heavy Cream
  6. 1 t Vanilla Extract
  7. 2 T Brandy (Optional)
  8. ½ C Chopped Walnuts
  9. ½ C Chopped Pecans
  1. Preheat oven to 340°.
  2. Put almond flour into a medium bowl.
  3. In a small processor add pecans and Allulose and process until pecans are ground.
  4. Add pecan mixture to almond flour and mix in melted butter.
  5. Mix all ingredients and press into an 8"x1¼” removable bottom cake pan, a corresponding sized spring-form pan or even a 9" glass pie dish.
  6. Blind bake crust 12-15 minutes and then “tamp down” as it will puff up. Return to oven for about 5-10 additional minutes or until it starts to turn just ever so slightly brown. If it has puffed up again knock it back down.
  7. Leave oven on.
  1. In order add and mix: Eggs, syrup, melted butter, and vanilla to a medium bowl & beat until smooth. Add heavy cream and brandy, if using, and mix thoroughly.
  2. Beat in Allulose 4 T at a time until smooth.
  3. Fold in nuts, pour into pie shell, and bake for 25-30 minutes. Tart will puff up and then fall when removed from the oven and should just giggle a little in the center.
  4. Put on rack and cool completely.
  5. For the very best results cover and refrigerate for at least 4-5 hours as the tart will get really thick just like any other pecan pie.
  6. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream.
  7. 10 Servings
  8. 415 Calories, 7.3g Protein, 42.2g Fat, 6.5g Carbs, 3.5g Fiber, 3.0g Net Carbs
  1. Nutritionals include crust.
  2. For a pecan tart or pie, substitute the walnuts for more pecans.
  3. Don’t think your crust will be dry. The filling soaks into it and it becomes just as dense and chewy as the filling.
  4. Nuts will not float to the top but should stay nicely placed throughout the tart. (See Picture)
  5. Absolutely no need to grease pan as crust has so much butter in it. Each wedge will come out slicker than a whistle.
  6. Don't ask me how you can turn the ingredients listed into an absolutely fabulous low carb walnut pecan tart. It is beyond me and with a keto fat ratio of 91%.
  7. CAVEAT: I use the ingredients that I feel are the best available, for me personally. If you decide to make this (and I sure hope you do) I am unable to vouch for substitute sweeteners. I have multiple reasons for NOT using eryritol, oligosaccharides or food grade glycerin(e) and one of them is they are not as low in carbs as you may have been lead to believe.
  8. I do occasionally used EZ-Sweetz liquid Sucralose as it adds a different depth of sweetness rather than leaving something one dimensional and neither of the products used here have any carbs in them no matter how much you use. None of the above mentioned can begin to say that which is why you see a nutritional label for 1 t or God forbid ½ t.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Broccoli & Thai Peanut Sauce

Low Carb Broccoli & Thai Peanut SauceLow Carb Broccoli & Thai Peanut SauceLow Carb Broccoli & Thai Peanut Sauce. Not really sure how to describe the flavors of this fabulous dish except to say…well…it’s fabulous. No, not some ole limpy, watery, broccoli but charred broccoli.  I love charred broccoli as in Broccoli With Brown Butter Fish Sauce and probably just about any other way someone would serve it to me, and low carb broccoli & Thai peanut sauce is over the top and here is yet another Sweeter Spicier Thai Peanut Sauce.

I wouldn’t want you to think that broccoli is the only thing you can use this Thai peanut sauce on because that wouldn’t be true.  It is wonderful on sautéed eggplant and as a salad dressing on boiled mung bean sprouts with other Asian vegetables.  And I am sure you will come up with many other ways to use it.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Broccoli & (Another) Thai Peanut Sauce
  1. 1½ Lbs Fresh Broccoli
  2. 3 T Olive Oil
  3. 2 T Smooth Peanut Butter
  4. 2 T Coconut Milk
  5. ½ T Tamari
  6. ½ T SugarFree Rice Wine Vinegar
  7. ½ T Allulose***
  8. 1 t Fish Sauce
  9. 1 t Lime Juice
  10. ½ t Crushed Garlic***
  11. ⅛ t Crushed Red Pepper
  12. ¼ C Crushed Peanuts (Garnish)
  1. Preheat oven to 500°
  2. Cut broccoli into bite-size spears and yes, the stems too. (Not the woody stuff but at least 4”-5”)
  3. Line a baking pan with foil, add broccoli, drizzle with olive oil, and toss well.
  4. Put into oven and cook about 20 minutes or until they are darkened and charred.
  5. Meanwhile mix rest of ingredients except peanuts into a thin slurry. If too thick add water 1 t at a time.
  6. Put into serving bowl, drizzle with peanut sauce, and sprinkle with crushed peanuts.
  7. 4 Servings
  8. 234 Calories, 8.8g Protein, 18.8g Fat, 12.3g Carbs, 6.1g Fiber, 6.2g Net Carbs
  1. I don’t buy great big whole heads of broccoli as any grocery store selling it this way is cheating and charging you for what should be THEIR wastage-not yours.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Carbalose Flour Scones

Low Carb Carbalose Flour SconesLow Carb Carbalose Flour SconesLow Carb Carbalose Flour Scones.  I once did the overnight shift (1:00am-9:00am) working for a catering company/restaurant as one of two bakers.  I absolutely loved the job as I was by myself until 6:00am.  It was quiet and I could just work at my own (then) frenetic pace.  One of the many things I made, and mostly for the restaurant, was scones and during my stint there, I made 1,000’s of them. Great big whoppers. Not sure if I have made any since then but I had someone ask me if I had a recipe and I had to tell her no so…I thought I would put one out.  I mostly made fruit scones but you can do that yourself if you wish.  This is just a basic low carb Carbalose Flour Scones recipe and I have to say, they are good warmed, slathered with butter along with a good cup of afternoon coffee or tea.  I personally do not eat afternoon anything except dinner but these were pretty tempting and um, I broke down and ate two of them-thus ruining my dinner plans.  Remember I’m pretty old and simply can’t eat as much as I used to.  I added almonds and a little almond extract but the recipe can be made plain or with any of your own additions.  A little sugarfree raspberry jam?  Oh yeah, and everybody knows raspberries and almonds are a marriage made in foodie heaven. Of course in my haste to eat them…I forgot I even had the raspberry jam but…there will be a next time.

For many other Carbalose Flour Recipes please see All Things Carbalose informational page.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Carbalose Flour Scones
  1. 1 C Carbalose Flour***
  2. 3 T Allulose***
  3. 2 T Crushed Sliced Almonds
  4. 2 t Baking Powder
  5. ¼ t Nutmeg (Or Mace)
  6. 3 T Cold Butter Cut Into Small Chunks
  7. 1 Egg
  8. 2 Drops EZ-Sweetz Liquid Sucralose***
  9. ¼ C Sour Cream
  10. 2 T Heavy Cream
  11. ¼ t Almond Extract
  12. ½ t Vanilla Extract
  1. Preheat the oven to 360°F.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, allulose, nutmeg, and baking powder.
  3. Work in the butter, using your fingers, a fork, or a pastry blender.
  4. In a smaller bowl, whisk eggs, sour cream, heavy cream, Sucralose and extracts.
  5. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients & mix well.
  6. Using a 3 T or #24 scoop, place 6 evenly sized scones on a baking pan.
  7. Bake the scones for 20 minutes, until they're light golden brown.
  8. Allow to cool slightly.
  9. Serve warm, or at room temperature and yes, they can be frozen.
  10. 6 Servings
  11. 165 Calories, 7.0g Protein, 13.3g Fat, 9.3g Carbs, 5.2g Fiber, 4.1g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Pecan Sandy Bars

Keto Pecan Sandy BarsKeto Pecan Sandy BarsKeto Pecan Sandy BarsKeto Pecan Sandy Bars.  To set the stage:  The day before Christmas I was making a Pie Crust, taking pictures as replacement, and had quite a bit left over so I threw it into a container and then into the freezer.  Several hours later, and realizing how wonderful the pie crust is, it came to me that perhaps with little to no changes I could make kind of a shortbread cookie with it so I hauled it out of the freezer to thaw and proceeded from there and like wow, these are ridiculously good.  I know there are other recipes for pecan cookies but my adage has been and remains that for maximum flavor you need to take advantage of Surface Area and what better way to do this than to grind an ingredient. Now, I do have a Carbalose Duck Fat Shortbread Cookies recipe but keto pecan sandy bars don’t have any grains in them so they are totally keto ~ paleo. Oh, and did I mention they have fat in them?  Yeah, lots & lots & lots of fat.

When I was diagnosed with diabetes on September 17, 2010 my first thought was probably the same as most diabetics:  Uh oh, I am never going to be able to again have______fill in the blank and I now realize that is such baloney. Examples: The recipe that eventually launched this site Carbalose BreadButter Pecan Ice Cream, and this recipe for Keto Pecan Sandy Bars.  Gads, I can go to nearly any country in the world and enjoy low carb version of their foods.

So, we all have inspirations from time to time and these keto pecan sandy bars is one of mine.  I am inspired by fabrics and colors and textures hence King Size Quilts and for 40+ years as a chef, I have been inspired by foods and their ingredients.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Pecan Sandy Bars
  1. 2¼ C Almond Flour
  2. 1¼ C Pecans
  3. ½ C Allulose***
  4. 1 T Flaxseed Meal
  5. 1 T Ground Chia Seeds
  6. ¾ C Melted Butter
  1. Preheat oven to 325°.
  2. Put almond flour in large bowl.
  3. Add pecans, allulose, flaxseed meal, & ground chia seeds in processor and grind all together until pecans are finely done. Add to almond flour and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add melted butter and mix really well.
  5. Spread evenly in 10”x10” baking pan and press well making sure to press the sides and corners.
  6. Taking a knife (or better yet a bench scraper) cut to bottom of pan (scoring) to get either 12 or 16 cuts.
  7. Bake 25-30 minutes until barely beginning to color on top.
  8. Remove from oven, allow to cool 10 minutes, re-cut scores, and cool completely.
  9. 16 Servings
  10. 186 Calories, 3.9g Protein, 18.3g Fat, 4.3g Carbs, 2.5g Fiber, 1.8g Net Carbs
  11. 12 Servings
  12. 248 Calories, 5.2g Protein, 24.4g Fat, 5.8g Carbs, 3.3g Fiber, 2.5g Net Carbs
  1. Bars should tamp to about ½" thick. If you use a smaller pan than suggested yes, they will be thicker but will need a time & temperature adjustment to get crispy.
  2. No need to grease pan as they will come out quite easily.
  3. When cooled the bars will be very crunchy and melt in your mouth…just like the original pecan sandies. I didn't try it because these are so good on their own but maybe ½ C of sugar-free desiccated coconut and ¼ C more butter might be pretty tasty too.
  4. I grind lots of chia seeds in my spice grinder and since it never takes much of it, I do a lot at one time and keep them in the freezer for future use. Again going back to surface area and why it is so important.
  5. I hope you can see from the pictures that I made two batches. The first pic was cut into 16 and the pan pic was into 12 pieces which made them squares.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Kugelis

Low Carb KugelisLow Carb KugelisLow Carb KugelisKeto Kugelis. The only question here is:  Do you like bacon? This is an old Lithuanian/Polish dish and is probably made differently by as many people as there are who make it.  Originally a peasant dish made with bacon, grated potatoes, and onions with lots of eggs and milk, it is still made (mostly) the same way today.  Yes, I have onions in mine but have subbed daikon radish for the high carby potatoes and heavy cream for milk and in one word it…is…delicious.  With the invention of some modern appliances like a food processor this is pretty easy to make, it makes a lot and I think I know why.  Way back when as mostly people lived on farms and had lots of little mouths to feed, Kugelis could feed a small army of (children) farm workers and…all the ingredients were not only inexpensive, they were readily available on any farm.  I can’t imagine this this but the women grated the potatoes and the onions on the smallest holes on probably what was some really old grater.  It will look like a pudding before you cook it but rest assured it is not after it has baked.  I guarantee you will not be able to tell any difference between this keto kugelis and any other high carby original and if you have leftovers?  Put a couple of eggs on top and eat it for a super hearty breakfast.

All my many other Keto~LowCarb Daikon Or Red Radishes As Potatoes Recipes may be seen here.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

  1. 2 Lbs Daikon Radish (Or About 8 Cups Shredded)
  2. 1 Lb Bacon
  3. 1 Medium Grated Onion (Shallots)
  4. 6 T Melted Butter
  5. 8 Beaten Eggs
  6. ½ C Heavy Cream
  7. 1 T Flaxseed Meal
  8. 1 T Ground Chia Seeds
  9. 2 t Salt
  10. 1 t Pepper
  11. ½ t Nutmeg (Optional But Good)
  12. Sour Cream (Garnish)
  13. Green Onion Tops (Garnish)
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
  2. Sauté the bacon leaving all fat in pan. Crumble cooled bacon and put into a large bowl.
  3. Grate onion in processor on smallest grate possible. Add to bacon.
  4. Peel, grate, & rinse daikon radish squeezing out all excess water. Add to bowl.
  5. Add melted butter & bacon fat to bowl.
  6. Add heavy cream, rest of ingredients and mix well.
  7. Pour into ungreased 10”x10” or 9”x13” pan and bake for 50-60 minutes.
  8. 12 Servings
  9. 284 Calories, 10.4g Protein, 24.2g Fat, 4.8g Carbs, 2.0g Fiber, 2.8g Net Carbs
  1. If you don’t have a small hole grater then process by pulsing for 3-4 seconds twice which ought to get you what you want for texture.
  2. Wait until you smell your kitchen as this cooks…unbelievable.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes