What low carb resources can you trust these days? Any product can indeed be stated and tested as low carb and not actually be. Here are some you will want to read about.
Tag Archives: false labels

NY Bagel Company
NY Bagel Company-Snacks For Life. Not long ago while on the website www.snacksforlife.com (now out of business) I found a low carb bagel being sold. I ordered these bagels along with their sugar free brownies and had them tested. The bagels, made by NY Bagel Company in Islandia, NY
http://www.nyauthenticbagels.com/ tested about 5 times the stated carbs. Under Bagels they list and show pictures of 11 bagels. Under Low Carb Bagels are identical pictures of the same 11 bagels. I had a very cordial conversation with Stacy and she immediately took the bagels off the website. I was afraid to eat a whole bagel so I weighed and ate 56g.
She seemed quite surprised that her brownie manufacturer (?) was still using a kosher symbol on the labels as they had not been kosher for a long time. You do have to wonder how any company could be selling multiple products (including company president Robin’s signature first cookie, the Oatmeal Raisin with 37g net carbs), with your name on it and not see that a kosher sign was still being used. In the New York area being Kosher is a big deal but it is very expensive-Stacy told me close to $10,000 per year. She did assure me this labeling would be changed. The brownies tested pretty close to what the label stated but…you are supposed to, ready?…cut this small brownie into two microscopic portions. I’m thinking that most people are eating the whole brownie at one time which may cause some problems. They have so much maltitol in them as to boggle the mind. Maltitol, Maltitol Syrup, and then Maltitol in the chocolate chips are the first, second, and third listed ingredients in these brownies. Eat at your own risk. I did not personally test this product because of its Maltitol content.
If you have never eaten anything made with maltitol, better not to start. This sugar alcohol is one of the absolute worst (and cheapest) sugar alternatives. It causes terrible gas and bloating and can cause severe cramping and diarrhea.
I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.
I will be filing an FDA complaint regarding the NY Bagel Company.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.

Dreamfields or Nightmares

This company’s pasta products are perhaps the most successfully falsely advertised low carb foods on the market today. They have permeated literally everywhere. I say falsely advertised because the actual FDA required nutritional label is correct. The label indicates 36g net carbs per 56g serving. The problem is the advertised “protected carbs”. To be continued…On July 22, 2013 a class action lawsuit was filed against the makers and sellers of Dreamfields Pasta for false advertising. Please see Mirakay et al. v. Dakota Growers Pasta Co., Inc. et al., Case No. 13-cv-04429, D. NJ. Only the first 48 pages need be perused and you will get the gist of things.
HUGE NEWS! Dreamfields Low-Carb Pasta Maker Reaches $8M Class Action Settlement
Update: 07/16/14 To file your claim go to www.dreamfieldssettlement.com
Law360, New York (April 15, 2014, 12:39 PM ET) — Post Holdings Inc. unit Dakota Growers Pasta Co. has agreed to spend $7.9 million and change the labeling on Dreamfields Pasta to settle class claims of falsely hawking the brand as containing fewer digestible carbohydrates than traditional pasta, according to settlement papers filed Monday. For Complete Text Please See PDF Dreamfields Pasta Lawsuit
Consumers will be reimbursed for Dreamfields purchases dating back to February 2004 under the terms of the deal, with overall claims capped at $5 million. Dakota will not oppose a $2.9 million fee award for the plaintiffs attorneys that will be paid..and here is the link to the Preliminary Settlement and Brief. It’s a doozie. All you people who were poisoned for years?…you can get back 29.85. This was probably not your finest health investment. http://pdfserver.amlaw.com/nlj/pasta-deal.pdf
A huge problem as I see it. Can you see the difference in the labels? Not much and I seriously doubt most others will either. Click on the pictures and have a good look for yourself. The label on the left is the new one (13.25 oz.) and the label on the right is the old one (16 oz.) and apparently they are still allowed to call the pasta “Healthy Carb Living” which is absolutely disgusting. Dreamfields is allowed to use the same colorful packaging, it is still familiar to past customers, and “Healthy Carb Living” is attractive to any new prospective customer. How many millions of diabetics who eat this s*#t will continue? How many newly diagnosed diabetics (5,200 daily) will be drawn to this product? How many diabetics will never hear about the all but settled class action lawsuit? My guess…not many which means a whole lot of people (old and new) will continue poisoning themselves with this product. Dreamfields packaging is called “Product Recognition” (or branding) and boy oh boy is it so very important to every company. Think McDonald’s yellow arches, Apple’s apple, Nike’s swoosh or Twitter’s bird. We all know and recognize these logos and it is my opinion the lawsuit missed this completely. On purpose? I don’t know and one can only hope not.
“Protected Carbs”? Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt aka The DietDoctor pretty well sums things up: http://www.dietdoctor.com/the-dreamfields-pasta-fraud Does anyone out there know what a “Protected Carb” is? I will tell you…it’s crap. “Protected Carbs” is something Dreamfields made up…a fanciful pie in the sky if pigs could fly hoax, or as the good Doctor might put it “another fairy tale”. Dreamfields has been poisoning diabetics one portion (or more likely two) at a time for nearly 10 years.
Take a good look at the FDA required nutritional facts label. Just the facts ma’am. Nowhere in the actual required label does it show or say anything about “protected carbs”. That stuff is off to the side and as we all should know a food company may say any fanciful or lying through their teeth thing they want to anywhere on a package outside of the nutrition label and Dreamfields has certainly taken full advantage of this.
If you are eating these products you are smokin’ a pipe dream and delusion is the name of your game. It is my best guess you are eating about double (112g) the measly two ounce (56g) portion stated on the label as a serving and taking in somewhere north of 70g net carbs. For Pete’s sake if you want to eat pasta, by all means eat it but why not buy a less expensive pasta? It is pretty much all the same. I have made scratch pasta many, many times and there are 3 basic ingredients: Semolina Flour, Egg, and a Pinch of Salt.
Make up your own mind which you would like to eat because pasta is pasta is pasta whether it is falsely advertised Dreamfields with a couple of FrankenFood ingredients added or Barilla, Ronzoni, De Cecco, American Beauty, or Creamette. This is a paper regarding Dreamfields Pastas published with the ncbi (National Center for Biotechnology Information which is part of the U.S. National Library of Medicine) in conjunction with the nih (National Institutes of Health and Human Services), and an agency of the U.S. Department of Health. Frank Q. Nuttall, MD, PHD,1,2 Mary C. Gannon, PHD,1,2,3 and Heidi Hoover, RD, M http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3024385/ Shelley Schlender interview with Nuttall/ Gannon on Dreamfields http://www.meandmydiabetes.com/2012/10/13/nuttall-gannon-dreamfield-pasta-low-carb-maybe-not-interview-includes-transcript/ If ever you have the time, and I mean a long time, read the information listed here http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=8128977.PN.&s2=20120306.PD.&OS=PN/8128977+AND+ISD/3/6/2012&RS=PN/8128977+AND+ISD/3/6/2012 This patent took them from the filing date of October 18, 2004 until March 6, 2012 and it means nothing. Anyone who has the money and enough time can get a US patent and that is all it is-a patent. It does not mean it is low carb or has anything called “protected carbs”. A patent protects you from another company making essentially the same product and why would anyone infringe on this patent (See Breaking News at bottom of Julian Bakery Page regarding real patent infringement) when mankind has been making pasta since the late 1200’s and some say even before this. As you scroll through the above it is so much attorney science psycho babble and it looks as though they may not be listing all of the ingredients they are using. If you get to it, it appears they may be using some of those Frankenfoods I will talk about. You can also Google Patent # 38898908 to read even further. If you don’t (or can’t) read all of the report at least read the garbled crapola in The Summary Of The Invention. This will give you a good idea of what is in these products. They talk of a “Food Film Network” and I ask you what is a “Food Film Network”? Google that and see what you come up with-I can’t find anything but Dreamfields garbola.
Dreamfields President Mike Crowley speaks gobbledygook with Jimmy Moore http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/dreamfields-president-mike-crowley-we-stand-behind-the-nutritional-claims-of-our-product/10785 There are three 15 minute pod casts. This guy is so, so full of it. A fraudster if ever I heard one. Maybe we should think of this fella as Peter Madoff, “Bernie’s” brother. This picture of Dreamfields pasta is a stylized plastic model and about as real as “protected carbs”.
To this day Dreamfields has not done or published any studies using diabetics. You can listen (ad nauseum) to Mike Crowley, celebrity chefs, diabetic dieticians, and others anywhere on the internet touting the benefits of Dreamfields but you should ask yourself this question: Are these people being paid somehow? Rachael Ray is one endorser and she is paid for every product she touts and there are many…Dunkin Donuts anyone?
This is a list of the top 10 Celebrity Chefs earnings for 2011-notice where Rachael Ray fits in and you can bet she (or any of the others) gets paid for everything that comes out of their mouths regarding any product. Its MONEY, MONEY and more MONEY and yes, MONEY truly does have a voice of it’s own.
- Gordon Ramsay, $38 million
- Rachael Ray, $25 million
- Wolfgang Puck, $20 million
- Paula Deen, $17 million
- Mario Batali, $13 million
- Alain Ducasse, $12 million
- Todd English, $11 million
- Nobu Matsuhisa, $10 million
- Bobby Flay, $9 million
- Guy Fieri, $8 million
At one time I was going to have these products lab tested and then realized; they are not falsely labeled, only falsely advertised. I have done what many others before me have done-I have tested them on myself.
I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.
After eating 56g (recommended serving size) notice how very slowly my blood glucose levels came down-6 hours. I don’t know about you and the carbs may be “protected” but me, I don’t feel so protected. The way to stay protected?…don’t eat Dreamfields pastas. Think Dreamfields doesn’t target diabetics?-Well think again. This is an ad that was directed at me on Google: Yummy Pasta for Diabetics Dreamfields Foods/coupon Dreamfields Taste Will Win You Over Low Glycemic Pasta, Only 5g Carbs.
And oh yeah, September 16th, 2013 it was announced that Post Holdings (your basic Post Toasties) is buying Dakota Growers for 370 million dollars, not exactly peanuts. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/16/glencore-dakota-growers-idUSWLA007NV20130916 I wonder if the new Post cereals will be made from Dreamfields “special protected carbs” process now. Why didn’t the FTC go after this company years ago? It seemed to me it was inevitable, that at some point, a lawsuit would be filed. Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, Jimmy Moore, and Laura Dolson are all cited in the lawsuit and I have contacted the law firm with my own information.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.
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Julian Bakery and Heath Squier The “Bernie Madoff” of the Low Carb Internet Scam Artists
Like all true diabetics I went onto the internet trying to find a “recipe” for low carb bread. Anywhere and everywhere I went ads popped up for Julian Bakery and the absolute natural thing to do was, at some point, click on one. My first thoughts were to look at the ingredients to see if I could re-create a bread of my own. Pretty much my working life had been dealing with food in one way or another. The ingredients, which may have looked Greek to many, looked very high carby to me. Their Smart Carb #1 original ingredients listed as: Fresh Ground Whole Grain Wheat, Sprouts of Kamut, Spelt, Rye, Lentils, Sesame Seeds, Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Ground Flaxseed, Wheat Bran, Oat Bran, Eggs, Undenatured Whey Protein Isolate (90%), Chicory Root (Inulin Fiber), Wheat Gluten, Yeast & Sea Salt. Other breads listed Teff, Brown Rice Flour, (and many more) all extremely high in carbohydrates.
The first thing I did was visit the Bob’s Red Mill website and make a chart of the carb content in 1/4 cup of each ingredient. Please See Here (How lucky am I that I live in Portland, OR the home of Bob’s. I have been there and what a spectacular place). I then took an educated guess as to the amount of each ingredient that might be in the breads’ compositions and came to a far different conclusion as to the stated carb counts on the nutritional labels.
For additional reading to see the numerous ways the Julian Bakery has been lying to you:
- Defense Nutrition LLC vs Julian Bakery Lawsuit Being sued for over $506,000.
- Falsely Labeled Paleo Protein Bars The Julian Bakery is being sued by their co-packer.
- Two Newest Julian Bakery Lawsuits Explained.
- Julian Bakery’s Continued Pathological Lying Explained.
- More Evidence Of Heath Squier’s Pathological Lying
- Another Julian Bakery FDA Warning Letter
- Are You Being Duped And Do You Like It?
- Does Paleo Money Trump Paleo Ethics?
- Julian Bakery Paleo Protein Bars Being Sold On Craigslist
- Solution Of The Julian Bakery Debacle: Let Hong Kong People Use Their Tastebuds
- Julian Bakery Moldy Paleo Bars
- Heath Squier’s Psychopathic Behavior
- Mr. & Mrs. Narcissistic
- FedEx vs Julian Bakery Sued for over $241,000 Court Docs available.
- My Googled Website Terms For Heath Squier & The Julian Bakery
- Julian Bakery Paleo Protein Bars Being Sold On Craigslist
- Julian Bakery Lying Again: This Time About Their “New Mud Pie” Paleo Wraps
Here is a YouTube Video of my own Moldy Paleo Bars.
Late Breaking News. A giant of the shipping industry has had to sue Julian Bakery for $241,274.27 Court Docs here FedEx vs Julian Bakery
The FDA has stepped in…again. This time with a warning letter http://1.usa.gov/1t2SH7N regarding…you guessed it…more falsely labeled breads. They have four Paleo breads and two Carb Zero breads that are now under suspect according to the FDA. So, let’s hope the Julian Bakery Paleo Breads are all but toast.And yet more moldy bread uploaded by Palak Q in Lombard, IL on 11/15/2013
Where do I start? Both the bread had mold on ALL the slices! I opened the package the same day it arrived, so it’s not that it was sitting in my refrigerator or anything. I almost puked when I saw mold in the bread I had a few bits of. See pictures I posted.
Conclusion: DO NOT BUY!
Now, if this many people have posted pictures of moldy Paleo Bread on Yelp how many people do you think have actually ordered and received moldy Paleo Bread?
Speaking of moldy Paleo products these are the Julian Bakery’s newest #epicfail. Moldy Paleo Protein Bars. One from Amazon and one from Yelp. Click on either picture to get that up close and personal. BUT WAIT… THERE’S MORE Julian Bakery Moldy Paleo Bars
The quote below is during the Heath Squier Panic of 2012 in answer to questions about why Julian Bakery had changed their Smart Carb breads.
“Our diabetic customers were experiencing sugar spikes after eating the breads; we had to change it due to liability issues; thus, the Original will not be offered; a comparable bread is the Amazing Sourdough. It is low carb, low in calories, and the texture is extremely similar to that of the Original #1 with just a hint of a sourdough taste.” Notice, now he was telling people a comparable bread was the Amazing Sourdough. What an utter crock. I also had this bread lab tested and it was nearly as bad. Please see Other Personally Glucose Tested Products
I had a total of five Julian Bakery breads tested and all failed miserably. Please see Five Julian Bakery Breads vs Lab Results Compared Side By Side The consequences: As I said, of the original 21 breads produced, none are currently being sold. They have developed six new products and God help the people who are eating them. I guess my question might be: Why would anyone want to support Julian Bakery by buying anything from them when they have literally made millions and millions of dollars off the backs of diabetics and the low carb community, let alone pay 10.00-12.00 for a tiny 6 inch (yes I measured it) loaf of bread?
They had developed a total of 21 breads deleting some, changing names, and adding new ones. They did not make one low carb product but boy oh boy they sure knew how to make millions of dollars hawking on the internet.
Regarding Whole Foods Market: It took five letters, five bread tests, and about nine months but I finally (at least) got this company’s products out of their Pacific Northwest regional stores where I live. As of this writing they have not been taken out of any other regions. Shame on you Whole Foods Market
UPDATE: Julian Bakery breads are again back in my region of Whole Foods. I wrote a sixth letter yesterday September, 24th, 2013 to Pete Bourgeault and Venus Lewis and all six letters may be read here. 6 Letters To Whole Foods They are in order as written. John Mackey the head honcho at Whole Foods wrote a book not long ago entitled Conscious Capitalism. Conscious Capitalism?…Are you kidding?…I don’t think so.
Julian Bakery has gone back to using some original very high carb ingredients in their 2 best selling breads including: Kamut, Spelt, Rye, Lentils, Millet, Quinoa, & Amaranth. I suspect the carb counts may again be incorrect. Check daily as the ingredients change often. Several weeks ago I copied and pasted: Teff, Millet, Amaranth, Kamut, Quinoa, Spelt, and Brown Rice Flour. If the ingredients are always changing why would you trust their “Verified Lab Results”?
Now, I totally understand that there are people, who for health reasons of their own, want to eat low carb breads but there are other companies which I will explain to you on another page that serve the same purpose and these companies have not bilked, cheated, and made millions from the diabetic and low carb communities.
Another deceptive practice used by Julian Bakery: On their website they use reviews submitted years ago when their products were riding high…and high carb, to sell today’s skunky products.
If you want to read real reviews go to Yelp. This is one of the best and funniest videos I have ever watched. I had streaming tears when I was finished with it. Title: Julian Bakery Sponge Or Bread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdDfF4hXfj4 As of the date of this writing there are over 429,000 hits to this video and actually many more as other people have posted this same video elsewhere on the internet. Yeah!
My bottom line: Though of course I can laugh with the best of them, this has been, and is, very serious business for me. The effects of Diabetes are accumulative and that is anything but funny.
Julian Bakery lied through their teeth for years about the carb content in their breads but I can say this with absolute certainty, their internet marketing is very, very, good and…bad on them. Complaints Filed With The BBB-Rating D+. Update October 12th, 2013: Julian Bakery has now been downgraded to an F by the BBB. Notice these complaints were made in a very compacted period of time and that Heath is saying due to their increase in business…blah, blah, blah. This had absolutely nothing to do with his increase in business and everything to do with the fact that the FDA had come after him. He was trying to get his new Paleo Breads out, he had to stop production of his falsely labeled breads, and he had to come up with new formulas for his bad breads all while continually trying to process orders. In other words-Heath Squier was in full blow panic mode.
I also want to add here that the FDA did its job. I do not know if I had not had their help, that I could have accomplished what I did. So, though I would not take my hat off very often to any government agency, in this case, my hat goes off to the FDA.
Heath Squier and his company Julian Bakery have now begun selling their “Paleo Wraps” using a manufacturing company in the Philippines. However, there is a patent pending on these coconut wraps. Improv’eat has been making and offering them under the brand name “The Pure Wraps” for several years. Along comes Julian Bakery who has been forced to cease producing their signature bread products, and is now going to cut Improv’eat and their “Pure Wraps” off at the knees by violating a patent. Heath and Todd Fitts, owner of Improv’eat and home of “The Pure Wraps” spoke on December 3rd, 2012. Heath apparently seemed rather panicky and wanted Todd’s company to make and private label a duplicate of “The Pure Wraps” for Julian Bakery telling Todd they would buy by the pallet load and wanted pricing. Todd politely told him that they did not private label at this time but he could check back next year and that there is a pending patent for these coconut wraps. Heath continued to express interest in buying wholesale from Improv’eat knowing they would not have Julian Bakery’s brand name on them.
Just posted Thursday June 27th by Todd Fitts on Pure Wraps Facebook page: “Received a letter from another company claiming they and the USDA have a patent that covers The Pure Wraps coconut wraps. Interestingly, we have a pending patent on making coconut wraps and have found another company has violated our patent”.
June 26th, 2013 Todd Fitts and Heath Squier spoke, with Todd reminding Heath once again of the pending patent for coconut wraps, the first being the above December 3rd, 2012. Heath told Todd that Julian Bakery could have them made in the US instead. Heath also asked for a licensing agreement from Todd and then had the audacity to ask Todd to buy his wraps from Julian Bakery. What??? Why on earth would Todd Fitts buy from Heath Squier and Julian Bakery when Todd owns the patent? A very good question indeed. Todd said he would get back with Heath soon and that Improv’eat would need to protect their employees, those in the Philippines involved in making “The Pure Wraps” and Improv’eat itself. If needed, he would seek legal remedies under the patent laws.
Now forward less than a week to July 1st, 2013 and Todd gets confirmation that Julian Bakery is contacting stores who have been carrying “The Pure Wraps”. Julian Bakery, in an email to a store who has been selling “The Pure Wraps” said, “You might as well order them from us as the other company is looking to buy them from us”. This store forwarded the Julian Bakery email to Todd asking: “Todd, Is that the case? If not I want to call these people on their misinformation”. Now I ask you, why would a company (Improv’eat) having rights to a patented item, buy from Julian Bakery who does not have a production license from Improv’eat to make anything?
Take a look below at what a difference a little over two and a half months make. How do you go from the first picture and get to the fifth picture in two and a half months, producing what is probably hundreds of thousands of Paleo Wraps and dealing with the people and rampant bribery and
corruption in the Philippines? Heath uploaded a video on April 30th with his “new” Paleo Wraps and the three stated ingredients are the same three ingredients as “The Pure Wraps” including the Himalayan Salt which Heath subsequently does not now tout. Now Heath says his Paleo Wraps only have two ingredients. Does Heath think somehow that by dropping the Himalayan Salt that he is no longer violating Todd’s patent? What are the odds that the wraps are the same size at 7 ¼ x7 ¼ inches? The only difference I can see is that Heath packages 7 Paleo Wraps for $9.00 (1.29 ea.) and Pure Wraps packages 4 at 4.29 (1.07 ea.) What are the odds that the Paleo Wraps are the same weight (14g) as “The Pure Wraps”? Are Heath’s early coconut Paleo Wrap pictures his own or are they actually pictures of Improv’eats “The Pure Wraps? Sure makes one wonder.
- January 7th, 2013 Cauliflower www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW595gdPToU
- February 2nd, 2013 Cauliflower www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z65DNbN-gNo
- February 5th, 2013 Cauliflower www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4ipx-g4BgA
- April 30th, 2013 Coconut 2013 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih7SdynZzE8
Julian Bakery went from using cauliflower in their round, dark, and ugly Paleo Wraps in January and February to the final good looking Paleo Wrap at the end of April. His first “Verified Lab Results” were submitted to Medallion Labs on April 29th, 2013. Then the lying weasel took out the Himalayan Salt and had another test done on September 29th, 2013 so his wraps wouldn’t be “exactly” like the Improv’eat wrap.
Heath Squier and the Julian Bakery have been in business raping the low carb and diabetic communities since 1990 and the first three videos indicate this is the best product they could come up with?… on their own until…they found Todd’s company Improv’eat, and were denied private labeling? What did Heath Squier do? Why, he supposedly hiked on over to the Philippines and had his own coconut wraps made. Who cares if Todd has a pending patent? Nothing has ever stopped Heath from bilking anyone before-why would he have any qualms about bilking Todd Fitts and Improv’eat? Well, it appears he doesn’t have any qualms. Can you see now why I call him Bernie Madoff? It seems once a crook always a crook.
Given the long shelf life of “The Pure Wraps” Improv’eat did not want anything leaching into their wraps so they made their packaging biodegradable non-GMO cellulose. In English: there are no plastics with phthalates or dioxins (these are baddies) that could potentially contaminate the wraps. Is it possible Heath copied this too or did he just not know about it? Perhaps when Heath reads this he will copy their packaging too.
Julian Bakery has uploaded literally hundreds if not thousands of videos over the years, let alone saturated the internet with its false advertising.
The Paleo Wraps began selling nationwide near the 1st of July with the Paleo Cereal to follow shortly. Heath boasts over 200,000 customers & brags about being in 30,000 stores.
Heath Squier or Bernie Madoff Take your pick-I see no difference.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.
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Zomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers
Zomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers. Since Sami’s was the baker and he and his partner had split up, the partner needed to find a bakery to make another (falsely labeled) low carb bread. After all, until they were busted, Lori Smith and Sami’s Bakery had made a pile of money.
Zomick’s has rested for awhile now and is at it again. Here are three pictures of their “new lowcarb bread” being sold on the East Coast. They were originally producing Carb Krunchers lowcarb bread until the exposé I did with Arnold Diaz in NYC. So if and when you see these breads in your local grocery or, worst yet your health food store, they are not low carb. Again, it is playing Whack-A-Mole. If you manage to catch them, they just pop up somewhere else. Healthy Delites? It’s a shadowy shell company.
Who is Zomick’s? Zomick’s Bakery is owned by Morris and Gittel Kaff and located in Inwood, New York. It is just one of many, many kosher bakeries in the New York City area. After having approached bakeries throughout the country and asking them to produce a line of supposed low carb breads and bagels and having been turned down as many times the partner finally found Zomick’s to do the dirty work. Zomick’s was willing to bake the products with one set of ingredients specified by the partner, and (falsely) label the products with quite another list of ingredients. Zomick’s name and any contact number as the manufacturer, were never on the label. The labels changed from time to time, there were disconnected phone numbers and at one point the label stated: Distributed by Healthy Delite Snacking Corp. Inwood, NY 11096 and at some other point the label said: Distributed by Carb Krunchers Lynbrook, NY 11563.
Healthy Delite Snacking Corp. was nothing more than a holding warehouse a half mile from Zomick’s where trucks picked up loads of bread bagels, buns, and bownies for distribution across the country to internet websites to be sold to the public.
The label on the bread I ordered to have tested had a disconnected phone number and nothing else except…a circle K kosher sign-Oh My, that pesky little circle K kosher sign. This and this alone, lead me to Zomick’s Bakery and this how it happened. I spent days and days reading everything I could about Carb Krunchers but no contact information was a tuffy. I finally figured out what that little K inside a circle was and then began the hunt for whom to call. I ended up with the Organized Kashrus Laboratories (O/K) 391 Troy Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone: (718) 756-7500. I called and talked to the nicest woman who assured me that yes, it was Zomick’s Bakery that made Carb Krunchers and that it was indeed kosher. She also seemed quite pleased that I could get Carb Krunchers all the way from New York City to Portland, Oregon. BINGO! I had finally found the manufacturer. I ordered my Carb Krunchers from Viva Low Carb and they came shipped from Health Express Distributors.
I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.
I hope you are beginning to see a pattern here. It does not matter where any particular low carb product is made-it can travel across the country and then depending where you purchase, halfway back again. Bread may get a little stale you say, doesn’t it get sent frozen? The answer is yes. It is extremely expensive to ship refrigerated and even more so if items need to remain frozen. It is why we have large distribution centers across the country but then, these fly-by-nights, are not legitimate and are not distributed in any normal way.
What happened to Carb Krunchers?…well…this is the story. I have zero idea, and no recollection at all of how I found the video that Arnold Diaz with Fox5 TV in NYC did regarding Eatrite, but I did. I watched the video (See here): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cZcvdeU&feature=youtu.be and at the end Arnold says “if you’ve got a story idea for us go to Fox5 and tell us about it”. MY EUREKA MOMENT! A place to get a story out. I spent hours composing just the right words to get their attention, hit the send button, and waited…and waited…and waited. It seemed a dead end. Who was I to think Arnold Diaz would talk to me? Some old woman in Portland, OR. And then…out of the blue three or so months later I was finally contacted. ANOTHER EUREKA MOMENT! It actually took several more months to complete the interviewed video and the rest is history. You may watch my Carb Krunchers video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02GYrzPFH2w
Is Carb Krunchers dead? I would love to say yes but sadly the answer is no. Are there people still trying to sell it through the internet? Yes, to this day the Diet Mart and Laurel Health Foods are both trying to drum up business selling this stuff. (Please See Diet Mart & Laurel Health Foods)
These are the internet websites that sold or are still trying to sell Carb Krunchers:
- www.carbkrunchers.com Rossana Forzanti-West Coast Santa Fe Springs, California
- www.laurelhealthfoods.com Curtis Price- East Coast Laurel, Maryland
- www.dietmart.com Steven Soskin-Miami Beach, Florida
- www.vivalowcarb.com Rossana Forzanti-West Coast Santa Fe Springs, California
- www.lowcarb-r-us.com Rossana Forzanti-West Coast Santa Fe Springs, California
- www.thedietshop.biz Joseph Bruno-Ronkonkoma, East Coast New York
- www.low-carb.com Lynn Whitfield-Anderson, South Carolina
- www.sunnybridgenaturalfoods.com Gina Snyder-McMurray, Pennsylvania
- www.lowcarbu.com Jason May-West Coast North Hollywood, California
- www.atkinsbread.com Jason May-West Coast North Hollywood, California
- www.lowcarbconfections.com Jason May-West Coast North Hollywood, California
- www.healthylifeseasons.com Warren Dillard located-West Coast Los Angeles California
www.carbkrunchers.com Nobody ever wanted their name associated with Carb Krunchers, only to make money selling the products. Rossana Forzanti actually had the audacity to obtain the domain name. She originally sold all kinds of products through the site and now she uses it to direct any poor hapless soul still looking for Carb Krunchers into the site where she strictly sells breads, bagels, buns, tortillas, and pushes her Mirico bread line. A while ago, before I busted Heath Squier and Julian Bakery, Rossana also had a full line of breads, under the name Health Express made and private labeled for her by none other than Heath Squier & his JulianBakery. The labels had same ingredients-same nutrition facts. Please click on Images to enlarge.
Please see below for Rossana’s caveats on her home page regarding Carb Krunchers. Rossana has always touted her Viva Low Carb as a “Super Store” “Low Carb” and “Diabetic Friendly” What a piece of work. Rossana’s Carb Krunchers Caveats
Another very deceptive website: www.atkinsbread.com Jason May would probably want you to believe these products are somehow connected to the official Atkins website-believe me they are not.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.

EatRite Foods
Hasta Luego, Ya Crooks
EatRite Foods Company, owned by Patricia and Richard LaPlante, is located in Clearlake, CA. On: http://about.me/eatritefoods It clearly states they have been in business over 15 years. They make and sell, if my count taken from their order form is correct, fifty five separate items.
They sell seven snack items with six stating “sugar free” and “low carb”. These same six label ingredients list FRUCTOSE. Now, the last I knew, fructose is a sugar. I am in possession of three of the many pizzas they produce and on the back of the pizzas are a small circular label that is virtually never shown, and three of the ingredients are CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, and CANE SYRUP. Yes, you read that correctly. Three sugars in a pizza.
On May 2nd, 2012 Arnold Diaz at FOX5 TV in NYC began an expose about Eatrite’s falsely labeled products. On September 10th, 2012 he followed up with this must see video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cZcvdeU&feature=youtu.be I am going to try to finish what Arnold Diaz started. I DID IT-THEY ARE NOW BUSTED AND OUT OF BUSINESS.
I have not had any of the Eatrite products tested nor have I tested them on myself. I am deathly afraid of them. But…Arnold Diaz had six of the products tested through Sani-Pure Foods Laboratories and the figures read like a Stephen King horror novel and are below:
If these figures aren’t enough to scare the bejeezus out of you I don’t know what would. Why on earth would anyone purchase and support an internet purveyor selling these poisons is totally beyond me. I believe the message to these supposed vendors of health should be: Until you get rid of these products we are going to buy absolutely nothing from you. I personally, would never buy anything from them-but that is just me. Some of these companies have made millions of dollars at the expense of hundred of thousands of diabetics and the low carb community. They have nothing to do with health or being “diabetic friendly” and everything to do with GROWING THEIR OWN LITTLE GARDENS OF MONEY TREES. Certainly, if nothing else, please do not delude yourself when buying any of the Eatrite products-they are all falsely labeled, not low carb and definitely not diabetic friendly.
A little side note: Many of their labels say Member Amer. Bariatrics Society & NNFA. I have called both associations and both told me in no uncertain terms that they do not and have never endorsed any products or companies of any kind. Leland Turner at ‘buy eatrite now’ actually uses the words “Bariatric” as one of his Meta tags and “Bariatric Foods” in his title words to draw people to his website. Disgusting.
This is a (partial) list of internet websites that sell Eatrite products. It is probably impossible to know and list everyone who sells them but these are definitely the biggies. Some of these websites will become more familiar as we walk through the various supposed low carb products.
- www.buyeatritenow.com Leland Turner-Midwest Coralville, IA
- www.vivalowcarb.com Rossana Forzanti-West Coast Santa Fe Springs, California
- www.lowcarb-r-us.com Rossana Forzanti-West Coast Santa Fe Springs, California
- www.healthexpressdist.com Rossana Forzanti-West Coast Santa Fe Springs, California
- www.lowcarbu.com Jason May-WestCoast in California
- www.atkinsbread.com Jason May-West Coast North Hollywood, California
- www.lowcarbconfections.com Jason May-West Coast North Hollywood, California
- www.healthylifeseasons.com Warren Dillard-West Coast Los Angeles, California
- www.locarbconnection.com Holly-East Coast Largo, Florida
- www.laurelhealthfoods.com Curtis Price-East Coast Laurel, Maryland
- www.sugarfreemarkets.com Ran Grushkovski-West Coast Woodland Hills, California
Notice at www.locarbconnection.com how Holly says these products are only sold on line and not in her retail store…it sure makes you (me) kinda wonder why. The last website is supposedly a sugar free market as its name implies yet they show a picture of the flip side of an Eatrite Pizza Uno with the three sugars listed above. Sugar Free Market?…Really?…doesn’t sound sugar free to me.
On March 6th, 2013 I sent Rossana Forzanti and Jason May the link to watch the Arnold Diaz-Eatrite video and to this day they continue selling Eatrite products. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cZcvdeU&feature=youtu.be One can only assume that given a choice between the public’s health and money these people have chosen money hands down.
I have filed an FDA complaint and am in the middle of working with the Food and Drug Branch of the California Department of Public Health. We will see what happens.
Here are two things Lisa Lillien aka Hungry Girl says about Eatrite Food Products. Way back on March 3, 2008: http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/965 and then in answer to a question for someone on July 2, 2008 http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/1042
Here’s one pissed off fella: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149131893&page=1
What FOX 5 news started, I finished-THEY ARE NOW BUSTED AND OUT OF BUSINESS.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.