Tag Archives: cheesy creamed shrimp

Keto Cheesy Creamed Shrimp

Keto Cheesy Creamed ShrimpLow Carb Cheesy Creamed ShrimpKeto Cheesy Creamed Shrimp. It can be a lot of fun turning a recipe I wouldn’t eat in 1,000 years, into something low carb that I can pig out on and Keto Cheesy Creamed Shrimp is one such recipe.  It has more cheese in it than you can shake a stick at and in my opinion, shrimp is a terrific substitute for pasta.  As you look at the recipe, it’s really kind of a cheese fondue over shrimp.  Pretty sure you all know this but restaurants, and of course the junk-food pushers, all realize how much less expensive it is to fill you with bread, rice, potatoes and pasta, thus having to serve you lots less meat as a main course.  I have never said that low carb is inexpensive although it is what I do believe.  Over the course of a lifetime there is the old pay-me-now or pay-me-later adage.  If you eat a lifetime of healthy food you will more than likely save yourself from many of the ills (and healthcare costs) that accompany the eating of junk food and old age.

I had a small amount of 5 different cheeses and I wanted to use a couple of them up but the idea here is to use about 4 cups mixed cheeses total being sure to at least include brie.

I love and eat a lot of raclette cheese. Every once in a while I eat it for breakfast but also mixed in with other cheeses, it is heavenly.  Not only does raclette have great meltability, it stays melty even as your food begins to cool.  I know there are tons of wonderful cheeses, many of which I have tried but for everyday eating raclette (and Gruyere) are second to none.

For a list of products you may not be familiar with and used on this site, please read Low Carb Pantry EssentialsI am NOT sponsor-compensated for recommending a product that I use*** And here, in one tidy package, are over 550 Keto~Paleo~Low Carb~Diabetic Chef’s Recipes

As I am a Type II diabetic, all recipes on this website are keto or low carb and diabetic friendly.

Cheesy Creamed Shrimp
  1. 1 Lb Shelled Shrimp Sautéed & Cut Into Bite Size Pieces. (Depending On Size I Cut Into 3-4 Chunks)
  2. 2 T Butter
  3. 2½ C Heavy Cream
  4. ⅓ C White Wine
  5. 1 t Chicken Base
  6. ¾ t Dried Thyme
  7. ¼ t Nutmeg
  8. 1½ C Gruyère Cheese Grated
  9. 1½ C Brie Cheese Chopped Finely (No Rind)
  10. 1 C Grated Cheddar Cheese
  11. (Various Cheeses To Use: Gruyère, Brie, Cheddar, Raclette, Mozzarella)
  12. ½ C Sliced Green Onion Tops (Divided) (Optional)
  13. ¼ C Parmesan Cheese (Optional)
  14. ¼ C Pork Dust (Optional)
  15. Freshly Ground Pepper
  1. In large pan, sauté shrimp pieces quickly in butter. Set aside.
  2. Mix all cheeses. Set aside letting them come to room temperature.
  3. Add heavy cream, wine, chicken base, thyme, nutmeg, and ¼ C green onions to pan and begin to reduce slightly remembering the cheese will tighten things considerably.
  4. Remove from heat and slowly stir in cheeses until melted.
  5. Add back shrimp and mix thoroughly.
  6. Mix Parmesan cheese and pork dust.
  7. Put shrimp into appropriate size baking pan 8”x8”, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese & pork dust and broil until golden brown.
  8. Sprinkle with last of green onions and serve with lots of cracked pepper.
  9. 6 Servings
  10. 769 Calories, 32.9g Protein, 64.8g Fat, 1.6g Carbs, 0.3g Fiber, 1.3g Net Carbs
  1. So, we have now NOT eaten: 1 Lb. Pasta-339g carbs, 1½ C Breadcrumbs-117g carbs, ¼ C Flour-24g carbs, and used 2½ C Heavy Cream instead of 4 C Milk-48g carbs for a grand total of 528g carbs or 88g carbs per serving. You just traded 88 carb grams for a mere 1.3g carbs. and…look at that fat content.
  2. Just because a recipe ingredient says optional doesn't mean if you leave it out the dish will taste the same because it won't. So give it consideration when choosing to omit something that says "optional". If you don't have pork dust at least use the Parmesan cheese.
  3. I used a larger boat dish for an individual serving but since most of you will not have these any glass baking dish will work. I happen to like being able to eat this with a spoon so I don't miss any of the sauce.
  4. It's pretty difficult to "cut" brie cheese so you may have to kind of mush it with your fingers. Do use fresh brie as it tends to mold as it ages and DOES NOT taste good.
Diabetic Chef's Recipes https://diabeticchefsrecipes.com/