Tag Archives: paleo recipe

Low Carb Crispy Chicken Under Onion Shroom Cream

Low Carb Crispy Chicken Under Onion Shroom CreamLow Carb Crispy Chicken Under Onion Shroom Cream. No white meat here but instead  crispy thigh meat and it’s a match made in heaven.  We are going to combine some of the recipes found on this site, add a few ingredients and oh well, you’ll see.  Not sure about all of you out there but for me I can get tired making some of the old recipes month after month and then year after year.  I like to mix things up making different tastes and this is one of those mix-mash-ups.  My gravies never have flour in them and they are pretty much very high fat as I use reduced 40% heavy cream.

You will need the recipe for Crunchy Deep Fried Chicken Chips and then we’ll make the gravy.  You can mix up the mushrooms you use and at least for me, and because I have them and grind my own dust, I will be adding porcinis as dust.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Crispy Chicken Under Onion Mushroom Cream
  1. 1 Recipe Crunchy Deep Fried Chicken Chips
  2. 1 Large Slivered Onion
  3. 1 T Butter
  4. 1 T Olive Oil
  5. ½ Lb Mushrooms
  6. 2 T Butter
  7. 2 T Olive Oil
  8. 2 C Heavy Cream
  9. 2 t Chicken Base
  10. 1½ t Porcini Dust
  11. 1 t Pepper
  1. Slowly caramelize onions in butter/oil mix. Remove and set aside.
  2. Sauté mushrooms in butter/oil mix. Remove and set aside.
  3. Add rest of ingredients reducing cream slightly, add back onions, mushrooms and heat.
  4. Top chicken chips.
  5. 6 Servings
  6. 919 Calories, 44.6g Fat, 40.6g Protein, 5.8g Carbs, .7g Fiber, 5.1g Net Carbs
  1. Nutritionals include the chicken chips.
  2. Want a more herby sauce? Add the ones you like.
  3. Want wine? Add it.
  4. Like bacon? Crumble some in.
  5. Rather have the sauce with pork? Go for it.
  6. Rather have the sauce on a steak? Use a steak.
  7. Your kids like meatballs? Yep, great with meatballs too.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Spaghetti Squash Traditional Tomato Sauce

Low Carb Spaghetti Squash With Traditional Tomato SauceLow Carb Spaghetti Squash Traditional Tomato Sauce. This is about as low carb as you can make spaghetti squash with tomato sauce. Tomatoes, if using enough to make a sauce, inherently have carbs and for that matter so does spaghetti squash.  I do not eat this often nor do I eat any more than one serving but it is so, so good and if you happen to have the Italian Dipping Oil Herbs you are already halfway home. One half order actually makes a very nice dinner side accompaniment. The sauce is also very good on Spaetzle.

Another great addition to this basic recipe is one of these wonderful Large Meatballs.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto-low carb and diabetic friendly.

Traditional Spaghetti Squash With Tomato Sauce
  1. 2¼ C Cooked Spaghetti Squash
  2. 1 Can Diced or Crushed Tomatoes (I Use Diced-I Like It Chunky)
  3. ½ C Slivered Onions
  4. ½ C Sauteed Mushrooms
  5. ½ C Water
  6. 2 T Good Red Wine
  7. 1 t Crushed Garlic***
  8. 1 t Dried Italian Herbs
  9. ¼ t Dried Basil
  10. ½ t Salt
  11. ¼ t Pepper
  12. Sprinkled Guar Gum (Trust Me It Doesn't Take Much)
  13. 2 T Olive Oil
  14. 2 T Parmesan Cheese
  1. Excluding squash dump first 10 ingredients in sauce pan, cover and bring to very low simmer for at least an hour and/or until onions are totally translucent.
  2. Sprinkle a very tiny amount guar gum to thicken sauce. (I use an old salt shaker)
  3. Top squash with sauce, drizzle with 1 T olive oil, & sprinkle with 1 T Parmesan cheese.
  4. Eat it up.
  5. 4 Servings
  6. 113 Calories 1.3g Protein, 7.0g Fat, 11.2g Carbs, 2.5g Fiber, 8.7g Net Carbs
  7. 2 Servings
  8. 225 Calories, 2.5g Protein, 14.0g Fat, 22.3g Carbs, 5.0g Fiber, 17.3g Net Carbs
  1. To extend this dish a bit add ¼ lb. hamburger to sauce or top with meatballs which will add no additional carbs.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Keto Porcini Wine Cream

Low Carb Porcini Wine CreamKeto Porcini Wine Cream. This is the same basic sauce as the Porcini Cream except we are subbing chicken base for beef base and adding dry white wine. You are looking at a beautiful veal loin chop and the smooth version is over the Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu.  Stuff a Flaxseed Meal Crêpe with anything savory and top it with keto porcini wine cream…Oh Good Grief.  There are a million (not really) variations of this sauce and I have probably, at some time or another, used them in the restaurant.  It gets kind of fun to name a dish if you are using it as a nightly or weekly special. You also might try smothering Spaetzle & adding lots of fresh cracked pepper.  OK, my mind is going nuts thinking about all the possibilities so…let your own minds wander a little-mine needs a rest.

You might take a quick peek while you’re here looking  Biscuits, Eggs & Sausage Gravy

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto-low carb and diabetic friendly.

Porcini Wine Cream
  1. ¼ C Heavy Cream
  2. ¼ Hot Water
  3. 1 T Dry White Wine
  4. ¼ t Chicken Base
  5. ¼ t Porcini Dust Or ¼ Oz Crushed Dried Porcini Mushrooms
  6. ⅛ t Pepper
  1. If using dried porcini mushrooms add them to hot water 10-15 minutes or until softened. DO NOT throw the liquor away, put it into the cream.
  2. If using porcini dust disregard the hot water. and add all ingredients to sauce pan, reducing slightly.
  3. 1 Serving
  4. 260 Calories, 0.0g Protein, 24.0g Fat, 0.2g Carbs, 0.0g Fiber, 0.2g Net Carbs
  1. As recipe is for 1 serving simply multiply by number needed.
  2. As you can see I used porcini dust for the Cordon Bleu.
  3. Add a little lemon juice to enhance for a creamed seafood dish.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/

Low Carb Mashed Cauliflower

Low Carb Mashed CauliflowerLow Carb Mashed Cauliflower. There is no recipe card here, just instructions for non-watery mashed cauliflower.

Trim off leaves and very end of stems of 3 heads cauliflower. All the rest is usable. Cut cauliflower into manageable chunks, put in a large stock pot, cover with water and boil the hell out it.  Dump it into the sink, drain and let cool. If the heads are large it may take two boilings.

Take a handful and squeeze out all the water you can. Repeat until finished.

Put squished cauliflower in appropriate size mixing bowl and mash the hell out of it or/and the easy way is to use an emersion blender. This will make the cauliflower truly potato-like with a lot less clean up than using a food processor.

And then there is the steamed version and I am not opposed to it-I just do it as above. Please, use the cauliflower cores.  They mash just like the florets and if you are throwing them away…

What else I do:

Since there are two of us I freeze 1½-2 cups in individual containers and pull out of freezer as needed and here is what happens: Even more water comes out…and I mean lots more. I drain off the liquid and heat it very slowly which pretty much gets rid of the last of its water and best thing?…no more watery mashed cauliflower!

With this recipe it’s Katy bar the door and the possibilities are nearly endless. Top it like you would a loaded baked potato, put garlic in it, put in under things-Oh good grief I can think of more things than I can write down and anyway you get the idea and I use it with quite a few of the entrée and soup recipes on the site.

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.