Author Archives: Deborah Krueger

Low Carb Yogurt Dill Cucumber Soup

Low Carb Yogurt Dill Cucumber SoupLow Carb Yogurt Dill Cucumber SoupLow Carb Yogurt Dill Cucumber Soup. This is certainly good on any of the warm lazy days of summer but when it comes to health any day of the year is a good day for this Middle Eastern, Mediterranean soup.  I might describe it as  kind of a blended salad because it contains um…salad ingredients.  You will need a blender or an emersion stick to make this and the rest of the ingredients are all readily available.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Yogurt Dill Cucumber Soup
  1. 3 C Peeled & Seeded Rough Chopped Cucumber (About 2½-3 Cucumbers Depending On Size)
  2. 2 C Plain Full Fat Yogurt (Labne Is Best)
  3. ½ Medium Minced Red Onion
  4. 2 T Dried Dill
  5. 2 T Dried Parsley
  6. 1-2 T Dried Mint (I Used ¼ C Fresh Because I Had It)
  7. 2 t Dried Tarragon (Or More To Taste And Remembering Tarragon Is A Potent Herb)
  8. 1½ t Crushed Garlic
  9. ¾ t Salt
  10. ¼ t Pepper (White Pepper Might Be Best)
  11. ¼ C Lemon Juice
  12. 6 T Olive Oil
  13. ½ C Peeled & Seeded Finely Diced Cucumber (To Be Used As Garnish)
  14. 1 Minced Shallot (To Be Used As Garnish)
  15. More Salt & Pepper As Needed & To Taste
  1. Put first 10 ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  2. Refrigerate at least 4-6 hours.
  3. Pour into bowls, garnish with diced cucumber & minced shallots, and drizzle with olive oil
  4. 6 Servings
  5. 172 Calories, 5.4g Protein, 14.8g Fat, 6.5g Carbs, 1.6g Fiber, 4.9g Net Carbs
  1. This will last more than several days in the fridge and of course this gives plenty of time for the marriage of flavors. My best guess it will not last that long.
  2. I have shown a small picture of the Labna that I use as it is so much thicker than regular yogurt but unless you live in a metropolitan or Middle Eastern area, it will probably not be available to you.
  3. I think a little added mint might be a good addition.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut Balls

Low Carb Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut BallsLow Carb Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut BallsLow Carb Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut BallsThese Low Carb Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut Balls are simply melt in your mouth to die for.  Yes, mine are muchly altered but I really need to give credit to Kyndra Holley for her original Flourless Chewy Double Chocolate Chip Cookies .  I do not use erythitol for reasons explained here:  Sugar Alcohols (Polyols) And Why I Don’t Use Them but her cookies looked so good I needed to do my own recipe.  I was going to make Kyndra’s recipe subbing and adding several ingredients.  I found I did not have enough almond butter and I always have enough tahini for things like Baba Ganoush, Tahini Dip, and to a lesser extent Maple Pecan Tahini Candy, so what better substitution than tahini.  Do take a good look at Kyndra’s pictures because her cookies in no way resemble mine.  If you read the notes I said I was going to try making a peanut butter cake  with a cream cheese frosting and I have now made it-Um Yum.  Tahini Cookies Atop Peanut Butter Cake.  and I use Byrd Mill Peanut Flour.

I haven’t done many cookies or desserts in a very long while and I think these are so good (not to mention healthy), I am posting them.  They are quite large and at least to me they look just a little like some kind of mocha colored coconut meringue cookie.  When first baked and out of the oven, they have a pleasant crunchy exterior and a fudge-like interior.  As they sit (which shouldn’t be long with any kind of family, let alone a husband) they take on an allover softness with that same fudgy interior.

They are very easy to make as everything is just dumped into a bowl and beaten.  The dough is quite thick and holds the shape you deposit onto your bake pan so if you want a flatter cookie (no don’t do it) you will need to flatten them before putting into the oven and lowering the cooking time by 2-3 minutes if you still want the fudgy center.

I subbed walnuts for the chocolate chips for one reason.  Chocolate chips do not melt anymore.  When I was a little kid, Toll House Cookies were the bee’s knees and when you bit into them, or broke one apart, the chocolate was an ooey gooey experience.  Now there is far less cocoa butter, and they are filled with so many stabilizers and soy lecithin, that they stay tighter than a tick so…if I want a little crunch in my cookie…I’ll just have nuts.

I have always liked using a scoop to portion cookie dough because the end product is always the same so those of you who have scoops the one I used is a #30.  For these particular cookies I also like the rather rugged look of the tops.  If you don’t have scoops don’t despair, just make them into 12 equal 2″ balls.  As you can see in the picture the cookies do get larger.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Tahini Almond Butter Chocolate Walnut Balls
  1. ½ C Almond Butter
  2. ½ C Tahini
  3. 2 Eggs
  4. 2 T Cocoa Powder
  5. 2 T Peanut Flour
  6. 2 T Water
  7. 1 T Melted Butter
  8. 1 C Allulose***
  9. 2 t Vanilla
  10. 1 t Baking Soda
  11. ½ C Chopped Walnuts
  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Minus the walnuts dump everything else into a mixing bowl and thoroughly combine with an electric mixer.
  3. Fold in nuts.
  4. Using a #30 scoop (or with your hands) form 12 equal size balls.
  5. Bake 11-12 minutes. You can’t tell that they are done but better a bit under-done than a bit over-done if you want them to be fudgy.
  6. 12 Servings
  7. 183 Calories, 5.9g Protein, 16.6g Fat, 5.9g Carbs, 2.8g Fiber, 3.1g Net Carbs
  1. If your almond or tahini butters need it, remix the oils into them. I know it sounds strange that the cookies do not spread with as much oil as they have in them but they do not.
  2. If you really think you want flatter cookies then bake them 9 minutes and at the most, 10 minutes.
  3. It just occured to me as I am doing this recipe that if you made you balls smaller you could put them atop a cake as decoration...maybe I will have to try day. I have a terrific recipe for Peanut Butter Cake with a Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting and smaller balls of these cookies would be perfect on top. I think I might drizzle a little ganache on them too. You know, like to guild the lily for special company. (or family)
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Mint Sauce

Low Carb Mint SauceLow Carb Mint Sauce. I think probably just about everyone has had the (not so fabulous anymore) Cross & Blackwell Mint Jelly at some point or another and my Mint Sauce is a terrific facsimile.  No, it is not bright (fake) green and smooth like C&B and it isn’t made with sugary mint “flavored” “apple jelly” but taste wise, it is pretty close.  If you decide to use fresh mint (spearmint) then you will use about 3-4x the dried mint listed below in the recipe.  I have newly found a fabulous source for dried mint from a Middle Eastern market here in Portland and of course if you have access then by all means get it.  Until making my Mid-East market find, I used Spice Hunter very successfully but this new mint is not only greener, it is also more finely ground, (I now grind the mint leaves in a spice grinder) thus more Surface Area, thus a more intense flavor.  The picture to the left above is the new mint and in the picture below I was using my old mint. The chops were served with Dilled Daikon Radish and would also pair quite well with Cauliflower Tabbouleh (not pictured).

Low Carb Mint Sauce

Low Carb Mint Sauce couldn’t be any more simple & should be ready in about 5-6 minutes start to finish.  It can also be made more or less sweet according to your taste buds.

Confession:  I cut my chops with a knife & fork BUT…I use a spoon to dip each bite into the mint sauce, eating all of it and yes…it’s that good.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Mint Sauce
  1. ½ C Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. ¼ C Distilled Vinegar
  3. ¼ C Water
  4. 3-4 T Dried (Spear) Mint Leaves
  5. ¼ C Allulose*** or 5-6 Drops Liquid Sucralose*** (Depending On Degree Of Sweetness Desired)
  6. ⅛ t Combined Guar Gum & Xanthan Gum (I Mixed Mine 50/50 Long Ago)
  1. Combine all ingredients, bring to simmer, take off heat, and quickly whisk in gums. It will thicken as it sits.
  2. 6 Servings
  3. 3 Calories, 0.0g Protein, 0.0g Fat, .7g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, .7g Net Carbs
  1. Sadly, Cross & Blackwell is now owned by Smuckers. Carbs? 13g per T.
  2. Check out my nutritionals. The tiny amount of carbs? They come from the mint and that's for over 2½ T. Pretty cool huh?
  3. Refrigerated mint sauce will far outlive your ability to not eat it.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Curried Cauliflower Rice

Low Carb Ginger Curry Sweetened Cauliflower RiceLow Carb Ginger Curry Sweetened Cauliflower RiceKeto Curried Cauliflower Rice. One of my favorite all times dishes ever is Spatchcocked Chicken A l’Orange and this ginger keto curried cauliflower rice is the perfect accompaniment as it has many of the same spices yet is so easily made.  I don’t so much do a lot experimenting anymore as I have a quite large repertoire of recipes, and then there are the things I eat which have no recipe you know, like steak etc.  but I riced a particular large head of cauliflower, had quite a bit left over, decided to just try this and man oh man, what a pleasant surprise. Keto curried cauliflower rice is not too sweet and just a terrific side dish for old and young alike.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto-low carb and diabetic friendly.

Ginger Curry Sweetened Cauliflower Rice
  1. 4 C Riced Cauliflower
  2. ½ C Water + More As Necessary
  3. ½ C Heavy Cream
  4. ¼ C Sliced Green Onions (Divided)
  5. 1 t Chicken Base
  6. 1½ t Orange Extract
  7. 1½ t Ground Ginger
  8. 1½ t Curry Powder
  9. ¼ t Pepper
  10. 4 Drops Liquid Sucralose
  1. Put all ingredients except 2 T green onions in sauce pan, cover, and slowly reduce unto desired consistency and cauliflower is tender. About 25-30 minutes.
  2. Serve, sprinkling with remaining green onions.
  3. 6 Servings
  4. 98 Calories, 1.3g Protein, 8.0g Fat, 3.0g Carbs, 1.5g Fiber,1.5g Net Carbs
  1. There would be several variations for this veggie so play around with it and see what you can come up with.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Banh Mi

Low Carb Carbalose Flour Banh Mi SandwichLow Carb Banh Mi and yes, made with Carbalose bread but shaped into a different form. So, as I am from the mountains of Colorado, there were no Thai restaurants hence nary a low carb Banh Mi Sandwich in sight.  As a diabetic I had never had nor tasted one and really had no basis of comparison but the ingredients that go into one are all ingredients I am quite familiar with, love, and use all the time. I do have lots of friends who have not only eaten them but raved about them so I thought, since I use and make all the ingredients in a low carb carbalose flour Banh Mi sandwich, and yes I do even have maggi sauce, why not just try it.  Well, I am here to tell you this baby is ridiculously good.  It is not the largest sandwich at 6 inches but it does pack unbelievable flavors in those 6”.  I do want to say your small baguettes will not be as crispy as a traditional one.  I did use a small amount of butter to toast it and that’s about as good as it gets.  If you look carefully, you can see all the layers of goodness.

Low Carb Carbalose Flour Banh Mi SandwichLow Carb Carbalose Flour Banh Mi SandwichIf the average 6″ Banh Mi sandwich has 70g-75g carbs I’m not sure where else you could get a sandwich with all the stuff piled in a bun and have it under 17g carbs so, when you have nothing else better to do, please try it.  You will need the recipes for Carbalose Flour Bread, Chicken Liver Pate, and Maggi Mayo which is best made a day or two ahead anyway and which means you can make this in stages.

I have included a picture of the bun top’s guts hollowed out and which weighs about an ounce because not only is it not needed, it allows more room for other stuff.  If you decide to hollow out the top it will also reduce your final carb count by about 1g.

The picture to the left is my very first Banh Mi (bunless of course) that I had while on a recent trip to Seattle to see old friends.  Notice the egg which was an add on.  I have to say it really was divine and though quite piquant with the jalapeno peppers, I am positive it had a bit of sugar in it.


I’m really sorry I did not have any pork skins to eat with my sandwich as they would have been the perfect accompaniment but ate the last of what I had and hadn’t popped any replacements.

All my other Carbalose Recipes are listed at the bottom of the Carbalose Informational Page.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Banh Mi Sandwich
  1. 1 Recipe Carbalose Bread
  2. 1 Recipe Chicken Liver Pate
  3. 1 Recipe Maggi Mayo
  1. 12 Oz Warmed Pulled Pork
  2. 1 C Apple Cider Vinegar
  3. 1 C Water
  4. 3 Drops Liquid Sucralose
  5. 1 Grated Medium Carrot (Or About 1 Cup)
  6. 1 Grated Jicama (Or About 1½ C)
  7. 1 Medium Cucumber Sliced Lengthwise
  8. 8 T Pickled Jalapenos
  9. 8 T Coarsely Chopped Cilantro
  10. 8 t Butter
  1. Combine water, vinegar, & Sucralose and add grated veggies. Refrigerate and marinate at least a couple of hours.
  2. Slice bun in half (carefully scooping out top of bun if wanted you can use it later for bread crumbs), thinly spread butter on top & bottom and toast in heated skillet.
Working up
  1. Spread chicken liver pate on each bottom.
  2. Divide and place pork on top of pate.
  3. Add drained veggies.
  4. Add sliced cucumber.
  1. Spread with maggi mayo.
  2. Evenly distribute jalapenos.
  3. Cover with cilantro.
  4. Close, cut and serve.
  5. 4 Servings
  6. 795 Calories, 48.1g Protein, 41.5g Fat, 37.7g Carbs, 21.2g Fiber, 16.5g Net Carbs
  1. Nutritionals include bread, maggi mayo and pate as well as the rest of the ingredients.
  2. I marinated my cucumber but I think it would be much crunchier just sliced and un-marinated.
  3. If you like, have and use pickled red onions they might be another good addition but are not authentic to the sandwich.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Maggi Mayo

Low Carb Maggi MayoLow Carb Maggi MayoKeto Maggi Mayo.  I know, it’s a play on the old Rod Stewart song but the name is so apropos.  As its name implies, it is made with mayonnaise and Maggi seasoning sauce.  Now who has a jar of Maggi in their pantry?  Um, I do. If and after you are to acquire it you will find many other uses for it.  As a seasoning a little goes a long way and you can make as much or as little as needed.  I use this mayo in the Banh Mi Sandwich.  It can be slathered on a bun-less hamburger and the Maggi sauce, in small amounts by itself, can be used in soups & stews.  I’m pretty sure you will find lots of uses for keto maggi mayo.

Here are some interesting facts about Maggi:  1.)  It is sold in a dark brown bottle with a yellow label. The colour of the bottle cap changes from country to country: a red cap is used in Switzerland, Germany, Canada and France; a yellow cap is used in China and the Netherlands. Most Americans see the yellow cap.  I don’t begin to remember where I got mine but notice it has a red cap and lucky me.  2.)  Maggi is a dark, strong, concentrated seasoning sauce, that is produced commercially and sold in bottles and 3.)  It is a thin sauce, with the consistency of soy or Worcestershire, which it looks like but definitely doesn’t taste like.  Well, who knew?  Just took a good look at my bottle and apparently I bought it at Pacific Market here in Portland which specializes in Asian foods.  As I said I don’t remember buying it but I would easily have gone there just to look and how ridiculous and since when would I go into any market just to look?  If you enlarge the picture it says:  Imported From Europe.

It takes very little Maggi seasoning for use in anything and that’s also the case here but my oh my the umami flavor is so good.  The only other thing that comes close is Porcini Dust which I use in lots of recipes.  I’m feeling long-winded and wait till you see the actual recipe.  If nothing else, it should make you laugh at its brevity.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Maggi Mayo
  1. ½ C Mayonnaise
  2. ½ t Maggi Seasoning Sauce
  1. Thoroughly mix.
  2. 4 Servings
  3. 180 Calories, 0.0g Protein, 20.0g Fat, 0.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.0g Net Carbs
  4. 8 Servings
  5. 90 Calories, 0.0g Protein, 10.0g Fat, 0.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.0g Net Carbs
  1. A zero carb condiment-pretty cool huh?
  2. This stuff is good, good, good.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Carbalose Bread

Low Carb Carbalose BreadLow Carb Carbalose BreadLow Carb Carbalose BreadLow Carb Carbalose Bread.  There are many of you who don’t have the same (rather odd) size loaf pan that I used to develop the original Carbalose Flour Bread so this slightly smaller loaf of low carb carbalose bread is for you.  I recently bought a standard size 4”x8” loaf pan, adjusted the ingredients, and it did indeed turn out perfectly.  Do not use a larger pan for this as it will not work.  As you look carefully at the pictures notice I did use my electric knife and I did get 18 slices+2 heels.  Each slice weighs on average about 32g, some a little larger and some a little smaller and those heels?…I save and freeze to either make bread cubes or crumbs.  If you are going to make rolls, buns, or baguettes then use the original recipe as the nutritional calculations below are for the slightly larger dough amounts.

Carbalose Bread Addendum & Update

I have wanted to write this addendum update for about 6-8 months, am finally doing it, and it will make your breads and rolls oh so much better.  I have had people asking me how to get rid of the holes that sometimes end up in their bread. I set about trying to find a solution and have come up with it and all it entails is adding one whole egg in place of ¼ C water. I have also begun using butter instead of coconut oil but that is a personal preference. It is the egg that makes the difference and somehow, chemically, not only enables better stability of the dough but better keeps it from losing some of its puffiness or collapsing. I haven’t done it yet, except for many loaves of bread but I do think this change will make a big difference for you when shaping and making rolls or things like hamburger or hotdog buns and larger baguettes for garlic bread etc. This small change will work in any of the bread-like recipes using 1½ C of Carbalose Flour or more.

Don’t despair if you do not have an electric knife but you will probably not be able to make a less than ½” cut the way I can.  I would think on average and if cut with a good SHARP bread knife, you should be able to get 14-15 slices which is completely acceptable.

You can do all the same things with this slightly smaller loaf that can be done with the only slightly larger loaf so have at it and have fun with it.


Nutritionals are below the recipe.

  • Equipment Needed:
  • Large Cuisinart or other Large Food Processor
  • Electric Knife
  • Small Cutting Board
  • 4” x 8” x 2 ½” Loaf Pan (Non-Stick)

If you use a larger loaf pan then your bread will be longer, not rise as high, and will be wider that the picture above.

Use for Stuffed Strawberry Cream Cheese French Toast and the dough for low carb carbalose bread may also be used for rolls, buns, individual baguettes, and whatever else you might imagine.  Also makes great bread crumbs and yes, even Basic Pizza Crust.  A roll, hot out of the oven?  Slathered with butter?  Heavenly.

For many other Carbalose Flour Recipes please see All Things Carbalose informational page.

To the left is Tara’s first time loaf and I think we should all give her a hand because it takes courage to make that first loaf and then…it’s Katy bar the door with what you can do with the basic dough after that. If you will just make 3 loaves of low carb carbalose bread, one for bread, one for croutons, and one for crumbs, I doubt you will ever want to be without them. Many other recipes are built around this basic recipe using more/less some of the same ingredients. To the right are some rolls made by Dviolette and I’ll bet they are as good as they look. Yum.

  • Carbalose Flour may be purchased in 3 lb. bags from
  • Complete Nutritionals for rolls, buns, baguettes, cubes and crumbs are below recipe.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Carbalose Bread
  1. 2 C Carbalose Flour
  2. 3½ T Wheat Gluten
  3. 3½ T Coconut Flour
  4. ¾ t Salt
  5. ¼ t Guar Gum
  6. ¼ t Xanthan Gum
  7. 3½ T Golden Flaxseed Meal***
  8. ¼ C Warm Water***
  9. 2 T+½ t Melted Coconut Oil (I Use Softened Butter Now-& It's Perfect)
  10. 1 C Water + (Only If Needed) or (¾ C Water + 1 Whole Egg)
  11. 1 T Yeast
  12. ½ t Sugar
  13. 6 Drops Liquid Sucralose* (Optional)
  1. Bloom yeast & sugar in 1 cup warm water for 10 minutes or until foamy.
  2. Add flaxseed to ¼ C warm water for 10 minutes. (It will become quite gelatinous)
  3. Put first 6 ingredients + butter if using, in processor and pulse to blend.
  4. Add flaxseed mixture to dry ingredients and pulse to blend.
  5. Add liquid Sucralose and 2 T coconut oil (if using) to bloomed yeast and with machine running add to dry ingredients.
  6. Run processor for at least 2 minutes and probably a little longer adding any additional water as needed 1 T at a time.
  7. You want to make sure there is enough water. Dough should hold together, have a loose consistency and should not be sticky on your hands. At this point the dough should have the same look and feel of regular bread.
  8. Form into a ball and put into un-greased bowl and cover with film for about 20-25-30 minutes or until slightly less than doubled. If over-proofed it will not rise well the second time and will more than likely "fall", leaving a less that desirable looking loaf.
  9. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  10. Take dough out of bowl and knead (very gently) until you are sure ALL air pockets are out.
  11. Form gently into loaf rolling so the seam is on the bottom, put into greased (remaining ½ t coconut oil or butter) pan, very loosely cover with film and let rise for 25-30 minutes. DO NOT over-proof as it will raise a bit more in the oven.
  12. Bake 45 minutes.
  13. Rest the bread in the pan at least 10 minutes.
  14. Make sure bread sides are not sticking to pan, remove gently, put on wire rack, and cool completely.
  15. Slice bread with an electric knife.
  16. 16 Servings
  17. 80 Calories, 6.3g Protein, 4.2g Fat, 8.0g Carbs, 4.7g Fiber, 3.3g Net Carbs
  18. 18 Servings
  19. 71 Calories, 5.6g Protein, 3.7g Fat, 7.1g Carbs, 4.2g Fiber, 2.9g Net Carbs
  1. If you decide to use butter in place of coconut oil (and I do now) put it into into processor at the same time you add the gelatinous flaxseed & water mixture.
  2. You may easily substitute 1 whole egg in place of ¼ C water if you consistently get holes in your bread.
  3. Please note the use of *Sucralose in each of the recipes using Carbalose is only to negate the bitter taste of the flour and DOES NOT make the recipe “sweet”.
  4. Slice size is equivalent to a normal slice of pretty much any other normal bread.
  5. ** I plugged all the ingredients (except the Carbalose Flour) into a food database to get the figures below and added them to the Carbalose figures to get my Totals Per Loaf.
  6. If at any time after the loaf is form and touched, the indentation will remain even after baking and the same thing when taking out of the pan until the loaf in completely cooled. This is the reason I keep using the word gently.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes
It took me many tries to get the original  Carbalose Flour Bread recipe  just right and I paid nearly $700.00 to have it tested through Exova Laboratories so I know all the figures are correct.  The figures below are only slightly off as this recipe uses a bit less ingredients than are listed in the original and I am not going to the trouble of changing them all.

  • Carbalose Flour                                   
  • Calories           Carbohydrate             Fiber               Protein            Fat
  • 675                  108g                            65g                  70g                  25g
  • Rest of Ingredients**
  • 705                    37g                            21g                  29g                  53g
  • Totals Per Loaf
  • 1380                145g                            86g                  99g                  78g
  • Divided by 16 Slices=42g slice             
  • 86                        9g                              5g                    6g                    5g
  • Divided by 18 Slices=37g slice          
  • 77                        8g                              5g                    6g                    4g
  • 16 Slices/Loaf
  • 86 Calories, 6g Protein, 5g Fat, 9g Carbs, 5g Fiber, 4g Net Carbs
  • 18 Slices/Loaf
  • 77 Calories, 6g Protein, 4g Fat, 8g Carbs, 5g Fiber, 3g Net Carbs
  • Bread Cubes 11 Cups/Loaf
  • 125 Calories, 9g Protein, 7g Fat, 13g Carbs, 8g Fiber, 5g Net Carbs
  • Bread Crumbs 8 Cups/Loaf
  • 175 Calories, 12g Protein, 10g Fat, 19g Carbs, 11g Fiber, 8g Net Carbs
  • 12-2 oz. Rolls/Recipe
  • 115 Calories, 8g Protein, 7g Fat , 12g Carbs, 7g Fiber, 5g Net Carbs
  • 12-2 oz. Mini Slider Buns
  • 115 Calories, 8g Protein, 7g Fat , 12g Carbs, 7g Fiber, 5g Net Carbs
  • 8  3 oz. Pencil Rolls
  • 168 Calories, 12g Protein, 10g Fat , 18g Carbs, 11g Fiber, 7g Net Carbs

  • 6 4 oz. Mini Baguettes
  • 230 Calories, 17g Protein, 9g Fat , 24g Carbs, 14g Fiber, 10g Net Carbs
  • 2-12 oz. Baguettes
  • 690 Calories, 50g Protein, 27g Fat , 73g Carbs, 43g Fiber, 30g Net Carbs

Low Carb Chipotle Mayonnaise

Low Carb Chipotle MayonnaiseLow Carb Chipotle Mayonnaise. Yeah, Yeah, I know there are several recipes similar to this low carb chipotle mayo & after reading the ingredients list I hope you will think it sounds good enough to make.   I love this stuff as it is good on/with so many things and certainly a requirement for Bacon Wrapped Mean Dogs. low carb chipotle mayonnaise can be used as a vegetable dip and is especially good with fried pork skins.  There is no mayonnaise only sour cream and actually, I used Crème Fraîche in mine.  I like that smooth special twang it gives.  Many years ago at a food show in Seattle, there was this new product being sampled called Chipotle Mayo and was available by the gallon to restaurants.  I thought it was so good that I designed a pulled pork sandwich around using it and gads, people loved it.  There was also a restaurant in Everett, WA called Alligator Soul and they also served this same chipotle mayo with many of their dishes.  Turns out it was the restaurant’s recipe licensed and being sold to other restaurants.  At the time I had never had anything so tasty and have been chasing the recipe ever since (and that’s another story).  To the right is a picture of a small still unopened jar I have that is probably at least 9-10 years old.  Hard to believe I still have that jar today and of course it would be totally inedible.  The restaurant closed in 2010 but I listened to a lot of live zydeco music and ate a lot of good Cajun “soul food” there before it did.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chipotle Mayonnaise
  1. ¾ C Sour Cream (I Used Crème Fraîche)
  2. 1-2 T Chipotle Peppers In Adobo (Depending On Hotness Desired & I Used 2)
  3. 2 T Finely Chopped Cilantro
  4. 1 T Lime Juice
  5. ½ t Crushed Garlic
  6. ¼ t Liquid Smoke
  7. 1-2 Drops Liquid Splenda (Optional)
  1. Macerate chipotle peppers.
  2. Add rest of ingredients, mix well, and refrigerate.
  3. Will be thin and will tighten a bit in the fridge.
  4. 4 Servings
  5. 165 Calories, .1g Protein, 18.1g Fat, .6g Carbs, .0g Fiber, .6g Net Carbs
  1. Splenda not only gives it a kiss of sweetness, but also rounds out the flavor. It is not necessary and yes, I did use it. Use 1 drop to start and another if you think it needs it.
  2. As I said I used crème fraîche to make mine and sour cream would have a bit more carbs.
  3. With the addition of crumbled bacon this makes a great salad dressing.
  4. Also terrific on pulled pork.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Low Carb Bacon Wrapped Mean Dogs

Low Carb Bacon Wrapped Mean DogsLow Carb Bacon Wrapped Mean DogsLow Carb Bacon Wrapped Mean DogsLow Carb Bacon Wrapped Mean Dogs?  Many times it’s fun to come up with a tricky name.  Probably not so smart as you don’t want to confuse people but in this case it seems appropriate.  I doubt anyone will mistake a bacon wrapped anything without thinking of food.  Diddling around in the kitchen is fun (at least for me).  You will need both the Pico de Gallo and Chipotle Mayonnaise recipes for final assembly but this are so easy and quick to make and I thought the name Mean Dogs was perfect as they are a bit spicy and can be adjusted to make them even more so.  I showed a picture with two dogs because…I ate them both and…it was all I had for dinner…except a small bowl of raspberries. If you like a bit of spice and you like hot dogs then these low carb bacon wrapped mean dogs just may be for you.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Bacon Wrapped Mean Dogs
  1. 4 Beef Hot Dogs (I Use Hebrew National)
  2. 4 Slices Thick Bacon
  3. Toothpicks
  4. 1 Recipe Pico de Gallo
  5. 1 Recipe Chipotle Mayo
  1. Wrap hot dogs with bacon, stretching if necessary to cover, and secure with toothpicks.
  2. Pan fry or grill.
  3. Put on plate, spoon on Pico de Gallo, spoon chipotle mayo over all and enjoy.
  4. 4 Servings
  5. 365 Calories, 32.7g Fat, 10.0g Protein, 8.0g Carbs, .8g Fiber, 7.2g Net Carbs
  6. 2 Servings
  7. 730 Calories, 64.4g Fat, 20.0g Protein, 16.0g Carbs, 1.6g Fiber, 14.2g Net Carbs
  1. Nutritionals are for total dish and include mayo & pico.
  2. You will probably only use about ½ the pico de gallo.
  3. That little blob of green stuff at the back of the plate? It’s sugar-free bread & butter pickles.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Cold Stuffed Jalapeño Peppers

Low Carb Cold Stuffed Jalapeño PeppersLow Carb Cold Stuffed Jalapeño PeppersLow Carb Cold Stuffed Jalapeño PeppersKeto Cold Stuffed Jalapeño Peppers come a little later. Nearly 40 years ago as a young lass of 27 in Denver CO, I was hired as the 1st woman trainee for management by Furr’s Cafeterias.  Now of course today, I know you are laughing yourselves silly but back in 1977 this was a big deal, I mean a huge deal.  It was 6 months of really intense training.  6 weeks with the first cook or “chef”  6 weeks in the bakery 6 in salads etc.  In case you are wondering yes, I did go on the be the 1st woman manager of what was at the time, the smallest cafeteria in the company in Arvada, CO.  They subsequently built a much larger Arvada store and mine was closed.  (Long after I had left)

I am here to tell you that not only did I learn to cook in a different way than I was used to but I also quickly learned the business side of a restaurant too.  Sadly, all but a handful of around 70 cafeterias have closed and those that are left are all in TX.  I think their Millionaire’s Pie is the only recipe they ever released and by the way, it was delicious & I used to loved it.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, these keto cold stuffed jalapeño peppers can be spicy unlike their rather tame Baked Stuffed Jalapeño Pepper  cousins.  They are rawness at it’s best.  We used to make them at Furr’s and they sold like hotcakes.  If you don’t like hot then these may not be for you but put them out for a bunch of men, and sit back to watch the fireworks.  Men will make it a contest to see who can eat the most.  Think I’m kidding?  Try it.  You can control the heat a bit by by de-seeding but leaving the veiny innards and using chipotle powder, hot sauce or a combination.  As you can see to the left, jalapeño peppers are way down on the Scoville Heat Chart.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cold Stuffed Jalapeño Peppers
  1. 4 Jalapeño Peppers Stems Off, Cut In Half, And Seeded & Deveined (Wear Gloves)
  2. 4 Oz. Grated Cheddar Cheese
  3. 2 Oz Room Temperature Cream Cheese
  4. 2 Oz Drained Pimentos
  5. 2 T Mayonnaise
  6. 1 T Butter
  7. 1 T Lime Juice
  8. 1 T Heavy Cream
  9. ⅛ t Salt (More To Taste)
  10. Ground Cumin
  11. Chipotle Powder (Optional But Really Good)
  12. Hot Sauce (Optional)
  1. Beat cream cheese, butter, mayonnaise & lime juice.
  2. Blend in heavy cream.
  3. Add grated cheese, pimentos, & salt and mix well.
  4. Generously fill pepper halves & sprinkle on ground cumin.
  5. Refrigerate, but bring to room temperature before serving.
  6. 4 Servings
  7. 255 Calories, 8.5 g Protein, 23.8g Fat, 2.4g Carbs, .6g Fiber, 1.8g Net Carbs
  1. I only had 3 peppers and as you can see I had enough to do 1 more.
  2. You can easily multiply this recipe as many times as you want.
  3. If you veined your peppers it will be a good idea to use a hot sauce as they can be pretty tame.
  4. What you see on the appetizer plate are mine sprinkled with not only cumin but also chipotle powder which imparts that smoky flavor that jalapeños are so famous for.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes

Keto Italian Dipping Herbs

Low Carb Italian Dipping OilLow Carb Italian Dipping OilLow Carb Italian Dipping OilKeto Italian Dipping HerbsKeto Italian Dipping Herbs are kind of hard to show a picture of since it’s just a bunch of herbs all mixed together in olive oil but this is so good on so many things.  Its original intended use was as a dip for breads. Obviously if you use Carbalose Flour Bread great, and I use this oil on all kinds of vegetables. I love it on broccolini, mung bean sprouts, and Cauliflower Grits.  Most often when used with bread, it also calls for the use of Parmesan cheese but since you will most likely be using it with vegetables then the obvious thing to do is to use that Parmesan on the vegetables too and it’s what I do.  How many ways can you think to use it?  How about Italian Parmesan Garlic Wings or Ham & Cheese Pinwheels and maybe even some Carbalose Italian Parmesan Garlic Knots. Keto Italian Dipping Herbs are truly good on just about anything. I use these herbs in so many ways that I actually make double the recipe below. They are the same herbs I use for anything Italian.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Italian Dipping Herbs & Oil
  1. 1 T Dried Basil
  2. 1 T Garlic Powder
  3. 1 T Dried Thyme
  4. 1 T Dried Oregano
  5. 1 T Dried Rosemary
  6. 1 T Dried Marjoram
  7. 1½ t Black Pepper
  8. 1½ t Salt
  9. ½ t Red Pepper Flakes
  10. 3 T Garlic Paste***
  11. 2¼ C Olive Oil
  1. Combine all dried herbs & spices.
  2. When ready to serve combine 2 t spice blend & 1 t crushed garlic (or more to taste) with ¼ C olive oil, mix well, and put on a small plate. Dip your brains out.
  3. 36 Servings
  4. 121 Calories, .1g Protein, 13.5g Fat, .2g Carbs, .0g Fiber, .2g Net Carbs
  1. You WILL NOT use all of this at once as the recipe makes quite a bit. (About 9 times for 4 servings) Just save dried herbs and spices in a small jar and when you want them, you have them.
  2. If you want to test before making the full recipe (you'll be sorry) use 1 t of each herb and ½ t each salt & pepper with a pinch of red pepper flakes
  3. Makes a great salad dressing.
  4. Lots of fat and nearly zero carbs.
  5. The serving sizes are approximate. Some may dip more and some may dip less.
  6. This is a very garlicky dip so enjoy it with good friends.
  7. I would suggest making a batch of this ahead of time to let all the herbs soften and flavors marry. I just leave mine on the counter until it's gone. No need to refrigerate.
  8. When I make just the dry herb mixture I actually triple the recipe. As I said I use a LOT of this so I ALWAYS have it on my countertop at the ready.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes


Low Carb Steak Salad

Low Carb Steak SaladLow Carb Steak Salad. Sometimes in the day-to-day humdrum of life it’s easy to forget some of the simpler ways to eat and a low carb steak salad might be one of them. It has everything in it with balanced, healthy meats, fats, and yes a few carbs sprinkled in because even lettuce has carbs.  The Denver steak below is the same one I use for Chicken Fried Steak.

I eat this as a complete meal and it’s terrific for the warm days of summer and when the grilling of steaks happens frequently.  Pretty easy to make your steaks a bit larger and have leftovers for a salad the next day.  Steak, when reheated takes on a rather crummy taste and the beauty of this salad is that the meat is never reheated.  I actually use Denver steak specifically for this and refrigerate it overnight, but that’s just me.  As this recipe is a complete meal I suggest using at least 6 oz. of beef and more if you can eat it.  The recipe is for one and may be multiplied as needed for more.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Steak Salad
  1. 6-7 Oz. Good Quality Steak ( Used Denver Steak)
  2. 3 C Chopped Romaine Lettuce
  3. ½ C Chunked Tomato (Cherry Tomatoes Work As Well)
  4. ½ Small Avocado Cut Into Chunks
  5. 1½ Oz Blue Cheese (Optional But Really Good)
  6. 3 T Olive Oil
  7. 1 T Lemon Juice
  8. 1 t Dijon Mustard
  9. 1 T Minced Shallots
  10. ½ t Garlic
  11. ¼ t Salt
  12. Freshly Ground Pepper
  1. Dry sauté in hot pan or grill steak to desired doneness Rare to medium-rare is best.
  2. Toss lettuce, avocado & tomatoes in ⅔ of the dressing and plate.
  3. Put steak down and then blue cheese if using.
  4. Drizzle rest of dressing over meat & cheese.
  5. 1 Serving
  6. 896 Calories, 44.2g Protein, 72.5g Fat, 15.8g Carbs, 6.6g Fiber, 9.2g Net Carbs
  1. I use Denver steak because it has lots of fat laced in the meat (see picture) with no surrounding gristle.
  2. If you like a particular steak spice then by all means use it. Herbs? Of course.
  3. Denver steaks are not usually very large and you may need two of them to get to 6-7 oz. They are typically about ½" thick and cook very quickly so be sure to use a blazing hot pan if you are sautéing. The steak is self-basting.
  4. Avocado would be a really good addition and I would have used it but...didn't have one...and I ran to the store and now I do.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes