What low carb resources can you trust these days? Any product can indeed be stated and tested as low carb and not actually be. Here are some you will want to read about.
Tag Archives: julian bakery paleo protein bar reviews

Julian Bakery and Heath Squier The “Bernie Madoff” of the Low Carb Internet Scam Artists
Like all true diabetics I went onto the internet trying to find a “recipe” for low carb bread. Anywhere and everywhere I went ads popped up for Julian Bakery and the absolute natural thing to do was, at some point, click on one. My first thoughts were to look at the ingredients to see if I could re-create a bread of my own. Pretty much my working life had been dealing with food in one way or another. The ingredients, which may have looked Greek to many, looked very high carby to me. Their Smart Carb #1 original ingredients listed as: Fresh Ground Whole Grain Wheat, Sprouts of Kamut, Spelt, Rye, Lentils, Sesame Seeds, Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Ground Flaxseed, Wheat Bran, Oat Bran, Eggs, Undenatured Whey Protein Isolate (90%), Chicory Root (Inulin Fiber), Wheat Gluten, Yeast & Sea Salt. Other breads listed Teff, Brown Rice Flour, (and many more) all extremely high in carbohydrates.
The first thing I did was visit the Bob’s Red Mill website and make a chart of the carb content in 1/4 cup of each ingredient. Please See Here (How lucky am I that I live in Portland, OR the home of Bob’s. I have been there and what a spectacular place). I then took an educated guess as to the amount of each ingredient that might be in the breads’ compositions and came to a far different conclusion as to the stated carb counts on the nutritional labels.
For additional reading to see the numerous ways the Julian Bakery has been lying to you:
- Defense Nutrition LLC vs Julian Bakery Lawsuit Being sued for over $506,000.
- Falsely Labeled Paleo Protein Bars The Julian Bakery is being sued by their co-packer.
- Two Newest Julian Bakery Lawsuits Explained.
- Julian Bakery’s Continued Pathological Lying Explained.
- More Evidence Of Heath Squier’s Pathological Lying
- Another Julian Bakery FDA Warning Letter
- Are You Being Duped And Do You Like It?
- Does Paleo Money Trump Paleo Ethics?
- Julian Bakery Paleo Protein Bars Being Sold On Craigslist
- Solution Of The Julian Bakery Debacle: Let Hong Kong People Use Their Tastebuds
- Julian Bakery Moldy Paleo Bars
- Heath Squier’s Psychopathic Behavior
- Mr. & Mrs. Narcissistic
- FedEx vs Julian Bakery Sued for over $241,000 Court Docs available.
- My Googled Website Terms For Heath Squier & The Julian Bakery
- Julian Bakery Paleo Protein Bars Being Sold On Craigslist
- Julian Bakery Lying Again: This Time About Their “New Mud Pie” Paleo Wraps
Here is a YouTube Video of my own Moldy Paleo Bars.
Late Breaking News. A giant of the shipping industry has had to sue Julian Bakery for $241,274.27 Court Docs here FedEx vs Julian Bakery
The FDA has stepped in…again. This time with a warning letter http://1.usa.gov/1t2SH7N regarding…you guessed it…more falsely labeled breads. They have four Paleo breads and two Carb Zero breads that are now under suspect according to the FDA. So, let’s hope the Julian Bakery Paleo Breads are all but toast.And yet more moldy bread uploaded by Palak Q in Lombard, IL on 11/15/2013
Where do I start? Both the bread had mold on ALL the slices! I opened the package the same day it arrived, so it’s not that it was sitting in my refrigerator or anything. I almost puked when I saw mold in the bread I had a few bits of. See pictures I posted.
Conclusion: DO NOT BUY!
Now, if this many people have posted pictures of moldy Paleo Bread on Yelp how many people do you think have actually ordered and received moldy Paleo Bread?
Speaking of moldy Paleo products these are the Julian Bakery’s newest #epicfail. Moldy Paleo Protein Bars. One from Amazon and one from Yelp. Click on either picture to get that up close and personal. BUT WAIT… THERE’S MORE Julian Bakery Moldy Paleo Bars
The quote below is during the Heath Squier Panic of 2012 in answer to questions about why Julian Bakery had changed their Smart Carb breads.
“Our diabetic customers were experiencing sugar spikes after eating the breads; we had to change it due to liability issues; thus, the Original will not be offered; a comparable bread is the Amazing Sourdough. It is low carb, low in calories, and the texture is extremely similar to that of the Original #1 with just a hint of a sourdough taste.” Notice, now he was telling people a comparable bread was the Amazing Sourdough. What an utter crock. I also had this bread lab tested and it was nearly as bad. Please see Other Personally Glucose Tested Products
I had a total of five Julian Bakery breads tested and all failed miserably. Please see Five Julian Bakery Breads vs Lab Results Compared Side By Side The consequences: As I said, of the original 21 breads produced, none are currently being sold. They have developed six new products and God help the people who are eating them. I guess my question might be: Why would anyone want to support Julian Bakery by buying anything from them when they have literally made millions and millions of dollars off the backs of diabetics and the low carb community, let alone pay 10.00-12.00 for a tiny 6 inch (yes I measured it) loaf of bread?
They had developed a total of 21 breads deleting some, changing names, and adding new ones. They did not make one low carb product but boy oh boy they sure knew how to make millions of dollars hawking on the internet.
Regarding Whole Foods Market: It took five letters, five bread tests, and about nine months but I finally (at least) got this company’s products out of their Pacific Northwest regional stores where I live. As of this writing they have not been taken out of any other regions. Shame on you Whole Foods Market
UPDATE: Julian Bakery breads are again back in my region of Whole Foods. I wrote a sixth letter yesterday September, 24th, 2013 to Pete Bourgeault and Venus Lewis and all six letters may be read here. 6 Letters To Whole Foods They are in order as written. John Mackey the head honcho at Whole Foods wrote a book not long ago entitled Conscious Capitalism. Conscious Capitalism?…Are you kidding?…I don’t think so.
Julian Bakery has gone back to using some original very high carb ingredients in their 2 best selling breads including: Kamut, Spelt, Rye, Lentils, Millet, Quinoa, & Amaranth. I suspect the carb counts may again be incorrect. Check daily as the ingredients change often. Several weeks ago I copied and pasted: Teff, Millet, Amaranth, Kamut, Quinoa, Spelt, and Brown Rice Flour. If the ingredients are always changing why would you trust their “Verified Lab Results”?
Now, I totally understand that there are people, who for health reasons of their own, want to eat low carb breads but there are other companies which I will explain to you on another page that serve the same purpose and these companies have not bilked, cheated, and made millions from the diabetic and low carb communities.
Another deceptive practice used by Julian Bakery: On their website they use reviews submitted years ago when their products were riding high…and high carb, to sell today’s skunky products.
If you want to read real reviews go to Yelp. This is one of the best and funniest videos I have ever watched. I had streaming tears when I was finished with it. Title: Julian Bakery Sponge Or Bread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdDfF4hXfj4 As of the date of this writing there are over 429,000 hits to this video and actually many more as other people have posted this same video elsewhere on the internet. Yeah!
My bottom line: Though of course I can laugh with the best of them, this has been, and is, very serious business for me. The effects of Diabetes are accumulative and that is anything but funny.
Julian Bakery lied through their teeth for years about the carb content in their breads but I can say this with absolute certainty, their internet marketing is very, very, good and…bad on them. Complaints Filed With The BBB-Rating D+. Update October 12th, 2013: Julian Bakery has now been downgraded to an F by the BBB. Notice these complaints were made in a very compacted period of time and that Heath is saying due to their increase in business…blah, blah, blah. This had absolutely nothing to do with his increase in business and everything to do with the fact that the FDA had come after him. He was trying to get his new Paleo Breads out, he had to stop production of his falsely labeled breads, and he had to come up with new formulas for his bad breads all while continually trying to process orders. In other words-Heath Squier was in full blow panic mode.
I also want to add here that the FDA did its job. I do not know if I had not had their help, that I could have accomplished what I did. So, though I would not take my hat off very often to any government agency, in this case, my hat goes off to the FDA.
Heath Squier and his company Julian Bakery have now begun selling their “Paleo Wraps” using a manufacturing company in the Philippines. However, there is a patent pending on these coconut wraps. Improv’eat has been making and offering them under the brand name “The Pure Wraps” for several years. Along comes Julian Bakery who has been forced to cease producing their signature bread products, and is now going to cut Improv’eat and their “Pure Wraps” off at the knees by violating a patent. Heath and Todd Fitts, owner of Improv’eat and home of “The Pure Wraps” spoke on December 3rd, 2012. Heath apparently seemed rather panicky and wanted Todd’s company to make and private label a duplicate of “The Pure Wraps” for Julian Bakery telling Todd they would buy by the pallet load and wanted pricing. Todd politely told him that they did not private label at this time but he could check back next year and that there is a pending patent for these coconut wraps. Heath continued to express interest in buying wholesale from Improv’eat knowing they would not have Julian Bakery’s brand name on them.
Just posted Thursday June 27th by Todd Fitts on Pure Wraps Facebook page: “Received a letter from another company claiming they and the USDA have a patent that covers The Pure Wraps coconut wraps. Interestingly, we have a pending patent on making coconut wraps and have found another company has violated our patent”.
June 26th, 2013 Todd Fitts and Heath Squier spoke, with Todd reminding Heath once again of the pending patent for coconut wraps, the first being the above December 3rd, 2012. Heath told Todd that Julian Bakery could have them made in the US instead. Heath also asked for a licensing agreement from Todd and then had the audacity to ask Todd to buy his wraps from Julian Bakery. What??? Why on earth would Todd Fitts buy from Heath Squier and Julian Bakery when Todd owns the patent? A very good question indeed. Todd said he would get back with Heath soon and that Improv’eat would need to protect their employees, those in the Philippines involved in making “The Pure Wraps” and Improv’eat itself. If needed, he would seek legal remedies under the patent laws.
Now forward less than a week to July 1st, 2013 and Todd gets confirmation that Julian Bakery is contacting stores who have been carrying “The Pure Wraps”. Julian Bakery, in an email to a store who has been selling “The Pure Wraps” said, “You might as well order them from us as the other company is looking to buy them from us”. This store forwarded the Julian Bakery email to Todd asking: “Todd, Is that the case? If not I want to call these people on their misinformation”. Now I ask you, why would a company (Improv’eat) having rights to a patented item, buy from Julian Bakery who does not have a production license from Improv’eat to make anything?
Take a look below at what a difference a little over two and a half months make. How do you go from the first picture and get to the fifth picture in two and a half months, producing what is probably hundreds of thousands of Paleo Wraps and dealing with the people and rampant bribery and
corruption in the Philippines? Heath uploaded a video on April 30th with his “new” Paleo Wraps and the three stated ingredients are the same three ingredients as “The Pure Wraps” including the Himalayan Salt which Heath subsequently does not now tout. Now Heath says his Paleo Wraps only have two ingredients. Does Heath think somehow that by dropping the Himalayan Salt that he is no longer violating Todd’s patent? What are the odds that the wraps are the same size at 7 ¼ x7 ¼ inches? The only difference I can see is that Heath packages 7 Paleo Wraps for $9.00 (1.29 ea.) and Pure Wraps packages 4 at 4.29 (1.07 ea.) What are the odds that the Paleo Wraps are the same weight (14g) as “The Pure Wraps”? Are Heath’s early coconut Paleo Wrap pictures his own or are they actually pictures of Improv’eats “The Pure Wraps? Sure makes one wonder.
- January 7th, 2013 Cauliflower www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW595gdPToU
- February 2nd, 2013 Cauliflower www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z65DNbN-gNo
- February 5th, 2013 Cauliflower www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4ipx-g4BgA
- April 30th, 2013 Coconut 2013 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih7SdynZzE8
Julian Bakery went from using cauliflower in their round, dark, and ugly Paleo Wraps in January and February to the final good looking Paleo Wrap at the end of April. His first “Verified Lab Results” were submitted to Medallion Labs on April 29th, 2013. Then the lying weasel took out the Himalayan Salt and had another test done on September 29th, 2013 so his wraps wouldn’t be “exactly” like the Improv’eat wrap.
Heath Squier and the Julian Bakery have been in business raping the low carb and diabetic communities since 1990 and the first three videos indicate this is the best product they could come up with?… on their own until…they found Todd’s company Improv’eat, and were denied private labeling? What did Heath Squier do? Why, he supposedly hiked on over to the Philippines and had his own coconut wraps made. Who cares if Todd has a pending patent? Nothing has ever stopped Heath from bilking anyone before-why would he have any qualms about bilking Todd Fitts and Improv’eat? Well, it appears he doesn’t have any qualms. Can you see now why I call him Bernie Madoff? It seems once a crook always a crook.
Given the long shelf life of “The Pure Wraps” Improv’eat did not want anything leaching into their wraps so they made their packaging biodegradable non-GMO cellulose. In English: there are no plastics with phthalates or dioxins (these are baddies) that could potentially contaminate the wraps. Is it possible Heath copied this too or did he just not know about it? Perhaps when Heath reads this he will copy their packaging too.
Julian Bakery has uploaded literally hundreds if not thousands of videos over the years, let alone saturated the internet with its false advertising.
The Paleo Wraps began selling nationwide near the 1st of July with the Paleo Cereal to follow shortly. Heath boasts over 200,000 customers & brags about being in 30,000 stores.
Heath Squier or Bernie Madoff Take your pick-I see no difference.
Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but Verify”. At the signing of the INF Treaty, his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: “you repeat that at every meeting,” to which Reagan answered: “I like it”…I like it too.
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