Tag Archives: paleo wraps heath squier

All the President’s Men

All the President's MenAll the President’s Men. There are three fraudulent major players on the West Coast, and two on the East Coast joined by several smaller players with a scattering in between.  All three players on the west coast have multiple sites and the Lord only knows why.

What is their common denominator?  They are all knowingly selling products that are fraudulently labeled.  One might say caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) should apply and I say-no, it should not.  A seller in the business of regularly selling a particular type of goods has still greater responsibilities in dealing with an average customer. One such warranty is the Implied Warranty of Merchantability.  A person purchasing any low carb product is justified in his or her reliance on the expertise of the seller.  Only if both the buyer and the seller are negotiating from equal bargaining positions, and only then, should the doctrine of caveat emptor apply.

This rule (caveat emptor) is not designed to shield sellers who engage in fraud or bad faith dealing by making false or misleading representations about the quality or condition of a particular product. It merely summarizes the concept that a purchaser must examine, judge, and test a product considered for purchase.

The Big Internet Players

Bonnie Parker MugshotThese are the multiple websites owned by Rossana Forzanti located on the West Coast in California.  After being exposed, this crook has gone from selling falsely labeled low carb products to diabetics online, to hawking Mexican candy. What a piece of work.

NixonThese are the multiple websites owned by Jason May located on the West Coast in California


Bernie Madoff These are the multiple websites owned by Julian Bakery and Heath Squier located on the West Coast in California


The Smaller But Not Insignificant Internet Players:


John Deanwww.buyeatritenow.com Leland Turner Coralville, IA  OUT OF BUSINESS



G. Gordon LiddyThese are the websites of Patricia & Richard LaPlante OUT OF BUSINESS



valentine heart shape made by dollars isolatedIf we can’t trust a label, which affects how we make our decisions, what are we able to trust?  Do we really want to support the businesses that have been and continue to sell us falsely labeled products for the love of money at the expense of our health?

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Whoopie PiesPointless Dull Needles