Tag Archives: chicken fried steak

Keto Chicken Fried Steak

Keto Chicken Fried SteakKeto Chicken Fried Steak. My use of Ground Pork Rinds has almost gotten to the ridiculous…but not quite.  This chicken fried steak is so easy and nearly zero carbs.  When I was a kid my mom used to fix us minute steaks, minus any gravy, and today you can’t even find minute steaks.  I finally ended up with a ¼ lb “Denver Steak” whatever the heck that is.  I lived in Denver, Colorado and there was certainly no such steak when I was there.

A Denver steak is taken from the fattiest part of the chuck and definitely not cubed nor could I get my market to cube it.  It seems like a ploy to get more money for a traditionally tougher cut of beef.  They didn’t have the equipment to cube my expensive steak so…I did it myself with my Norpro Meat Pounder and Dough Docker.  You know, if some kitchen gadget has only one use I don’t want it, if it plays with a couple of different hats then maybe, and if it does three jobs…then sign me up.

I thought ¼ lb of meat wouldn’t be enough but all the other stuff I had coupled with the high fat content of the heavy cream, was plenty enough. Yes, you can have a fabulous keto chicken fried steak in life-you just found it here.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Chicken Fried Steak
  1. 2 ¼-⅓ Lb Denver, Cube, Or Minute Steak
  2. 1 Egg
  3. 2 T Sour Cream
  4. ¾-1 C Pork Dust
  5. 3-4 T Fat (I Used Lard)
  6. ⅔ C Heavy Cream
  7. 1 t Chicken Base
  8. ½ t Pepper
  1. Whip egg and sour cream and put on large plate.
  2. Put smaller amount pork dust on another large plate.
  3. Heat fat to medium, medium high.
  4. Dredge both sides of meat in egg then into pork dust. Repeat. If you need more dust add the last ¼ C.
  5. Lay into fat, sauté until blood comes to top, turn and finish. Plate.
  6. Add heavy cream, chicken base, and pepper to pan and reduce slightly. More pepper to taste.
  7. 2 Servings
  8. 916 Calories, 26.2g Protein, 73.4g Fat, 0.7g Carbs, 0g Fiber, 0.7g Net Carbs
  1. If you used a cube or minute steak DO NOT pound it as they are usable from the git-go. They will also take less time to cook.
  2. Because I ended up with a tender piece of meat (the Denver steak) I did not wait for the tell-tale blood to come to the surface. Since I like my meat rare it turned out about medium rare which was perfect.
  3. Lord forbid I was out of mashed cauliflower so I paired spaghetti squash mixed with butter & poppy seeds and what a great combo it turned out to be.
  4. Very high fat but < than 1g carbs.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/