Tag Archives: zomicks bakery

Zomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers

Zomick’s Bakery & Carb KrunchersZomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers. Since Sami’s was the baker and he and his partner had split up, the partner needed to find a bakery to make another (falsely labeled) low carb bread.  After all, until they were busted, Lori Smith and Sami’s Bakery had made a pile of money.

Zomick’s has rested for awhile now and is at it again. Here are three pictures of their “new lowcarb bread” being sold on the East Coast.  They were originally producing Carb Krunchers lowcarb bread until the exposé I did with Arnold Diaz in NYC.  So if and when you see these breads in your local grocery or, worst yet your health food store, they are not low carb.  Again, it is playing Whack-A-Mole.  If you manage to catch them, they just pop up somewhere else.  Healthy Delites? It’s a shadowy shell company.

Zomick’s Bakery & Carb KrunchersZomick’s Bakery & Carb KrunchersZomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers




Zomick’s Bakery & Carb Krunchers

Who is Zomick’s?  Zomick’s Bakery is owned by Morris and Gittel Kaff and located in Inwood, New York.  It is just one of many, many kosher bakeries in the New York City area.  After having approached bakeries throughout the country and asking them to produce a line of supposed low carb breads and bagels and having been turned down as many times the partner finally found Zomick’s to do the dirty work.  Zomick’s was willing to bake the products with one set of ingredients specified by the partner, and (falsely) label the products with quite another list of ingredients.  Zomick’s name and any contact number as the manufacturer, were never on the label.  The labels changed from time to time, there were disconnected phone numbers and at one point the label stated:  Distributed by Healthy Delite Snacking Corp. Inwood, NY 11096 and at some other point the label said: Distributed by Carb Krunchers Lynbrook, NY  11563.

Classic BrowniesHealthy Delite Snacking Corp. was nothing more than a holding warehouse a half mile from Zomick’s where trucks picked up loads of bread bagels, buns, and bownies for distribution across the country to internet websites to be sold to the public.

The label on the bread I ordered to have tested had a disconnected phone number and nothing else except…a circle K kosher sign-Oh My, that pesky little circle K kosher sign.  This and this alone, lead me to Zomick’s Bakery and this how it happened.  I spent days and days reading everything I could about Carb Krunchers but no contact information was a tuffy.  I finally figured out what that little K inside a circle was and then began the hunt for whom to call.  I ended up with the Organized Kashrus Laboratories (O/K) 391 Troy Ave., Brooklyn, NY  11213 Phone: (718) 756-7500.  I called and talked to the nicest woman who assured me that yes, it was Zomick’s Bakery that made Carb Krunchers and that it was indeed kosher.  She also seemed Bingoquite pleased that I could get Carb Krunchers all the way from New York City to Portland, Oregon.  BINGO!  I had finally found the manufacturer.  I ordered my Carb Krunchers from Viva Low Carb  and they came shipped from Health Express Distributors.

I want to emphasize that I DO NOT inject insulin and I DO NOT take any diabetic drugs which in my opinion makes me a perfect guinea pig to test any supposed low carb product.


December 18, 2012 Ordered From Viva Low Carb Received From Health Express

I hope you are beginning to see a pattern here.  It does not matter where any particular low carb product is made-it can travel across the country and then depending where you purchase, halfway back again.  Bread may get a little stale you say, doesn’t it get sent frozen?  The answer is yes.  It is extremely expensive to ship refrigerated and even more so if items need to remain frozen.  It is why we have large distribution centers across the country but then, these fly-by-nights, are not legitimate and are not distributed in any normal way.

What happened to Carb Krunchers?…well…this is the story.  I have zero idea, and no recollection at all of how I found the video that Arnold Diaz with Fox5 TV in NYC did regarding Eatrite, but I did.  I watched the video (See here): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp8cZcvdeU&feature=youtu.be   and at the end Arnold says “if you’ve got a story idea for us go to Fox5 and tell us about it”.  MY EUREKA MOMENT! A place to get a story out.  I spent hours composing just the right words to get their attention, hit the send button, and waited…and waited…and waited.  It seemed a dead end.  Who was I to think Arnold Diaz would talk to me?  Some old woman in Portland, OR.  And then…out of the blue three or so months later I was finally contacted.  ANOTHER EUREKA MOMENT!  It actually took several more months to complete the interviewed video and the rest is history.  You may watch my Carb Krunchers video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02GYrzPFH2w

Is Carb Krunchers dead?  I would love to say yes but sadly the answer is no.  Are there people still trying to sell it through the internet?  Yes, to this day the Diet Mart and Laurel Health Foods are both trying to drum up business selling this stuff.  (Please See Diet Mart & Laurel Health Foods)

These are the internet websites that sold or are still trying to sell Carb Krunchers:

www.carbkrunchers.com  Nobody ever wanted their name associated with Carb Krunchers, only toRossana Forzanti make money selling the products.  Rossana Forzanti actually had the audacity to obtain the domain name.  She originally sold all kinds of products through the site and now she uses it to direct any poor hapless soul still looking for Carb Krunchers into the site where she strictly sells breads, bagels, buns, tortillas, and pushes her Mirico bread line.  A while ago, before I busted Heath Squier and Julian Bakery, Rossana also had a full line of breads, under the name Health Express made and private labeled for her by none other than Heath Squier & his JulianBakery. The labels had same ingredients-same nutrition facts.  Please click on Images to enlarge.

Health Express Oat Bran Bread 1 Net Carb

Please see below for Rossana’s caveats on her home page regarding Carb Krunchers.  Rossana has always touted her Viva Low Carb as a “Super Store” “Low Carb” and “Diabetic Friendly” What a piece of work.  Rossana’s Carb Krunchers Caveats

Another very deceptive website:  www.atkinsbread.com  Jason May would probably want you to believe these products are somehow connected to the official Atkins website-believe me they are not.

Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”.  At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded:  “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered:  “I like it”…I like it too.

Selling Meters