Author Archives: Deborah Krueger

Low Carb Coffee Laced Chocolate Cake

Low Carb Coffee Laced Chocolate CakeLow Carb Coffee Laced Chocolate CakeLow Carb Coffee Laced Chocolate Cake.  No, not a coffeecake,  a low carb coffee laced chocolate cake with a coffee whipped cream icing.  I made a high carby version of this cake for many years but that all stopped abruptly when 9½ years ago I was handed the diagnosis of diabetes and life was suspended…for about a day.  I am so lucky to have worked in kitchens all over the country and coupled with my (at the time) knowledge of what the Atkins Diet had been back in the 70’s (I lived it) I have been able to pull this website together with over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes.  I have mostly chosen to concentrate on things not related to desserts but this cake is so good and so easy I have decided to post it and yes, I do have other desserts and here are just three:  Pecan Sandy BarsCinnamon Flan, and Butter Pecan Mousse which actually tastes exactly like the ice cream of the same name.

Anyway, I digress.  This is a super easy cake to make assuming you have the ingredients.  I used to make this in round pans with the frosting in between split layers but again, for ease I have put it into a square pan and only frosted the top. You may do it as you wish.

I want to take a minute to remind you that if you are going to do much baking, it is important to use professional pans.  I use the pan sizes listed here and they are one of the best kitchen and baking investments you will ever make. If, you decide to test some of the baked items on this site by making a ½ recipe here is a little trick and um yes, I do it all the time.  Example: If a recipe calls for a 10”x10” Pan which has 100sq” then the half pan would be the 7”x7” at 49sq”

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chocolate Coffee Cake
  1. 2 C Finely Shredded Zucchini
  2. ½ C Coconut Flour
  3. ½ Cup Cocoa Powder
  4. 1 C Allulose***
  5. 12 Drops Liquid Sucralose***
  6. ¼ C Hot Water
  7. 2 t Coffee Powder
  8. 2 t Baking Powder
  9. ¼ C Melted Butter
  10. ¼ C Melted Coconut Oil
  11. 4 Eggs
  12. 2 t Vanilla
  13. ¼ C Sour Cream
  1. ½ C Heavy Whipping Cream
  2. 1 t Vanilla Extract
  3. 2 Drops Liquid Sucralose*** (Or Sweetener of Choice)
  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Mix coconut flour, cocoa, and baking powder.
  3. Beat eggs, sour cream, coconut oil, and butter.
  4. Mix hot water with coffee powder and add sucralose.
  5. Beat in Allulose, vanilla, and coffee water until well blended and mix into dry ingredients.
  6. Quickly stir in zucchini and pour into a buttered 8”x8” pan.
  7. Bake for about 35-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out cleanly.
  8. Cool completely.
  9. Whip cream, add vanilla extract and sweetener and top cake.
  10. Dust with a bit more coffee powder.
  11. 12 Servings
  12. 183 Calories, 4.0g Protein, 15.9g Fat, 6.5g Carbs, 3.4g Fiber, 3.1g Net Carbs
  1. Don't dilly dally around after you have added the zucchini. Get it into your pan and into the oven quickly.
  2. If your zucchini begins to give up some of it's liquid after you have grated it, then squeeze it as best you can before adding it to the cake batter. I just wait to grate mine until I'm ready to fold it into the batter.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Chicken Soup

Low Carb Chicken SoupLow Carb Chicken Soup. There is not anything much more satisfying than a bowl of low carb chicken soup after a hard day’s work and this will not disappoint.  It’s hearty, stick to your ribs, has all the flavors, and none of the carbs, and made rich with the addition of 40% heavy cream.  This has been a restaurant trick for a long time but I think because of the fat fear mongering that is going on to this day, people have been afraid to use it and happy to not think about it when served in a restaurant.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chicken Soup
  1. 1 Whole Poached & Pulled Chicken (Or Pulled Cooked Rotisserie Chicken)
  2. 3 T Butter
  3. 1 Cup Sliced Mushrooms
  4. ⅓ C Water (Or Chicken Stock)
  5. 1 C Diagonally Thinly Cut Celery
  6. ½ C Finely Chopped Carrot (Mostly For Color)
  7. ½ C Finely Chopped Onion
  8. ⅓ C Chopped Roast Red Pepper
  9. 2 T Green Onion Tops
  10. 2 T White Wine
  11. 1 t Poultry Seasoning
  12. 2 t Chicken Base***
  13. 2 C Heavy Cream
  14. 3 C Water (Or Chicken Stock)
  1. In large pan, sauté mushrooms in 2 T butter. Set aside.
  2. Melt last 1 T butter, add liquid, wine, carrot, onion, celery, chicken base, & poultry seasoning and cook until tender 5-7 minutes. Add more stock as necessary.
  3. Add roasted red pepper, green onion tops, mushrooms & heavy cream and bring to simmer.
  4. Add chicken and simmer until hot.
  5. Thin with liquid (stock) as necessary.
  6. Serve with lots of freshly cracked pepper.
  7. 8 Servings
  8. 312 Calories, 3.2g Protein, 29.6g Fat, 2.7g Carbs, 0.8g Fiber, 1.9g Net Carbs
  1. If using a commercial chicken stock only add chicken base to taste as the stock will probably have lots of salt.
  2. Now that you have the basic recipe you can delete and/or insert you own herbs to suit your tastes.
  3. And oh yeah, leftover frozen turkey works just as well for this dish.
  4. I find it quite satisfying to pull a whole chicken and if you poach and pull 2-3 chickens at once you will save a lot of time when next you want to make this or any other dish calling for pulled chicken.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Crispy Pork Belly

Keto Crispy Pork BellyKeto Crispy Pork BellyLow Carb Crispy Pork BellyLow Carb Crispy Pork BellyKeto Crispy Pork Belly. When eating keto or zerocarb actually leads to crunchy. Oh, I don’t mean a bit of crunch, I mean probably the crunchiest food on earth-Pork Skin. The first time I ever had this most exquisite of foods was about 30 years ago.  We were on Vancouver Island in the Chinatown area of Victoria and ducked into some funky little hole in the wall restaurant.  You know how it is, nobody speaks English, I’m just trying to find out what this pork belly stuff is before I order some of it.  One thing led to another and with zero understanding of what I was ordering, I pulled down my pants, took a chance, closed my eyes, and ordered it anyway.  I am here to tell you that to this day I have never had anything that compared to that first bite of what we now call keto crispy pork belly.  I truly thought if there was a heaven, I had just entered the kingdom.  So…life happens and though from time to time I would try to find this pork belly again, I never did until one day…I decided to make my own. 

Now I have had and made my own chicharrones but they are not the same.  They are of course fabulous in their own right but absolutely not the same as a keto crispy pork belly even though they are both made with the same product.  Since I had come up with my own Low Carb Hoisin Sauce a while ago this had been percolating and I have had it more than a couple of times now.  Because I can, I serve it with hoisin but I wanted to not only make it very easy for you but to also give you the authentic Chinese version which is the easiest way imaginable.  And this is maybe one of the best things of all here:  These succulent little bits of keto crispy pork belly goodness can be…gasp…eaten with your fingers. If you don’t have the same Norpro tenderizer I have then you can use a fork to pierce the skin and it will just take a bit more time and elbow grease and some say you don’t even need to pierce the skin.

I have shown keto crispy pork belly with 3 pieces as an appetizer and 6 pieces as a dinner.  If you think you can eat more than 6 pieces, I would advise trying 6 pieces to begin with and then going for more.  It is tempting to eat more but an hour or two later they will sneak up on you and you will feel full beyond belief.  I mean let’s face it, you will be eating nearly all fat.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Crispy Pork Belly
  1. 1½-2 Lbs Skin On Slab Of Pork Belly (I Get Mine In A Vietnamese Grocery)
  2. ½ t Five Spice Powder
  3. ½-1 t Salt
  1. Put pork belly meat side down on a plate lined with a paper towel leaving skin uncovered for 2-3 days. The skin will get really hard and this is what you want.
  2. On the day of cooking bring belly to room temperature.
  3. With skin up and using the tool shown or a sharp fork, pierce the skin many times.
  4. Turn belly skin side down and score into what will be 24 pieces. Not only does scoring aid in portion control, (who needs that anyway)? It also keeps it from humping or twisting.
  5. Mix, spread, & rub salt & powder into cuts over belly bottom only.
  6. Make an envelope out of foil and place belly skin side up inside. DO NOT COVER.
  7. Heat oven to 450°.
  8. Place belly into oven for 35 minutes and DON'T open the door.
  9. Turn down heat to 350° and continue cooking for another 30-40 minutes. Again DON'T open the door.
  10. Turn off oven and leave belly alone for another 15 minutes.
  11. Remove from oven and with skin side down and using a large knife, (chef's knife is best) begin cutting through the scores and into the skin. You are going to need a little pressure to push through the crispy skin.
  12. 8 Servings As Appetizer
  13. 240 Calories, 13.0g Protein, 21.0g Fat, 0.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.0g Net Carbs
  14. 4 Servings As Dinner
  15. 480 Calories, 26.0g Protein, 42.0g Fat, 0.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.0g Net Carbs
  1. Don't go nuts with the five spice powder or salt. A little dab will do ya.
  2. If by some chance the skin is not totally crispy don't worry as all is not lost. You can turn on the broiler and broil for 1-2 minutes but be careful because at this point it is easy to scorch it.
  3. Of course you can use a larger slab of belly for more people.
  4. If you think you want the Norpro tenderizer, I ordered it through my local hardware store for $7.00. Not a well know item but I think most any hardware store can order it for you.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Roasted Tomato Bisque

Keto Roasted Tomato BisqueLow Carb Roasted Tomato BisqueKeto Roasted Tomato Bisque. Not many more foods evoke the memories of childhood better than tomato soup and keto roasted tomato bisque will do the trick. That little blob of white in the soup is Crème Fraîche because I had it and a dollop of sour cream does the trick too.  One of the nice things about this low carb roasted tomato bisque is the way you can “soup” it up.  It can be plain Jane or you can add herbs and spices for a variety of different flavors.  Have it plain the first day and with basil or Italian Herbs with garlic the next. There are unlimited possibilities.

See that little hank of green stuff?  I was in the produce department at my local grocery and my friend David was trimming the tops off the fennel into a a box so, I ask him if I could have a little of the garbage.  He looked me straight in the eye and said “Deborah, call it what it really is and by its proper name.  We call it compost.”  So there it is, my soup is garnished with “compost”… and it was delicious.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes .

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Tomato Bisque
  1. 1 C Finely Chopped Onion
  2. 1 C Finely Chopped Carrot (About 1 Medium)
  3. 1 C Finely Chopped Celery (About 1 Large Rib)
  4. ¼ C Butter
  5. 4 C Water
  6. 1 T Chicken Base***
  7. Two Cans Diced Fire Roasted Tomatoes
  8. ½ C Heavy Cream
  9. Freshly Ground Pepper
  10. 8 T Olive Oil
  11. Parmesan Cheese (Optional As Garnish)
  12. Dollop Crème Fraiche Or Sour Cream (Optional As Garnish)
  1. Add butter to pot, melt, add all vegetables, and sweat for about 8-10 minutes.
  2. Add water & chicken base, cover and simmer until vegetables are soft.
  3. Add tomatoes and heat.
  4. With an immersion blender, whiz until smooth, add heavy cream and bring to temperature.
  5. Drizzle 1 T olive oil each cup soup and garnish as wanted.
  6. 8 Servings
  7. 263 Calories, 1.1g Protein, 25.8g Fat, 6.7g Carbs, 2.2g Fiber, 4.5g Net Carbs
  8. 6 Servings
  9. 350 Calories, 1.5g Protein, 34.4g Fat, 8.9g Carbs, 2.9g Fiber, 6.0g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Lemon Bacon Scallops

Low Carb Lemon Bacon ScallopsLow Carb Lemon Bacon ScallopsLow Carb Lemon Bacon ScallopsLow Carb Lemon Bacon ScallopsKeto Lemon Bacon Scallops.  If there is one driving force in any restaurant, it is to get and keep repeat customers by making drool worthy food which will bring them back with the memory of that food.  These keto bacon lemon scallops are one of those foods and yes, they are truly drool worthy, extremely easy to make and easy to impress with.  I have listed them as an appetizer and 5-6 of them make a terrific lowcarb keto dinner.

Here in Portland, OR I have had more than several restaurants that have done this to me and guess what.  I return-again and again and again.  In my case it is usually a sauce that goes with a steak.  Of course it’s not the steak that’s memorable but the sauce that showcases the steak and maybe think a simple Béarnaise or a lemony Buerre Blanc.  The next time I return they have some equally different sauce and I am hopelessly hooked.

I showed you the label from my scallops packaging because I always find it rather amusing that I live on the Left Coast and (all) the scallops here come from the East Coast and if I were to eat totally locally, I would never get these succulent morsels of delight.

An important note about scallops:  Don’t be afraid to ask if they are DRY or “soaked” (wet) because it makes all the difference in the world.  Yes, they are expensive, but DRY scallops are the only thing to buy. Soaked, as denoted by the name, have been subjected to sodium tripolyphosphates (STTP) for several reasons but the biggie is additional profit. Scallops are naturally about 75% water by weight and by adding an additional 10%-12% water & chemicals, at least to this person’s senses, is out-and-out cheating let alone rendering them uselessly mired in a milky water and which makes them impossible to sear.  I don’t know about you but I am not interested in paying $20.-$25. per pound for water and chemicals.  The same goes for most commercial chicken.  It has also been injected with sodium tripolyphosphate, is watery, and can’t be fried very successfully as it sputters and spatters when the water hits the hot frying oil.  If you are interested, here is a good read about Sodium Tripolyphosphates and how you may be being cheated.  It may not be much in one little shrimp or one little scallop but when taken in the totality of the whole of the fishing, ham and poultry industries it is probably in the billions of dollars per year. Scary.

Lastly, I would advise always buying fresh, never frozen, scallops because freezing and thawing will form ice crystals drawing out natural liquids and make them difficult to cook properly.  Nature has a way of taking care of itself, if left to its own devices, and freezing them is not natural.  Buy what you need and don’t ever freeze them.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Lemon Bacon Scallops
  1. 8-12 Room Temperature Large Scallops Or About 1 Lb.
  2. 1 T Butter
  3. 4 Slices Cooked & Crumbled Bacon (Save Fat For Another Use)
  4. ½ C Heavy Cream
  5. 2 T Lemon Juice
  6. 2 T Parmesan Cheese
  7. 1 T Dried Chives (Yes, Fresh Are Terrific Too)
  8. 1½ t Chicken Base*** (Your Salt)
  9. 4 Thinly Cut Lemon Slices
  10. Freshly Ground Pepper At Service
  1. Cook and crumble bacon. Set aside. (Save Fat For Another Use)
  2. Bring butter to beginning to brown in a hot sauté pan, place scallops in butter, and depending on size, sear about 1½-2 minutes without moving them.
  3. Turn, sauté another 1½-2 minutes, and immediately plate with a slice of lemon.
  4. Turn down heat, add heavy cream, lemon juice, chives, bacon, & chicken base and reduce slightly.
  5. Mix in Parmesan cheese.
  6. Drizzle sauce over scallops and serve with freshly ground pepper.
  7. 4 Servings
  8. 241 Calories, 11.7g Protein, 19.2 Fat, 1.7g Carbs, 0.g Fiber, 1.7g Net Carbs
  1. Make sure you have everything ready, including the bacon, as this goes very quickly.
  2. If you are using larger scallops then two per person might be enough (As an appetizer). I am a piggy when it comes to scallops so I ate three of them. As you can see in the dinner pic I scaled down to five because I also ate other things with them and yes, of course they make a drool worthy dinner too.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Cilantro Lime Dressing

Low Carb Cilantro Lime DressingLow Carb Cilantro Lime DressingLow Carb Cilantro Lime DressingLow Carb Cilantro Lime DressingKeto Cilantro Lime Dressing. This is of course delicious on any salad as a dressing but it is also good on tomatoes, avocados, and surprisingly, on strawberries which probably explains why the Strawberry Salsa is so good. It has many of the same flavors.

Not much to talk about here except to say this Keto Cilantro Lime Dressing will last a lot longer in the fridge than it will on your table.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cilantro Lime Dressing
  1. 2 C Packed Chopped Cilantro
  2. ½ C Olive Oil
  3. 3 T Lime Juice
  4. 2 T Water
  5. 1 T Apple Cider Vinegar
  6. 2 t Allulose***
  7. 1 t Garlic Paste***
  8. 1 t Dried Oregano
  9. ¼ t Salt
  10. Freshly Ground Black Pepper
  1. Put all ingredients in a small processor and process until cilantro is pulverized.
  2. 8 Servings
  3. 129 Calories, 0.3g Protein, 14.2 Fat, 0.7g Carbs, 0.4g Fiber, 0.3g Net Carbs
  1. Depending on how you use (drizzle) this dressing, it may yield more than 8 servings which is about 2 T per person. This may not seem like a lot but I don't think I used that much on either of the pictures shown.
  2. Refrigeration should solidify you olive oil so take it out before using, stir it, and leave it on the counter for ½ an hour or so.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Beurre Blanc Sauce

Keto Beurre Blanc SauceKeto Beurre Blanc SauceKeto Beurre Blanc SauceKeto Beurre Blanc Sauce. This is an elegant, spiffy, easy little sauce that goes particularly well with just about any meat depending on the herbs used.  I used tarragon/tarragon vinegar for use on a ribeye but changing to thyme/rosemary makes it good on poultry of any kind or use lemon juice for seafood. Think a steak with a little crab & asparagus. Very simple to make but oh, so flavorful.  Though keto beurre blanc sauce may look a bit reminiscent of a Béarnaise, it has no egg yolk.  It instead relies on a touch of heavy cream and the sauce is strained making it smooth as silk. The next time I fix it, it will probably be for a calamari steak and a little goes a long way. If you have leftovers? Put it on your breakfast eggs. Yum.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Beurre Blanc Sauce
  1. 3 T Tarragon Vinegar
  2. 3 T White Wine
  3. 2 T Minced Shallots
  4. ¼ C Heavy Cream
  5. 12 T Cold Butter
  6. Salt & White Pepper To Taste When Finished
  1. Put shallots, wine, and vinegar in a small saucepan. On very lowest setting reduce, until you have about 2 T liquid left. The idea is to soften the shallots to extract their flavors.
  2. Strain out shallots and (tarragon) & add heavy cream to vinegar mix.
  3. When all is warm, begin adding butter 1 T at a time, mixing until nearly incorporated, then add the next 1 T butter until all butter has been used.
  4. Serve immediately.
  5. 8 Servings
  6. 185 Calories, 0.2g Protein, 20.3g Fat, 0.4g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.4g Net Carbs
  1. If you don’t have tarragon vinegar then use white wine vinegar and 1 t dried tarragon.
  2. As you can see if you are keto this is nearly an all fat condiment.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Carbalose Flour Dumplings

Low Carb Carbalose Flour DumplingsLow Carb Carbalose Flour Dumplings.  I have had a lot of people over the years who have either Googled or emailed me about low carb carbalose flour dumplings and I really didn’t have a recipe per se except for the dumplings in my Creamy Chicken & Dumplings so I thought I would do a plain version of them just in case you don’t want the herbs/spices.  My personal opinion is that they go quite well with a gravy like Basic Cream Gravy or the Keto Primal Gravy.

Sautéed in a bit of butter? With gravy?  Yep, they make a great side dish to many meals and this is a really easy way to get dumplings for anything you might want them for.  I have a sneaking suspicion these are going to be a big hit and I believe, if you don’t tell anyone, they’ll not know the difference so…Don’t tell.   No, these are NOT, I repeat NOT, made with Carbquik.

For many other Carbalose Flour Recipes please see the All Things Carbalose informational page.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Carbalose Flour Dumplings
  1. 1 C Carbalose Flour***
  2. ½ t Baking Powder
  3. ¼ t Pepper
  4. ⅛ t Guar Gum
  5. ⅛ t Grated Nutmeg
  6. 2 Eggs
  7. ⅓ C Heavy Cream
  8. ⅓ C Hot Water
  9. 1-1½ t Chicken Base*** (This Is Your Salt).
  10. 2 Drops Liquid Sucralose*** (Only If Flour Tastes Bitter To You And WILL NOT make it sweet).
  11. More Freshly Ground Pepper To Taste
  1. Beat eggs.
  2. Mix hot water & Sucralose, add chicken base until dissolved, add to eggs and beat, add heavy cream and mix. Add to dry ingredients and beat until smooth.
  3. Using a two teaspoon scoop (about the size of a small melon baller #100 size scoop) drop dough into water (don't crowd) and cook for about 3-4 minutes or until they are no longer doughy. They will float almost immediately so that is not any indication of doneness. Also if you make them larger they will also need a longer poaching time.
  4. Drain and repeat until all dough is used.
  5. You should get about 32-34 good size dumplings. (About 1-1½” in diameter)
  6. 8 Servings-4 Dumplings Each
  7. 87 Calories, 5.5g Protein, 6.3g Fat, 6.1g Carbs, 3.6g Fiber, 2.5g Net Carbs
  1. You only see 15 dumplings in the picture because I only made a ½ recipe and...I popped one into my mouth before I got it into my soup. Oops.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Cuban Beef

Low Carb Cuban BeefLow Carb Cuban BeefLow Carb Cuban BeefLow Carb Cuban Beef or its Spanish name Ropa Vieja. Cuban Beef is considered by most as the national dish of Cuba and I am imagining it made with pork too.  I know the list of ingredients is long but it goes together very quickly and assuming you have a crock pot it is pretty much a dice, cut, and dump recipe. I do not have a crock pot and I do what I call Future Cooking (my meat) so I already have it when I need it for all kinds of things. This is what I did here, it is a bit different than the directions, and the outcome is exactly the same. I would suggest you sear your meat as the end product will be more flavorful but with all the great ingredients it’s flavorful on its own. Since I don’t do rice, low carb Cuban beef is perfect served with Cauliflower Grits or sautéed cauliflower rice.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cuban Beef
  1. 2-2½ Lbs Thick Cut Chuck Roast
  2. 1 Thinly Sliced Onion
  3. 1 Thinly Sliced Red Pepper (Or Orange Or Green)
  4. 1 Thinly Sliced Yellow Pepper
  5. 2 T Garlic Paste***
  6. 1 T Paprika
  7. 1 T Dried Oregano
  8. 2 t Ground Cumin
  9. ⅛ t Allspice
  10. ⅛ t Ground Clove
  11. 1 t Pepper
  12. ½ C White Wine
  13. 1 C Water (+ More As/If Needed)
  14. 1 T Chicken Base*** (+More To Taste)
  15. 1 Can Small Diced Tomatoes
  16. 2 T Tomato Paste
  17. 2 Bay Leaves
  18. 1 Carrot Split
  19. 1 Stalk Celery Split
  20. 1 C Green Olives
  21. ½ C Roasted Red Peppers
  22. 2 T Capers
  23. 1 Cup Cilantro (Divided)
  1. Sear room temperature meat. Set aside.
  2. Slice all vegetables, put into pot, reserving olives, roasted red peppers, capers, and cilantro.
  3. Sprinkle in spices and bay leaves.
  4. Pour in all liquids including tomato paste.
  5. Put meat into pot, cover and simmer for 3-4 hours or until beef pulls apart.
  6. Remove carrot and celery pieces then add olives, roasted red peppers, capers, ¼ C cilantro and bring to temperature.
  7. Serve either on a plate or in a bowl and garnish with remaining cilantro.
  8. 8 Servings
  9. 403 Calories, 33.2g Protein, 23.8g Fat, 6.6g Carbs, 1.7g Fiber, 4.9g Net Carbs
  10. 6 Servings
  11. 537 Calories, 44.3g Protein, 31.7g Fat, 8.9g Carbs, 2.2g Fiber, 6.7g Net Carbs
  1. I used pitted Castelvetrano olives because my grocery store sells them on their olive bar but whatever you buy, just be sure you get "pitted" olives.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes
Keto~LowCarb Vegetables

Keto Cauliflower Couscous

Keto Cauliflower CouscousKeto Cauliflower CouscousKeto Cauliflower Couscous.  Don’t think anyone can pinpoint the origins of couscous but it is generally thought to come from the North Western areas of Africa and the Moroccans like to call it their national dish.  I doubt many people make couscous from scratch any more and we all may have had couscous by a company call Near East at some time or another.

Now, a lot of couscous has dried fruits in it because they are predominate to the region. Well, I don’t eat much fruit and dried fruit is mostly just concentrated sugar so I did the next best thing which was to spice it and add nuts.  Keto cauliflower couscous is a very easy recipe and can be on your table in about 25-30 minutes. I used slivered almonds and they are totally interchangeable with pine nuts.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cauliflower Couscous
  1. 1 Head Riced Cauliflower Or About 5-6 C
  2. ¼ C Olive Oil+More If Needed
  3. 1 T Garlic Paste***
  4. 1 T Dried Thyme
  5. 1 T Cumin
  6. ¼ C Lemon Juice
  7. ¼ C Pine Nuts Or ¼ C Slivered Almonds (Garnish)
  8. 2 T Za’atar (Garnish)
  9. ½ T Sumac (Garnish)
  10. 1 t Aleppo Pepper (Garnish) (Optional But Good)
  11. ½ t Salt
  12. ¼ t Pepper
  1. Toast nuts in a dry pan until beginning to brown in spots.
  2. In large skillet heat and mix olive oil, garlic, thyme, and cumin.
  3. Add room temperature riced cauliflower and sauté until turning a light golden brown. You only need to stir every once in a while.
  4. Drizzle lemon juice over cauliflower, sprinkle with salt & pepper and give it one last good mixing.
  5. Put cauliflower in serving bowl, sprinkle with sumac, then za'atar and (Aleppo pepper flakes if using) and top with toasted nuts.
  6. Garnish with cilantro if wanted.
  7. 6 Servings
  8. 176 Calories, 2.7g Protein, 15.0g Fat, 6.9g Carbs, 2.6g Fiber, 4.3g Net Carbs
  1. Pine nuts would be indigenous to the dish but are expensive and I think toasted slivered almonds are a really good sub.
  2. I also used Aleppo pepper flakes because it adds a bit of wonderful zing but is not necessary.
  3. Heavenly.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Cucumber Lime Mignonette

Low Carb Cucumber Lime MignonetteLow Carb Cucumber Lime MignonetteLow Carb Cucumber Lime MignonetteLow Carb Cucumber Lime MignonetteLow Carb Cucumber Lime Mignonette.  This low carb Cucumber Lime Mignonette is good with pretty much any seafood.  If you like raw oysters, and I do, it is perfect doused on them.  The second time I made it, and when I was sure I liked the balance, I did it with a flash-fried calamari steak, hence the picture.  I know it’s good on shrimp but I didn’t take pictures so the next time….and now done.  I most often do not eat oysters at home as they are such a treat on the rare occasion that I eat out, but I will now buy some soon, just to pig out on them.  I have had some really good mignonettes and I have also had some pretty tasteless ones so you will have to decide which you think this is.  There’s a Bonus:  It also makes a fabulous salad dressing with the addition of olive oil.  You can’t see much of it but you sure will taste it.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cucumber Lime Mignonette
  1. 3 T SugarFree Rice Vinegar
  2. 2 T Fish Sauce
  3. 1 T Lime Juice
  4. ¼ C Minced Cucumber
  5. ¼ C Minced Purple Onion (Or Shallots Are Great Too)
  6. 2 T Minced Jalapeno Pepper
  7. 2 T Allulose***
  8. 1 T Jalapeno Juice
  9. 1½ t Garlic Paste***
  10. Freshly Ground Pepper If Desired
  1. In small bowl mix all liquid ingredients then add garlic and Allulose.
  2. Mince all appropriate veggies and add to liquids.
  3. Refrigerate for at least several hours.
  4. 6 Servings
  5. 6 Calories, .4g Protein, 0.0g Fat, 1.1g Carbs, 0.1g Fiber, 1.0g Net Carbs
  6. 8 Servings
  7. 4 Calories, .3g Protein, 0.0g Fat, 0.8g Carbs, 0.1g Fiber, 0.7g Net Carbs
  1. You are probably going to find yourself slurping any leftovers.
  2. The first time I made this I peeled the cucumber and the second time I did not. Do as you wish but it is much prettier with the peel left on. (See Pictures)
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Zaatar Sumac Eggplant

Low Carb Zaatar Sumac EggplantLow Carb Zaatar Sumac EggplantLow Carb Zaatar Sumac EggplantLow Carb Zaatar Sumac EggplantKeto Zaatar Sumac Eggplant.  I love eggplant…any way I can get it.  I might guess, in some fashion or another I buy 2-3 lbs of eggplant a week and often just cube and sauté it in olive oil, and it is why you see it as a side dish on many of my dinner plates.  Both za’atar and sumac are readily available on the internet and always, always in a Middle-Eastern grocery store.  I use what’s called an “Aleppo” blend za’atar but the BIGGEST thing to look for is that it does not have wheat in it.  Wheat is only a filler, is not original, and definitely not needed. There is what’s called “green za’atar and for what ever it’s worth I don’t like it.  There are nearly as many za’atars as there are cooks in the Mid-East because it is served at every meal in some fashion or another and every woman has her own secret recipe. The Za’atar I use is pictured below.

You can dip vegetables, olives, and bread in it, you can sprinkle it atop labne, in dips (hummus) and it goes as well with meats and baked vegetables etc.  I use it liberally with my Lemon Chicken With Sumac & Za’atar. and it divine sprinkled on soups like Eggplant Soup and African Peanut Soup.  Anyway, I believe after you have gotten and had some of it you might wonder how you ever did without it.  Those bright red dots you see on the finished eggplant are Aleppo pepper flakes and again, now that I have them I put them on a LOT. OF. STUFF.  Oh, and one other thing.  You can see that Keto Zaatar Sumac Eggplant is cross-hatched so that each little diamond is its own succulent bite.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Za'atar Sumac Eggplant
  1. 2 Smallish Eggplants
  2. 6 T Olive Oil + More As/If Needed
  3. 2 T Za’atar +More To Taste
  4. 2 t Sumac
  1. Preheat oven to 425°.
  2. Without trimming ends cut eggplants in half.
  3. With small paring knife and without cutting the side skin, make 1” crosshatch marks to bottom, again without cutting into skin bottom.
  4. Put olive oil into a small bowl and brush onto each eggplant half.
  5. Sprinkle ½ t sumac on each half.
  6. Sprinkle ½ T Za’atar on each half + more if wanted.
  7. Place on foil lined pan and bake about 30-35 minutes or until tender.
  8. 4 Servings
  9. 220 Calories, 1.3g Protein, 21.2g Fat, 7.8g Carbs, 3.1g Fiber, 4.7g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes