Keto Beef Tataki. I often scour the internet for recipes I have never tried and keto beef tataki is one of those dishes, it sounded terrific, I had all the ingredients on hand, so I decided to try it. OMG it is unbelievable and seriously, not difficult to make at all assuming you have a mandoline for paper thin slicing of the vegetables. The beef is flash sauteéd, cooled, marinated for four hours, and then thinly sliced cold by hand.
The original recipe was kind of a sexy dinner for two people, I left it at that and it could also be used as an appetizer for six. I doubt you would be interested in fixing this as a family dinner, but it can easily be doubled for a dinner party of four to six. I am telling you THIS. IS. GOOD. And despite the list of ingredients it is relatively very, easy. The only thing I changed is the use of honey and the small amount is not needed with the use of an alternative sweetener.
I am writing this recipe in the middle of the Covid19 Pandemic so, if you either have the ingredients or access to them, keto beef tataki is a really nice dinner to fix for someone special that you are cooped up with during this God awful mess we have and are still in.
If by any chance you cut your own whole tenderloin there is a hunk of meat called the wing muscle, it’s usually about a pound, is perfect for this dish, and what I used which I then sliced in half lengthwise to get the second picture up-top.

If you don’t eat with chop sticks (and you should at least try) then this is also a great plate to eat like an animal…very slowly…with your fingers.
For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry Essentials. I am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes
As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto-low carb and diabetic friendly.
Beef Tataki
2020-04-12 10:33:43
- 1 Lb Beef Tenderloin (Smaller Tail End if You Can Get It)
- 1 t Sesame Seeds (Optional-As You Can See I Tried It-Don’t Bother)
- 2 T Tamari
- 2 T Sugar-Free Rice Wine Vinegar
- 2 T Lemon Juice
- 1 T Allulose (Or Sweetener Of Choice)
- 2 T Minced Green Onion Tops
- 1 t Fish Sauce
- 1 t Dried Chili Flakes
- ¼ t Dried Thyme (Crushed If You Have It)
- 1 Persian Cucumber Sliced Paper Thin
- 2 Radishes Sliced Paper Thin (I Used About 3” Of Daikon Radish)
- 1 Shallot Sliced Paper Thin
- 1 T Olive Oil
- 1 t Sugar-Free Rice Wine Vinegar
- 1 t Tamari
- 1 t Allulose*** (Or Sweetener Of Choice)
- ¼ t Salt
- ¼ t Pepper
- 1½ T Olive Oil
- Salt
- Freshly Ground Pepper
- 2 t Fresh Thyme Leaves (Yes, More And Optional)
- Heat sauté pan to hot. Cut tenderloin in half lengthwise, and quickly sear all sides of tenderloin or steak. (You want it rare). Set out to cool and it won’t take long.
- Mix all marinade ingredients, put into a sealable plastic bag, and when steak is cool put into the bag and refrigerate 4-5 hours. SAVE THE MARINADE.
- Slice daikon radish, rinse under cold water, put into small bowl, salt generously, and add cold water to just cover. (This will soften the radish).
- Make vinaigrette, slice shallot and put into vinaigrette. (This will soften shallots).
- Slice cucumber, put into bowl, (no water) and very lightly salt. (This will soften cucumber).
- When ready slice meat as thinly as possible and arrange on plate.
- Drain radish well, add to cucumber, mix and arrange on plate.
- Place shallots on top of salad, then spoon dressing over all.
- Put remaining marinade in small dipping bowl and put in the center.
- Drizzle meat with olive oil, lightly salt, then sprinkle with thyme leaves.
- 2 Servings
- 493 Calories, 57.5 Protein, 26.3g Fat, 8.9g Carbs, 3.3g Fiber, 5.6g Net Carbs
- I think a flat iron steak might make a good stand-in for beef tenderloin and a hanger steak works really well.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/