Low Carb Spaetzle. Oh good grief-this is the first pasta/noodles recipe I have tried to make with Cabalose Flour and it is fantastic. If you have never had spaetzle you are in for a treat. Please pardon my description but they look kinda like little white rabbit turds gone wrong. I know, I know, sorry but the taste will more than off-set the description. It seems just about every country in the world has its own way of making pasta and this is the way the Germans make theirs. DO NOT USE CARBQUIK-IT WILL NOT WORK.
After you have made these once or twice your mind will go nuts with the things you can put/do with them. Fried in butter with poppy seeds, with chives, with mushrooms, Parmesan cheese, your favorite sausage, under a light marinara sauce or a robust Puttanesca Sauce, Tomato Sauce loaded with full fat mozzarella, Tomato Basil Cream, heavy cream & Pistol River Porcini Dust, mixed with spinach & gruyere, a few carmelized onions, any cold pasta salad, and gads, these are just a few quick things I can think of. Here is the recipe for Macaroni & Cheese Anything you can do with pasta you can do with this recipe so if you like spaetzle the this low carb spaetzle is for you.
You will need an old fashioned large holed cheese grater or if you actually have a spaetzle grater all the better (I do not). I am of the Alton Brown school of though regarding kitchen tools. If it only does one job I don’t need it. Two is iffy but three or more…sign me up. If you have a potato ricer (again I do not) this will give you a longer skinnier low carb spaetzle which is good for soups like the pic to the right.
All my other Carbalose Recipes are listed at the bottom of the Carbalose Informational Page.
For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry Essentials. I am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes
As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.
2014-06-18 08:13:14
- 1 C Carbalose Flour***
- 2 Eggs
- 6 T Heavy Cream
- 6 T Water
- ½ t Salt
- ¼ t Pepper
- ⅛ t Guar Gum
- ⅛ t Grated Nutmeg
- 2 Drops Liquid Sucralose***
- Bring a pot of water to simmer.
- Put flour & spices together and stir.
- Beat eggs then add water, heavy cream, & Sucralose and add to flour.
- Batter should be of a medium thick consistency.
- Using an old fashioned large holed grater, put about ½ C batter on top, and with grater over the water, run your index finger gently over the dough and let it drop into the water. It will sink and almost immediately float. Cook about 2 minutes.
- Remove with a small strainer or spider.
- Repeat until finished.
- 6 Servings
- 136 Calories, 7.3g Protein, 8.3g Fat, 8.1g Carbs, 4.9g Fiber, 3.2g Net Carbs
- 4 Servings
- 201 Calories, 10.9g Protein, 12.1g Fat, 12.2g Carbs, 7.3g Fiber, 4.9g Net Carbs
- If you think your batter is a bit too thin, add a tad more flour.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/