Tag Archives: paleo recipe

Keto Rocket Fuel

Keto Rocket FuelKeto Rocket FuelKeto Rocket Fuel.  This is not all my recipe and I even took the name because it seemed so apropos.  It is not so killer spicy hot that it’s only good for a few people, but rather designed to add heat to your liking.  Of course I changed some of the recipe to reflect low carb like the pear and the sugar, and yes I even omitted a couple of ingredients like Tabasco but the absolute essence of the recipe still remains intact. For comparison, here is the original recipe and even they took it from a restaurant.  The second picture is to show it accompanying my dinner and you can see how little it takes.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry Essentials.  I am not sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use***

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Rocket Fuel
  1. 1 C Drained Sliced Jarred Pickled Jalapenos
  2. ¼ C Jalapeno Juice (From The Same Jar)
  3. 2 T Chopped Cilantro (More If Wanted)
  4. 1 T Allulose***
  5. 1 T Lime Juice
  6. 2 t Fish Sauce (Optional & I Used It)
  7. 2 t Crushed Garlic***
  8. 1 t Chili Garlic Paste
  9. ¼ t Cayenne Pepper
  10. ¼ t Cumin
  11. ¼ t Crushed Oregano
  12. ¼ t Ginger Powder
  13. 1 Cup Finely Chopped Daikon Radish
  14. Water To Consistency Desired (Saved From Daikon Cooking)
  1. Chop daikon radish and simmer in 1 C water until very soft.
  2. In bowl large enough to hold at least 3 cups (or a small processor) add rest of ingredients.
  3. Drain and rinse cooked daikon radish, add to rest of ingredients, process to a fine consistency adding water as necessary. I used my stick blender because for this particular job it was the best tool.
  4. 12 Servings
  5. 4 Calories, 0.1g Protein, 0.0g Fat, 0.2g Carbs, .01g Fiber, 0.1g Net Carbs
  1. As you can see this is basically a zero carb food so...eat it with abandon.
  2. Want it hotter? First be sure you use hot jalapeno peppers & juice and a sure fire way to get it hotter is to use (a little) more chili garlic paste.
  3. Since I was testing this for the first time I used raw jicama which stayed a little chunky and which is why I am suggesting simmered daikon radish.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Italian Parmesan Garlic Wings

Keto Italian Parmesan Garlic WingsLow Carb Italian Parmesan Garlic WingsLow Carb Italian Parmesan Garlic WingsLow Carb Italian Parmesan Garlic WingsKeto Italian Parmesan Garlic Wings.  What kind of combo is Parmesan & garlic?  My taste buds say they are a marriage made in heaven and if you already have the dry herb ingredients used in Italian Dipping Oil you are in the home stretch.  These wings could not be much easier to make and most of your time will be spent waiting for them to finish in a hot oven.  I have listed the ingredients below so you have the whole recipe all together. I served mine with Brianna’s Asiago Caesar Dressing to dip my keto Italian Parmesan garlic wings into but they really didn’t need it as they are fabulous on their own.

The dry herb & spice mixture can just sit in a jar until further use.  I use it in Traditional Spaghetti Sauce over squash or mung bean sprouts, sprinkled on top of an occasional low carb pizza, on all kinds of vegetables, and any other thing you can think of where Italian herbs are called for. Think Ham & Cheese Pinwheels and maybe even some Carbalose Italian Parmesan Garlic Knots. This is an extremely easy and useful herb/spice blend.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Italian Parmesan Garlic Wings
  1. 3 Lbs Split Chicken Wings Or About 32 Pieces Room Temperature
Dry Ingredients
  1. 1 T Dried Basil
  2. 1 T Garlic Powder
  3. 1 T Dried Thyme
  4. 1 T Dried Oregano
  5. 1 T Dried Rosemary
  6. 1 T Dried Marjoram
  7. 1½ t Black Pepper
  8. 1½ t Salt
  9. ½ t Red Pepper Flakes
Finishing Ingredients
  1. ½ C Olive Oil
  2. 2 T Parmesan Cheese
  3. 1 T Crushed Garlic
  1. Bring chicken wings to room temperature.
  2. Preheat oven to 425°.
  3. Line up wings on a sheet pan (on a Silpat if you have one) and put into hot oven.
  4. Bake 40-45 minutes.
  5. Combine all dried herbs & spices.
  6. When ready to serve wings combine 1 T spice blend, 1 T crushed garlic (or more to taste) with ½ C olive oil and 2 T Parmesan cheese, mix well, and put into a large bowl. Put wings into bowl and mix well-making sure all wings are well coated.
  7. 8 Servings As Appetizer
  8. 205 Calories, 11.8g Protein, 17.8g Fat, 0.5g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.5g Net Carbs
  9. 4 Servings As Dinner
  10. 410 Calories, 23.5g Protein, 35.6g Fat 1.0g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 1.0 Net Carbs
  1. You WILL NOT use all the herb mix as the recipe makes quite a bit. Just save herbs and spices in a small jar and when you next want them, you have them.
  2. If you want to test before making the full recipe (you'll be sorry) use 1 t of each herb and ½ t each salt & pepper with a pinch of red pepper flakes
  3. Makes a great salad dressing.
  4. Lots of fat and nearly zero carbs.
  5. This is a very garlicky so enjoy it with good friends.
  6. I guarantee the dry mix ingredients are FAR superior to a packaged mix and yours will have zero sugar in it.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Puttanesca Over Mung Bean Sprouts

Low Carb Puttanesca Over Mung Bean SproutsLow Carb Puttanesca Over Mung Bean SproutsLow Carb Puttanesca Over Mung Bean Sprouts.  I’m going out on a limb with this recipe but as I have eaten and cooked with mung bean sprouts, I realize what a truly versatile vegetable it is.  It has virtually no flavor of its own so it takes on the flavor of whatever it is cooked with and of course we see this time and again in Asian cuisine.  Why not use it as your “noodle” or pasta for pretty much anything and with this recipe, it is exactly what I have done.  I am pairing it with a zesty Puttanesca Sauce and in one word it is delicious.  If you have your own favorite tomato based marinara sauce then by all means use it but Puttanesca is not just any normal red sauce.  As far as I’m concerned, mung bean sprouts could replace pasta in many, many other dishes. Not all but again, many.  Other sprouts recipes include Mung Bean Sprouts SaladStir Fried Mung Bean SproutsChicken Parmesan, and they play a small role in the Vietnamese Shrimp Bowl.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Puttanesca Over Mung Bean Sprouts
  1. 1 Lb Mung Bean Sprouts
  2. 2 T Olive Oil
  3. 1 Medium Yellow Onion Small Chopped
  4. One Can Anchovies Packed In Oil
  5. 2 T Crushed Garlic
  6. 2 T Tomato Paste
  7. 2 16 Oz Cans Diced Or Crushed Tomatoes
  8. ¼ C Drained Capers
  9. ½ C Rough Chopped Kalamata Olives
  10. ½ t Crushed Red Peppers Flakes
  11. 2 T Fresh Chopped Basil
  12. Parmesan Cheese (Omit For Paleo)
  13. Salt & Pepper To Taste
  1. Simmer sprout 4-5 minutes or until just beginning to turn translucent, and drain well.
  1. Put olive oil in a sauce pan over medium heat, add onions, stir occasionally, and cook until soft.
  2. Add anchovies & garlic cooking and stirring until the anchovies disintegrate.
  3. Stir in tomato paste, add the tomatoes, capers, olives, & red pepper flakes.
  4. Cover pan, turn down heat, simmer gently, and cook, stirring occasionally, until thick and saucy.
  5. Blend in basil, taste, and adjust flavors to your liking.
  6. Serve over whatever you choose. I have always used spaghetti squash but the mung sprouts are terrific and fewer carbs.
  7. 6 Servings
  8. 225 Calories, 3.7g Protein, 19.2g Fat, 8.9g Carbs, 1.4g Fiber, 7.5g Net Carbs
  9. 4 Servings
  10. 378 Calories, 5.6g Protein, 13.8g Fat, 13.3g Carbs, 2.2g Fiber, 11.1g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Asian Cucumber Salad

Low Carb Asian Cucumber SaladLow Carb Asian Cucumber SaladLow Carb Asian Cucumber Salad
Low Carb Asian Cucumber Salad.  Do not attempt to make this very easy recipe unless you have either a spiralizer or a mandoline as it would be neigh onto impossible to slice the cucumbers as thinly as they should be.  That said, this is an easy, easy recipe.

Asian cucumber salad is pretty close to most other Asian recipes in that it is a little sour, a little sweet, a little heat, a little salty, and a lot good. I do like to refrigerate mine for at least several hours but/and it is also good right after making.  The big difference is that the cucumbers will soften and, in my opinion be a little easier to eat. Don’t make the mistake of thinking there can’t possibly be enough sauce for all the sliced cucumbers as it is plenty.  As it sits, the salt in the tamari will draw out juices-be calm-it will be fine and the peanuts will add the final touches of salt. If Paleo, leave off the peanuts.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry Essentials.  I am not compensated in any way for recommending a product that I use***

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Asian Cucumber Salad
  1. 2 Very Thinly Sliced Medium Size Cucumbers
  2. ¼ C Shallots Very Finely Diced (Or Minced)
  3. 3 T Sugar Free Rice Wine Vinegar
  4. 1 T Olive Oil
  5. 1 T Tamari
  6. 2 t Sesame Seeds
  7. 1 t Allulose***
  8. ⅛ t Red Pepper Flakes (Or A Good Sized Pinch)
  9. ¼ C Chopped Or Crushed Salted Peanuts
  1. Slice cucumbers as thinly as possibly while making sure they will still hold their shape.
  2. In a small bowl mix rest of ingredients excluding the peanuts.
  3. Rest in fridge 2-3 hours.
  4. Serve in large bowl and sprinkle with peanuts.
  5. 6 Servings
  6. 39 Calories, .2g Protein, 2.8g Fat, 3.2g Carbs, 1.1g Fiber, 2.1g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Sautéed Bok Choy

Low Carb Sautéed Bok ChoyLow Carb Sautéed Bok ChoyKeto Sautéed Bok Choy.  This was actually my first Bok Choy recipe and I am just now getting it posted. It’s very easy assuming you have washed and dried your baby Bok Choy.  Other than that, it’s very smooth, fast sailing. The first was a Bok Choy Cucumber Salad which is to die for if you are looking for a really different cold salad. A good low carb keto sautéed bok choy is one of those veggies you can brag about to your friends because they have probably barely heard the name, let alone ever eaten or used it.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Sautéed Bok Choy
  1. 4-6 Individual Baby Bok Choy (Depending On Size)
  2. 2 T Garlic Paste***
  3. 2 T Olive Oil (Divided)
  4. ¼ C Tamari
  5. 1½ T Oyster Sauce
  6. 1 T Toasted Sesame Seeds (No, They Don't Need To Toasted)
  7. ½ Lb Button Mushrooms
  1. Trim ends leaving Bok Choy whole then wash thoroughly by swishing in cold water several times.
  2. Wrap in towel and put to dry thoroughly. Set aside.
  3. Sauté mushrooms in 2 T olive oil and set aside.
  4. Sauté bok choy in 1 T hot olive oil until well browned, turn & repeat. (They might spit depending on how well you dried them).
  5. Mix tamari, oyster sauce and garlic, add to pan to heat.
  6. Plate Bok Choy, sprinkle with mushrooms, drizzle with sauce and sprinkle on the sesame seeds.
  7. 6 Servings
  8. 98 Calories, 3.5 Protein, 7.9g Fat, 4.9g Carbs, 1.7g Fiber, 3.2g Net Carbs
  1. This can also be served family style on a platter to let people serve themselves because it is such a lovely looking dish.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Bok Choy Cucumber Salad

Bok Choy Cucumber SaladBok Choy Cucumber SaladLow Carb Bok Choy Cucumber Salad.  This low carb bok choy cucumber salad is quick, easy, pretty, different, and piquant due to the dressing.  Be sure to pick baby bok choy or you won’t be able to eat the crunchy stems which of course would be a shame.  I bought white bok choy which I was told was better than the green stemmed Shanghai variety but at any rate make sure they are babies as you absolutely do want to eat the stems.  The dressing could probably be used for many other vegetables like maybe cooked spinach, kale, or broccoli but it is just so good on a salad.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto-low carb and diabetic friendly.

Bok Choy Cucumber Salad
  1. 6-8 C Chopped Bok Choy (About ½ Lb)
  2. 1½ C Cut Cucumber Sliced In Half
  3. 1 C Thinly Sliced Red Pepper Cut In Half
  4. 1 C Snow Peas Deveined and Cut On The Bias (Optional)
  5. ½ C Chopped Cilantro
  1. 3 T Olive Oil
  2. 2 T Oyster Sauce
  3. 2 T Tamari Sauce
  4. 2 T Sesame Seeds
  5. 1 t Rice Wine Vinegar (Sugar-Free)
  6. ½ t Crushed Garlic
  7. No Salt Or Pepper Should Be Needed
  1. Cut off the bottoms of the bok choy to release the leaves. Swish in cold water, drain and dry leaves. They often have grit wedged in the bottom just like a leek.
  2. Chop to bite sized pieces. If you are going to use in a day or two the leaves can easily be put into a plastic bag and refrigerated until ready to assemble salad.
  3. Combine salad ingredient in large bowl.
  4. In small bowl, add dressing ingredients stirring briskly with a whisk. Add to salad ingredients, tossing well.
  5. 6 Servings
  6. 110 Calories, 4.2 Protein, 7.9g Fat, 7.7g Carbs, 3.2g Fiber, 4.5g Net Carbs
  1. Yes, you can use any wrinkly lettuce you want and I might use kale instead. A smooth lettuce will not hold the dressing as well.
  2. Don't worry when any of your veggies turn brown and look like they might be pickled. It is caused by the darkness of the dressing.
  3. I put the snow peas in mine because I happened to have them, they are totally optional, but they do add a nice crunchiness and they are included in the nutritionals.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101

Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101

In all the years I have been cooking, I have cleaned many a Beef Tenderloin.  I think the idea of it intimidates most people but l also think if they know how simple it is do it a lot more would at least give it a try and it’s really almost full-proof. Yeah, it can be messed up but only by a little and even that can be fixed.  Buying your Beef tenderloin is the easy part.  There is no rocket science to it.  You go into a trusted market and making sure it is a Choice slab of meat-buy it.  By the time we are finished we will have eaten everything.  The strap or chain meat all the way through the silver-skin which is usually  considered unusable scraps and to be thrown away.  Well, not this chicky.  I use and eat it all-with relish. From time to time you can will see that scrap pile get larger in the pictures.Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101

I didn’t show how to cut the silver-skin but I can only do so many things at once and using a knife and taking a picture is not possible for me.  The whole top of the tenderloin is encased in silver-skin which needs to be gotten to to begin your project. It is thin just like fish skin is and it is gotten rid of the same way.  The only difference is you can remove a fish skin with one swipe of your trusted flexible filet knife or chef’s knife, and because the tenderloin is rather round it must be done in more that several cuts (passes).  Always blade toward the large end of your tenderloin to keep from tearing the delicate flesh.  Yep, it may take a little time the first time you do this, but the satisfaction of finishing the job is extremely high.  Stick your knife between the silver-skin and the meat and cut upward, following the meat. Make as many passes as it takes but the idea is remove as much as possible and taking as little meat as possible. The pic below has a couple of tiny flecks of silver skin and they will have zero effect.  The slimey stuff on the side will come off by pulling it off with your fingers-it is not silver-skin.Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101

To clean the chain side meat.  OPPOSITE that little nugget of meat (the wing muscle) at the larger end of the tenderloin there is a natural side of fattty looking stuff. To separate it from the tenderloin follow with your fingers and then carefully following the side of the tenderloin, pull it straight back toward you. At both ends you will need to finish cutting it.  Believe it or not, depending how you cut it there are two good sized long rolled steaks and most restaurants (sensibly) use it for Beef Stroganoff.  I use them for 2-3 more steaks or cut up for Steak Tartare, or maybe even Grillades for Grillades & Cheesy Cauliflower “Grits”. I often enough cut some for Beef Blue Cheese Parmesan Bake.

Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101Now for the tricky part of that chain and once you have done it you’ll get it.  Cut off any fat off and put it in your scrap heap.  Now, there is some pretty tough stuff inter-twined in the chain (I just call it more silver-skin) which need to be scraped out.  So, you have to find it and…scrape it out.  Again, like taking fish skin off.  Starting at one end grab the offending skin and start pulling the meat off until you come to the other end.  My chain is still intact and ready to be cut any way I want to.  In this case I cut it into 2 6 oz. pieces to make 2 steak dinners.Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101

Turn your tenderloin around to the wing muscle.  This is a choice little one piece roast and perfect for two people.  Again, following the natural shape just gently pull it from the main tenderloin.  You will need to cut through that natural line until completely separated. My favorite recipe using the wing muscle is Beef Tataki and it is just as tender as the rest of this fabulous slab of beef.Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101

Whew, an easy cut.  Nothing more with that baby.  Now you can finish any trimming of silver-skin and you are ready to begin cutting steaks etc. It is difficult for me to tell you how large to make your steaks, I can only tell what I do which is mostly 4 oz. steaks, the two chain pieces, 4-2 oz. pieces Carpaccio twice, 2-4 oz. packs for Tartare, maybe a 4 oz. package for Stroganofff  and lastly,  that sweet little wing roast.  Sometimes, the very ends can have a bit of embedded silver-skin that’s tough to get to so that’s what I may use for the Stroganoff.Low Carb Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101 I couldn’t get all my cuts into the picture but for me, it was 22 total meals.  The tenderloin was 6.25 lbs. which means $2.84 per portion.  Again, for me and I told you I used everything which you will see below.  You will have some people with larger appetites than mine and then again, sometimes 4 oz will feed two people or like that gorgeous wing roast for two. A 5-6 oz filet is a pretty big steak and if you like them cooked any more than medium you may want to butterfly them.  That is all up to you.  You will not get what I did but it does show one thing, beef tenderloin is not nearly as expensive as you might think.

In the picture above I want you to look at that scrape heap in the back of the pic next to the scale. it’s now time to fix it.  The pan is probably 40 years old and has been pretty will dedicated to fat rendering for that long.  This is really fun.  Put all the scraps into the pan, lightly salt & pepper it, turn your oven to 350° and just put the pan into the cold oven. But wait..there’s more…                           

Cook for maybe 25-30 min. stir well, turn heat to 400° and cook until they turn into crispy critters. But wait, wait…there’s even more…

Appetizer for two

And then you hit gold-the rendered fat.  And there you have it.  No wasted tenderloin-at all.

Cleaning Beef Tenderloin 101
  1. Recipes are scattered throughout the post for ways to use this.
  1. None
  1. None
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/
No recipes, just pictures.

Low Carb Green Beans Zucchini Basil Verde

Low Carb Green Beans Zucchini Basil VerdeLow Carb Green Beans Zucchini Basil VerdeLow Carb Green Beans Zucchini Basil Verde. There are probably hundred of recipes for a green verde sauce and this Green Beans Zucchini Basil Verde is another.  Verde can have a mixed and varied set of ingredients but it mostly seems to have capers & lemon juice which makes pretty much anything piquant.  The idea is to feature the meat, vegetables, or a combination of both without overpowering them and hopefully what this low carb green beans zucchini basil verde is doing here.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Green Beans Zucchini Basil Verde
Sauce Verte
  1. ⅓ C Fresh Chopped Basil
  2. ½ C Chopped Green Onion Tops
  3. 1 T Dried Parsley
  4. 2 T Capers
  5. 1 T Lemon Juice
  6. 2 t Dijon Mustard
  7. 2 t Dried Mint
  8. 1 t Crushed Garlic
  9. ¼ C T Olive Oil
  10. ½ t Salt
  11. ½ t Pepper
  12. More Salt & Pepper To Taste
  1. 1 Lb Green Beans Cut In Half Diagonally
  2. ¼ C Olive Oil (Divided)
  3. ¾ C Water (+ More As/If Needed)
  4. 1 Lb Zucchini Cut Into About ¾”x2-2½” Pieces (I Cut Mine Into Wedges)
  1. Put first 8 ingredients into processor, pulsing until everything is pretty well sticking to the sides.
  2. Scrape down sides, add olive oil, and process to a paste. Add more olive oil as/if needed to make a thick slurry.
  1. To large sauté pan, add water, 2 T olive oil & green beans, toss to coat, cover and simmer until beans are tender, water has evaporated, and to your liking. Set aside.
  2. Add last 2 T olive oil to sauté pan turn heat to medium and sauté uncovered until tender and they have reached a medium brown color.
  3. Add back beans, add sauce verde, and heat to serving temperature.
  4. 6 Servings
  5. 208 Calories, 2.3g Protein, 18.8g Fat, 10.8g Carbs, 4.7g Fiber, 6.1g Net Carbs
  1. Don't worry if your green beans wrinkle-it's perfectly normal. I actually let mine brown (caramelize) for a little added flavor.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Warm Eggplant Feta Salad

Warm Eggplant Feta SaladWarm Eggplant Feta SaladLow Carb Warm Eggplant Feta Salad. You can call this a salad, or you or you can call it a side vegetable, I don’t care, but I do care that you call it great…or very different…or…insert the adjective.  Look at the ingredients and see for yourself.  Middle Eastern ingredients that all compliment  each other and themselves.  Very easy to make and any leftovers…deliciously divine.  As you can see I used Japanese eggplant because they were so gnarly I couldn’t resist buying them.  Yeah, Yeah, and you can use any ole eggplant you want as it will all taste the same.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Warm Eggplant Feta Salad
  1. 1½ Lb Eggplant (I Used Japanese & Globe Work Just As Well) Cut Into 1” Chunks
  2. 1 Large Bell Pepper (Red, Orange, Or Yellow) Cut Into ¾” Chunks
  3. ½ C Olive Oil (Divided)
  4. 3 T Lemon Juice
  5. 1 T Balsamic Vinegar
  6. 2 T Capers Lightly Chopped
  7. 1 t Crushed Garlic
  8. ¾ t Salt
  9. ½ t Pepper
  10. 1 Large Tomato Cut Into ¾” Chunks
  11. ½ C Chopped Green Onion Tops
  12. 3 Oz Feta Cheese
  13. 3 T Dried Mint (Spearmint)
  14. More Salt & Pepper To Taste
  1. Sauté eggplant in 3 T olive oil and put into large bowl.
  2. Sauté (or blister) peppers in 2 T olive oil and add to eggplant.
  3. Add tomato, green onion tops, and feta cheese to eggplant and sprinkle mint over all.
  4. In a smaller bowl whisk rest of oil, lemon juice, vinegar, garlic, and salt & pepper. Blend in capers.
  5. Pour vinaigrette over all, and blend well.
  6. Serve just warmed.
  7. 8 Servings
  8. 150 Calories, 1.1g Protein, 14.2g Fat, 7.0g Carbs, 2.2g Fiber, 4.8g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Spaghetti Squash 101

Low Carb Spaghetti Squash 101Low Carb Spaghetti Squash 101. Somewhere on what has become this ridiculously large website, there is a place where I talk about the way I had always cooked spaghetti squash-which was almost never anyway because, gasp, I didn’t eat it much.  But I eat it all the time now and I have so many recipes using it I am going to list them at the bottom of the post.  So let’s get on to low carb spaghetti squash 101.

The biggest difference is how it is cut.  Anywhere and everywhere you go people are saying and showing how to cut the squash and I believe it is wrong.  After baking the squash whole, it should be cut as shown in my picture and this is the reason why:  The strands of the squash go around and around and around.  If you cut the squash lengthwise you are cutting every strand in half.  Does that even make sense?  I don’t have the foggiest idea how to tell you the number of servings per squash as there are so many variables.  As you can see I did two medium squashes at a time but I sometimes package them for freezing in differing weights so that depending on what I use them for, I have what I need when I need it.

I do 5 oz. portions for a stand alone vegetable, and 6-7 oz. for various other recipes, let alone some of you have bigger families with younger or larger (husbands) members.  For myself, I got nine 5 oz. servings from those two squashes and you will probably configure yours differently.  Remember:  It takes the same amount of electricity to cook two or three squashes as it does for one so plan accordingly. Mine were cooked for 1½ hours at 350°.  I scoop out the seeds and then with a large spoon, I go between the outside shell and the flesh around until most (and you can’t get it all) of it comes out in one lump. The picture above is simply squash with butter and poppy seeds-so easy-so good.

At this point in my life I cook two at a time for several reasons, time savings and as I said, I do not want to run out.  So there you have it.  Listed below are all the spaghetti squash recipes on the site and the squash freezes beautifully.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Low Carb Celery Root Hash Browns

Low Carb Celery Root Hash BrownsLow Carb Celery Root Hash Browns.  So the story behind hash browns or hashed brown potatoes goes something like this:  A potato that has been shredded or riced (usually from leftover baked potatoes) and fried in a pan with some kind of oil or butter.  About the only difference I can make out between hash browns and home fried potatoes is the shape of the cut and what you can do with them.  Since I do not eat potatoes in any form but I do like to have breakfast for dinner once is awhile these celery root hash browns are just the ticket.  Yes, you can doctor up hash browns and serve eggs atop but they are usually served kind of plain Jane and so are these.   Super easy  to fix in a pinch when you don’t know what else to do for a last minute meal.  If you want to play doctor here is the recipe for Loaded Celery Root Home Fries and here is another other recipe using celery root Dilled Celery Root which also makes an easy side dish and is a great accompaniment to Stuffed Shrimp.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Celery Root Hash Browns
  1. 1 Large Celery Root (About 1-1½ Lbs Cleaned)
  2. ¼ C Butter
  3. Salt & Pepper To Taste
  1. Shred celery root in processor.
  2. Heat butter to fragrance, add celery root, fry until dark golden brown, turn and fry on other side.
  3. Salt and Pepper to taste.
  4. 4 Servings
  5. 144 Calories, 1.6g Protein, 11.5g Fat, 9.0g Carbs, 2.0g Fiber, 7.0g Net Carbs
  1. The celery root will not stick together very well as it has very little starch but it will cook down quite a bit as it does have moisture in the form of water. No, it should not spit at you.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Hot Crossed Meatloaf

Hot Crossed MeatloafLow Carb Hot Crossed MeatloafLow Carb Hot Crossed Meatloaf



Low Carb Hot Crossed Meatloaf.  Have you heard of hot cross buns?  Well, this is my version of Hot Crossed Meatloaf.  That beautiful bacon is courtesy of Ben Meyer butcher/owner of The Old Salt Marketplace restaurant here in Portland and right down the street from me.  You won’t know this but I took a pig butchery class and my partner (lucky me) was Ben.  I have, over the last several years, become more and more dependent on getting my meats from their butcher shop.  I can’t begin to count the times I have had dinner with friends there and I have NEVER had anything that wasn’t to die for good. Their jowl bacon?-don’t even get me started.  I had the bacon custom cut to ¼ inch thick and actually finished it with my torch.  Whoa, what flavor.  You will probably finish yours under the broiler but torched?  Oh boy is it good.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Hot Crossed Meatloaf
  1. ½ Lb 20% Hamburger
  2. ½ Lb Ground Pork
  3. 4 Slices Bacon
  4. 1 Egg
  5. ½ C Minced Onion
  6. ¼ C 40% Heavy Cream
  7. ¼ C Water
  8. 1 T Garlic Salt
  9. 1 t Salt
  10. ½ t Pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Mix egg, onion, heavy cream, water and spices in a bowl.
  3. Sprinkle in both meats and mix thoroughly.
  4. Mound the meat mixture into a 1½”x7” round pan. (Square will work as well)
  5. Begin tucking one piece of bacon, then another until you have what looks like a spoked wheel.
  6. Put into oven and bake 30-35 minutes.
  7. Your bacon may not be crisp and if not, turn on the broiler and broil until you get desired crispness.
  8. 4 Servings
  9. 453 Calories, 34.0g Protein, 32.4g Fat, 2.1g Carbs, .4g Fiber, 1.7g Net Carbs
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/