Tag Archives: low carb connection

EatRite Foods

Hasta Luego, Ya Crooks

EatRite Foods Company, owned by Patricia and Richard LaPlante, is located in Clearlake, CA.  On: http://about.me/eatritefoods  It clearly states they have been in business over 15 years.  They make and sell, if my count taken from their order form is correct, fifty five separate items.

They sell seven snack items with six stating “sugar free” and “low carb”.  These same six label ingredients list FRUCTOSE.  Now, the last I knew, fructose is a sugar.  I am in possession of three of the many pizzas they produce and on the back of the pizzas are a small circular label that is virtually never shown, and three of the ingredients are CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, and CANE SYRUP.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Three sugars in a pizza.

On May 2nd, 2012 Arnold Diaz at FOX5 TV in NYC began an expose about Eatrite’s falsely labeled products. On September 10th, 2012 he followed up with this must see video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cZcvdeU&feature=youtu.be  I am going to try to finish what Arnold Diaz started.  I DID IT-THEY ARE NOW BUSTED AND OUT OF BUSINESS.

I have not had any of the Eatrite products tested nor have I tested them on myself.  I am deathly afraid of them. But…Arnold Diaz had six of the products tested through Sani-Pure Foods Laboratories and the figures read like a Stephen King horror novel and are below:

If these figures aren’t enough to scare the bejeezus out of you I don’t know what would.  Why on earth would anyone purchase and support an internet purveyor selling these poisons is totally beyond me.  I believe the message to these supposed vendors of health should be:  Until you get rid of these products we are going to buy absolutely nothing from you.  I personally, would never buy anything from them-but that is just me.  Some of these companies have made millions of dollars at the expense of hundred of thousands of diabetics and the low carb community. They have nothing to do with health or being “diabetic friendly” and everything to do with GROWING THEIR OWN LITTLE GARDENS OF MONEY TREES.  Certainly, if nothing else, please do not delude yourself when buying any of the Eatrite products-they are all falsely labeled, not low carb and definitely not diabetic friendly.

Money TreeMoney TreeMoney TreeMoney Tree

A little side note:  Many of their labels say Member Amer. Bariatrics Society & NNFA.  I have calledEatRite Foods both associations and both told me in no uncertain terms that they do not and have never endorsed any products or companies of any kind.  Leland Turner at ‘buy eatrite now’ actually uses the words “Bariatric” as one of his Meta tags and “Bariatric Foods” in his title words to draw people to his website.  Disgusting.

This is a (partial) list of internet websites that sell Eatrite products.  It is probably impossible to know and list everyone who sells them but these are definitely the biggies.  Some of these websites will become more familiar as we walk through the various supposed low carb products.

Notice at www.locarbconnection.com how Holly says these products are only sold on line and not in her retail store…it sure makes you (me) kinda wonder why. The last website is supposedly a sugar free market as its name implies yet they show a picture of the flip side of an Eatrite Pizza Uno with the three sugars listed above.  Sugar Free Market?…Really?…doesn’t sound sugar free to me.

MoneyOn March 6th, 2013 I sent Rossana Forzanti and Jason May the link to watch the Arnold Diaz-Eatrite video and to this day they continue selling Eatrite products.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cZcvdeU&feature=youtu.be  One can only assume that given a choice between the public’s health and money these people have chosen money hands down.

I have filed an FDA complaint and am in the middle of working with the Food and Drug Branch of the California Department of Public Health.  We will see what happens.

EatRite FoodsHere are two things Lisa Lillien aka Hungry Girl says about Eatrite Food Products.  Way back on March 3, 2008: http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/965  and then in answer to a question for someone on July 2, 2008 http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/1042

Here’s one pissed off fella:  http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149131893&page=1

What FOX 5 news started, I finished-THEY ARE NOW BUSTED AND OUT OF BUSINESS.

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

The Old Watering Hole